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//JUNE 27TH 2022//

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//JUNE 27TH 2022//

"Pizza's here!" Niall announces as he bursts through his apartment door, pizza in hand.

"Oh thank god," I sigh out in relief. I've been thinking about this greasy pizza all day.

Lorelai jumps up from her seat beside me on the bar stools at the kitchen island, practically running into Ni's arms. "Thank you, lovely." She presses a kiss to his lips, it's quick but full of love and warmth, while simultaneously grabbing the two pizza boxes from Niall's hands. She pulls away from the kiss and runs back to the counter with the pizza, but not before Niall gives her ass a little smack. They still make my heart so happy to see.

Lor grabs some plates and starts to open up the pizza boxes while Ni grabs a wine glass and begins to pour himself some, seeing that Lor and I are already on our second.

"Two cheese for Chan," Lorelai states as she passes me my plate. "Two veggie for Ni... and one of each for me." She smiles towards us both, and I can't help but chuckle at her proudness of knowing our pizza orders.

"So," Ni begins, the three of us moving to their kitchen table to eat our pizza. If there's one thing about Niall, it's that he's a clean freak. He would just about have a heart attack if we were to get pizza grease or crumbs on his couch, so we eat at the table. "Tell us more about you and Harry, Chan."

Before I can even get a word out. Lorelai is smacking him upside the head. "Niall!"

"Ow, what'd you do that for?" He furrows his brows at Lor while bringing a hand up to his head to rub the area she smacked.

"She'll talk about it when she's ready, Ni."

"It's okay, Lor," I interject. "It's not that I don't want to talk about him, it's just that we don't even truly know where we stand right now. I want to figure that out with him before I air out everything that's happened between him and I. I just wanna keep tonight focused on us... like old times, okay?"

"Of course, pumpkin."

"Sure, Chan."

They reply at the same time, showcasing how deep their connection really reaches. The two of them are intertwined so deeply, even their minds think the same.

"How about you fill me in on your wedding? September is only a couple months away now, there's gotta be stuff I don't know." I suggest in return, truly wanting to know more about their wedding planning.

They had wanted a long engagement, and only a few months ago decided to finally have their wedding. Some of Niall's family was already planning a trip here from Ireland in September so they thought it would be perfect. It's gonna be a small wedding, nothing too extravagant like mine and Bennetts was supposed to be.

The two of them give me the rundown on everything they've got covered so far and what they still need. They found a different florist to take care of the wedding because they didn't want to overwhelm me with being a bridesmaid and the florist. I get it, I do, but I would've loved to be in charge of the flowers for my best friend's wedding.

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