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Hello beautiful people <3

Hi there, I'm Caroline but you can call me Care (she/her). This is my first ever fic so please be kind. I have been wanting to do this for a while and just built up the courage to start. I'm very excited about this one and I hope you are too.

Peripeteia will be a predominantly soft harry fic with some "gray" elements. We don't necessarily get into a dark plot but there are some potential "gray" plot points if that makes sense. If that does not interest you, please do not read :) I will delete any and all negative comments as I'm here to have fun and keep this as a safe space.

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION!! In no way am I saying this is the real Harry Styles. I am merely using his face and name for the story :)

I will try my absolute best to be conscious about potential triggers throughout, and make sure to put a tw at the start of any chapter that might include anything triggering. If I have overlooked anything please kindly tell me and I will correct it.

Before I continue I want to thank a few people for their help.

El, my partner in crime, my wifey, and my absolute favorite person. None of this would be possible without my lovely "fic wedding planner." Thank you for helping me and for being someone to bounce ideas off of. I love you so much, thank you for everything.

To anyone else who helped me with literally anything I love you more than I can even describe. Thank you thank you thank you.

And to YOU. Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, literally anything and everything. I appreciate you more than you know.

Without further ado, here is PERIPETEIA.

all my love, care <3

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