Ch. 1 Creatures of the Night

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It's been six months since the deadpool. Tomorrow's the first day of school, sophomore year for Danielle, Liam, and Mason but senior year for everyone else. Tonight was a full moon and Scott and Stiles were in the woods with the Jeep while Stiles was going over his "vision" of life after high school. But the reason they were in the woods was because they had chained Liam to a large tree. The only problems Liam has with full moons is that he's never in total control unless Danielle is with him, but he hasn't figured that out yet either. 

They had unchained Liam because he insisted that he was fine. "You're in complete and total control?" Scott asked. 

"Yeah. Complete and total." Liam said. But when they walked back to the car with the bag of chains he looked down at his hands. His palms and fingernails were bloody because he was clenching them to make his claws go away. When he wasn't with Danielle he used music as a distraction to try and keep himself in control.

"Is it a party?" Liam asked. 

"It's not a party." Stiles said. 

"What's at midnight?" Liam asked. 

"Your bed time." Stiles said. 

"Why aren't the girls going?" Liam asked

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"Why aren't the girls going?" Liam asked.

"They're meeting us there. Now would you stop asking questions it's a senior thing, you're not a senior." Stiles said. 

"Hey, are you guys having trouble with your phones?" Scott asked as just then the Jeep slows to a stop. "You outta gas?" Scott asked. 

"No, it's electrical. It's the alternator again." Stiles said getting out with Scott to check out the problem. Liam was gonna go back to listening to his music but then he heard something weird from behind him outside. When he looked out the back window a bolt of lightning struck right on the road. It wasn't unusual since there was a storm but it was still scary to see it so close.

 "Guys!" He shouted. 

"Hey, stay in the car Liam!" Stiles shouted back. But then a bolt of lightning struck on their side of the car scaring them both. 

"That was close." Scott said. 

"Very close." Stiles said.

 Liam leaned over the seat and turned the key in the ignition and the car started up again. "Can we go now?" He asked poking his head out the window.


They drove to meet Malia and picked her up. Stiles honked the horn a lot to acknowledge his arrival. "Sorry we're late!" Stiles called out. Malia ran up to them and kissed Stiles.

"I'm sorry too." Liam said leaning forward with a fake smile to show his discomfort. 

"You boys do remember I own a gun right?" Malia's dad said. 

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