The Greenie [Part 4]

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I flutter my eyes open and saw Gally already beside me.

"Brought you breakfast; well, late-breakfast" He laughed.

"It's okay, I'm still hungry alright" I sat up and ate my breakfast silently.

Gally was looking at me too seriously; worry plastered into his face.

"What?" I ask suddenly.

"What? I'm not doing anything"

He does that everytime.

"You're staring at me like, soo seriously?" I chuckled and he smiled hearing it.

"I do that everytime huh? I'm worried, that's why. I was dying to ask you what they said, but, Imma let you eat" He finally said after a sigh.

Well at least I have good news I thought.

"Um well they said I'm just tired, nothing serious. I still don't have that much energy so I think I'm gonna stay here for awhile. What took you so long by the way?" I asked while chewing.

"I went to the Slicer and saw Alby and the new greenie, Thomas. He bumped me, I tell you. After what he did..."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "It's just a bump, Gally. Don't be such a drama queen"

He pouted and suddenly snapped his head towards the door. There was a scream outside.

"Hey what's wr-"

He took off running, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

I pushed myself towards the door to see what happened.

"Ben got stung! Med-Jacks! Tommy, you okay?" Newt helped Thomas get up after he was attacked by Ben.

"Yeah; yeah" He panted.

"What the hell were you doing there Tommy? Wandering alone in the woods?" Newt looked a bit angry but asked as calm as he could do.

"I was just visiting the Deadheads, then I saw Ben, and I ran yelling help. Alby came and shot him in the head with his arrow" Thomas explained.

Newt looked at him silently. "Well, glad you're fine. You need a Med-Jack to check up on you though. Just go to that building over there, you see? With Y/N there?" He pointed at me and waved.

I waved back and saw Thomas looking at me very carefully. I ignored it and started to go back inside. I just remembered that Gally was still helping with Ben, so I decided to come out and check, when I bumped into Thomas at the door.

"Oh hey, sorry. Uh, Y/N right? Thomas" He took out his hand.

I shook it and smiled, "Yeah. Nice to finally meet you"

He wanted to ask something, I'm sure of that, but he hesitated.

"Uh... I heard that you're um..."

I knew what he was going to ask.

"Gally's girlfriend? Yeah. People tend to um, hard to believe it. Welcome to the Glade by the way" I crossed my arms.

His face relaxed and he chuckled nervously.

"Well yeah, kind of. He's kinda harsh, I mean-" his face looked worried, but I cut him off.

"No, it's okay, I know that. It's just... him, you know? And he kinda started acting weird when you came, not that I blame you, no, but yeah"


"He thinks it's all my fault, isn't it?" Thomas asked, looking at me in the eye.

I didn't know what to say and averted my eyes,


We talked about the Glade, and took a walk outside for a bit, when suddenly Cliff came and called us over to check up on Thomas then me.

Everything's going fine except the fact that I still don't have that much energy as usual.

"So how's it like being Gally's girlfriend?" Thomas asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

I laughed, "I... don't know, I think I would describe it as kinda funny, our relationship. And sometimes he can be a real slinthead! But he's sweet. Sometimes I wonder what he sees in me though" I chuckled as I said the last statement.

Thomas looked to me thoughtfully.

"What? You're looking at me all weird" I asked.

"Nah, Gally's lucky to have someone like you" His answer surprised me.

"What do you mean someone like me?"

He smirked, "Pretty girl like you and all. You're also fun to be with, really" I was taken aback, and I feel my face hot. "I don't think-"

I was cut off by the sounds of footsteps outside and realized it was Gally.

"Heeey...?" Gally came in and saw the two of us.

Oh no I'm in trouble.

"What is this?" Gally asked, anger raising in his voice and his eyebrows furrowed.

Thomas looked back and forth between me and Gally.

"After he was attacked by Ben, he was sent here and he stayed for awhile, keeping me company. Is that wrong?" I defended, keeping my voice as steady as I could.

He waited for awhile, and it's killing me.

His face softened but his brows still furrowed. "No"

Gally's answer surprised me. I was terrified he was going to be mad, maybe even have a fight with Thomas!

"Good that. Well, nice meeting you Thomas, see you again soon" I smiled.

Thomas gave a frightened smile, looked at Gally, then left. When he did, I just realized something different with Gally. He looked so calm, too calm actually.

"Gally, are you okay? There's nothing between us and you know that"

He finally broke his gaze and looked at me. "Yeah, I'm okay. And I know. Whatever. You coming to the Homestead?"

I sighed with relief.

"No, they said I need to be here until I fully recovered I guess. By the way, where they keeping Ben?"

He frowned.

"Aw shuck. I'm gonna miss you for sure. Ben's upstairs I think. Having too much fun with greenie?"

My face flushed instantly.

"I- I didn't see them, or you carrying Ben upstairs. I think you came when I was taking a walk outside with Thomas... Wait, don't they usually keep the stung ones at the Homestead first?"

He thought about it.

"We did, already injected the serum, he calmed down so we took him over. I'm heading over to the Homestead now, but one last thing... You okay hearing those screams? Or should I get here every night and cuddle you?" he joked.

I gave him a look and he laughed.

"No comment, okay. See ya love" he kissed me in the forehead and left, leaving me with the silence that is going to be filled with Ben's screaming later on.

Note :

Aaah here's a long update! Hope y'all enjoyed it ;)

I'm thinking about finishing this story until the third book!

Last thing I want to tell you, I also do book covers for Wattpad and edits! If you want to request one, you could just message me!

Once again, Thank you

Dunda x


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