Teardrops [Part 8]

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In the morning when the doors are opening, Gladers were mulling over them, with Chuck on the front. From the distance, I saw three people emerged from the Maze.

They made it.

They really did! No one has ever survived a night in the Maze... Well I'll be damned.

The girl's right, everything is going to change. Med-Jacks are taking Alby into the upper Homestead; that he'd been stung.

I passed by with Thomas and he gave me a smile, which I don't know why, but it made me feel better.
He, Minho and the other Keepers were going to have a Gathering without Alby; so that means Newt would be in charge now.

I was actually confused why Thomas was going to the Gathering, but I do think it has to do with him going inside the Maze. It is still a violation against the Glade rules.

I saw Gally at the corner of my eye but decided to hold it for now and let us have a distance for awhile. Maybe that's what he needed. Maybe that's what I need.

I sighed and decided to come back and lie down at the infirmary. I think it finally took more than a couple of days but I think I'll be out of here anytime soon. They can't force me to be contained, I'm not an animal.

Being bored as always, I decided to climb up the steps to the upper floor. It seems quiet, because not many people are often sick. But I guess sick people aren't really noisy. I don't even know why the Builders built two floors.

Maybe just in case? And at the thought of Builders, Gally came back to the picture. Well shuck him. Why do I care anyway?

I felt tears stung my eyes so I took a deep breath and hold it back. Not gonna lie, but it hurts. It hurts pretending I don't care.

I quickly realized I came upon the unidentified girl's room. Out of curiosty, I pushed the door open and saw the girl, lying on the bed.

Maybe I shouldn't even come here...

I closed the door again quietly and jumped when someone tapped my shoulders.

"Shuck! Oh my god, I'm sorry I scared you"

It was Clint.

"Can you at least give me a warning or something, shank? Shuck, sorry. What's wrong?"

His face was red, maybe because of the embarrassment.
I feel guilty now because of it.

"Sorry... You're not supposed to be here, I mean you could get hurt or something, because um- you know, who knows what this girl could do; and I don't like to be beaten up by Gally if you are injured or anything so..." I frowned at the last statement and left without saying a word.

I stormed into the Glade, searching for someone to talk to. I saw Chuck so I walk towards him.

"Hey Y/N! Why the look?" He asked with his chubby face tilted.

I calmed my face down and smiled, "Just a bad mood. Where are you going?"

He shrugged and said, "I was just waiting for Thomas, but I'll escort you anywhere you like if you want to!" He grinned.
He always looked so happy and cheery, I almost envied him.

"Nah, I'll just wait with you. Um, may I?" I teased him and he chuckled.

"I never expected the day a girl asks me to wait with her. Sure! Let's go to lunch while waiting" I laughed at the remark and went with him to grab lunch.

It's just a few more steps to Frypan's when I saw Gally storming out from the Gathering building with Frypan behind, chasing him. Chuck noticed this and stopped. Without thinking I quickly ran into Gally, leaving Chuck behind.

"Gally! Frypan! What happened? Are you-"
"Not now Y/N!"

He cut me off and just ran, not even bothering to look back at me. Tears stung my eyes and I can't even hold it back anymore. I'm too tired to argue with myself and I'm done pretending that this was all fine. Frypan caught up to me and held on to my shoulder, not saying a word. The pain in my head came back as tears rolled out from my eyes and I didn't try to stop it. I didn't scream or bawl my eyes out, I just stand there, looking off the distance where Gally ran; as tears drops into my cheeks, one by one.


I opened up my eyes to see the ceiling of the infirmary.

When did I get here?

I realized then that I passed out. I think Frypan carried me here or the Med-Jacks did. Last thing I remembered, I cried beside Frypan, standing until my body can't take it anymore and there were black spots forming in front of my eyes.

I was alone in the infirmary, so I laid my back at the bed again. Thoughts formed in my head; too many it hurts my head.

I see a chair and a table filled with food beside my bed, and I wonder who was waiting there. I just drink the water, not touching the food; I've lost my appetite already.

I just realized again that it was already dark and the only light in the room was coming from a lantern. I hear soft footsteps approaching, almost like tiptoes; so I pretend that I'm asleep. The person sat in my bed and nudged me in the shoulders. I slowly got up and turned to face the person.

I scrambled to get up but ended up just clutching the sheets of my bed and flailing my legs.

"No, no no no stay calm please Y/N"

Gally held up his hands towards me but I moved away until I felt my back against the wall.

"No I'm not going to hurt you I promise, just please calm down"

I finally recovered from my shock and I felt anger risen up my chest.

"Calm down?" I hissed.

"How can I calm down when you were gone and ignoring me these past few days? Plus hitting Thomas, which is my new friend! So the answer is no, I won't calm down. Forget that" I got up and quickly walked outside.

Gally reached my hand and pulled me back. "Let, go, off, me, slinthead!" I yelled one by one as I hit his hand as hard as I could.

Instead of letting go, his hold was just getting stronger. He pulled me towards him too strong so my body fell forward towards his body and we both fell to the ground. His face were inches to mine, and we were both breathing heavily. His face retorted to hurt and pain and for shuck's sake I can't take it but anger still got the best of me.

He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed the ground to get up and ran to the direction of the Homestead. But as usual, Gally can follow pretty quickly.

"Y/N! Please, just listen to me!"

I finally stopped running just near the Homestead and turned to face him. Seeing me not saying any word, he continued.

"I'm sorry" He finally said after a sigh.

I snorted, "That's it? That's what you're saying after-"
He held his hand to stop me. I crossed my arms and I never felt so annoyed all my life.

"No. I'm sorry about everything I did. And I mean it. I'm sorry I let my anger clouded my mind and pushed you away when I actually needed you the most. I'm sorry"

He moved closer to me and put his hand to my cheek. I flinched, and his face looked hurt. I sighed and put down his hand.

"And what's your best reason to me for hitting Thomas in the face?"

He looked at me in the eye and opened up his mouth to say something, but shut it again.

"Just what I thought"

With that, I turned from him and continued the walk to the Homestead with tears on my cheeks.

Note :

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