Gone [Part 14]

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The numb feeling seeped in as I ran towards the doors of the Maze.

Suddenly someone wrapped his arms around me as I trashed around screaming. But I feel like everything around me is inaudible.

I finally gave out and sinked into whoever arms it is. My legs can't take it anymore, I collapsed knees first to the ground.

Someone whizzed past us, running to the Maze.


I'm really confused, seeing him running straight forward, following the Grievers.

Thomas finally snapped me back to reality, and the one who held me back.
"Let's go back. I'm sure Minho's fine, I think I know where he's going"

He paused for awhile. "You okay?"
I thought about it for a moment, trying to process the word 'okay'.

What is okay actually? I don't even know what it is anymore.

"Yeah. Let's- let's go" I pushed myself up from the grass of the glade.

Although I'm sure it's probably as fake as like the rest of the Glade. It's just a feeling, I know everything's about this is just so wrong. The explanation for all this? I don't know but I know we're here for a purpose and I'm going to find out.


Minho came a few minutes after, sweat covered his body. My first thought was ew, go clean yourself up first but I wanted to know where he went so I'll lay that back for now.

"Thomas you shuckhead you were right, the Grievers went into the cliff! I had to take the chance to follow them, which I did take and you were right" He crossed his arms.

Confused, I tilt my head to Thomas. "When we first accountered with the Grievers, we did a slide trick to make them fall to the cliff, and so they fell without coming back. But I feel something is off with it, and I think it is a place for the Grievers to rest or something. Well based by Minho's saying, it is true" He explained.

I nodded a couple of times, "So that's our chance, maybe, to get out?"

He and Minho exchanged glances, worry still filled their eyes. "Well we don't know if it's worth the risk, because we don't know what are we going to plan yet. We're going to hold a Gathering, to figure this all out, and I hope we can get out before the Grievers takes us one by one, just like Gally said"

I flinched at the name of Gally being spoken, and I see a little hurt crossed Thomas' face as he said a silent sorry.

"Alright, I'm just gonna leave it to you guys here now. I'll check up on Newt, see how's he recovering" I pressed my lips, supressing a thin smile. It hurts to fake it all out, but what can I do?

I approached a bloody Newt, propped up in the bed where Gally left him. I readjusted his sleep (or passing out-bloody-hit in the head sleep I don't even know) and cleaned out his blood from his face.

He woke up with a jolt, his eyes wild and alarmed. "Gally! Wha? What happened? Bloody hell, my head hurts"

He calmed down and slump into his bed again. "It's okay, he's..." I paused, searching for the right word.

"Gone. He's gone" Minho came up beside me. He taps me silently on my right shoulder, "Go rest, I got this. I'm just gonna talk to him" I looked back and forth between Newt and Minho, nodding.

Just when I'm going to sit down, Thomas came up to me. "Hey I need your help, and this is kind of important"

I eyed him curiously, "What?"

He took a deep breath, "We're going to get Teresa out of the Slammer"

Note :
HI, this chapter is very.... I don't know!
Well, do you guys watch The 100? So you ship Bellarke? Cause they're PERFECT! (the show too I mean not only them)
Well it's 11 PM here and I still got school tomorrow so see ya 🔫
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Dunda x

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