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//JULY 1ST 2022//

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//JULY 1ST 2022//

Today is a day I have been waiting forever for.

Before I even knew it, I was waiting for today, yearning for today.

An entire day, just the two of us. No cameras, no outside eyes, just us.

The perfect day. Simply for us.

When she said she'd go on a real date with me –well as real as we can get right now– I couldn't help but feel giddy over it. Planning dates has always been a joy of mine. You get to think about your partner, their likes, their interests, and get to put together something for the two of you to do together just to enjoy each other's company.

But truthfully, I would be happy sitting on the couch watching the fucking news if it meant I could spend time with my Clementine.

The thought of today makes every kind of feeling flood my entire body. I'm excited, yet incredibly nervous. I'm curious, yet ferociously scared. She makes me so happy while lighting my nerves on fire with one look, one word spoken, anything at all and I'm swarmed with butterflies.

It's terrifying and simultaneously the best feeling in the entire world.

Putting the car in park in front of Clem's apartment I grab the bouquet of white peonies –her favorite– and step out of my car. I check my appearance one last time in the reflection of my car, not in a gawking at myself kind of way, but in an 'I just want to look perfect for her' kind of way.

Today I'm wearing my almost mustard yellow BODE jacket, along with a pair of cream linen pants, and my go to white keds. My hair is a bit shorter than the last time I saw her, trimmed slightly and the scruff on my face has been shaved for today– something I'm not sure if she'll be happy or sad about.

 My hair is a bit shorter than the last time I saw her, trimmed slightly and the scruff on my face has been shaved for today– something I'm not sure if she'll be happy or sad about

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I shake out the last of the nerves residing in me, and make the short walk from my car up to her apartment door.

I lift my hand, giving her front door a few knocks. As soon as I'm stood there awaiting her answer— every ounce of nervous energy that was once here, has dissipated into nothing but a sort of childish giddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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