Ch. 17 A Credible Threat

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Danielle, Scott, Stiles, and Liam were all driving in Stiles' Jeep. Scott got a text from Argent. "He's headed to the high school." Scott said. 

Liam leaned forward. "Why's Parrish going to the school?" 

"It's not Parrish, at least not right now." Scott said. 

"Okay, why's the Hellhound going to the school?" Liam asked. 

"Because he's got a yearning for higher education." Stiles said sarcastically and Danielle smiled in amusement. "Liam, hellhound's after the school so we're going to the school."

When they got to the school, they all got out and Liam was the last to get out so he closed the door. He closed it a little too loudly so the other three turned to him. "Sorry." He apologized. They all started walking around to find Chris. 

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked when they found him. 

"I lost him. He went too fast." Chris said. 

"Scott, that guy's not moving at all." Liam said, looking to the side. They all walked up to a bloodied dead body. They walked past it and kept going. They saw another body. "Look." Liam whispered, looking ahead at the back of one of the school buses. Everyone's eyes widened and jaws dropped to see a pile of dead bodies in the school bus. 

One of the bloody bodies actually started moving, the person wasn't dead yet. "Help.. me."

Scott began to walk closer to the bus but a voice stopped him. "It's a trap." The distorted voice said and Parrish came into view. 

"Please.." The man begged weakly. 

"You can't help him." Parrish said to Scott as he took another few steps closer. Then the man was killed and tossed out of the bus. Chris lifted his gun. The Beast- a dark shadowy figure with glowing blue eyes and horrible teeth- became visible in the bus. 

"That's big

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"That's big. No one said it was that big." Stiles said. 

"I did." Liam pointed out. The Beast roared and Parrish roared back and fire rose from his body. The Beast turned the other way to run out of the bus and Parrish ran after him. 

"What the he*l is happening?" Scott asked. 

"It's getting smarter." Danielle realized.


The next morning, Liam and Danielle got some new information from Mason so they had Scott, Stiles, and Lydia meet them in the library. "Mason said it's not just a transitive frequency, it's high powered." Danielle said. 

"It has to be a really strong signal." Liam added. 

"That's causing it to shift?" Lydia asked. 

"I don't think it's just that. Last night you said it's getting smarter. What if the Dread Doctors are trying to make The Beast grow faster?" Scott said.

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