Ch. 11 The Last Chimera

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Stiles took his dad to the hospital because he was bleeding out from whatever Theo did to him. Mellissa and Danielle arrived after he had gone into emergency surgery. "Stilinski, right? You said his insurance was with the county. He's a deputy?" The nurse behind desk asked. 

"No, he's the sheriff. He's the county sheriff! He's covered. He should be covered." Stiles said in frustration. 

"I'll take care of it." Mellissa told the nurse, picking up the clipboard. They walked away. "I texted Scott. He's coming as soon as he can. I can call Malia."

"No, no. Don't, don't call anyone." Stiles said. 

"Is there anyone else we need to notify? A next of kin?" The desk nurse asked. 

"No, it's me. Me and her." Stiles said, pointing to Danielle.

Stiles and Danielle sat together in the waiting room. They were both nervous but it was more evident in Stiles' body language. He clasped his hands together and sighed as his leg bounced. Danielle put her hand on top of his and put her other arm around him.


They waited for awhile and both fell asleep in their chairs. When they woke up, Mellissa was crouching in front of them. "He's okay. Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now." She said. Danielle and Stiles sighed in relief. 

"I wanna see him." Stiles said starting get up from his chair. 

"Woah, the anesthesia needs to wear off. It's going to be at least two hours." Mellissa said and Stiles sat back down. 

"Everything's gonna be okay though?" Danielle asked. 

"He's okay?" Stiles asked. 

"He's gonna be just fine." Mellissa nodded and smiled. 

"Thank god." They both said and Stiles began to tear up.

Stiles, Danielle, Mellissa, and Dr. Geyer were talking in another room. Stiles was shouting rather than talking. "It looks like someone took a baseball bat to his neck!" Stiles said. 

"There could be some minor internal bleeding." Dr. Geyer said. 

"Did you say 'minor'?" Stiles asked. 

"When is internal bleeding ever minor?" Danielle asked. 

"I need to know what's going on. Someone needs to tell me what's happening. Somebody needs to tell me what's happening to him!" Stiles said.

"We don't know." Mellissa admitted. Stiles looked behind them and saw Scott out in the hallway looking at Noah. Stiles left the room and Danielle followed. Stiles went up to Scott, grabbed him by the shirt collar, threw him against the wall, and then pulled him to the floor. 

"Stiles get off of him!" Danielle shouted, trying to get him off. 

"Where were you? Huh? Where the he*l were you!" Stiles yelled. 

"Hey! Stop it!" Mellissa shouted and she, Danielle, and Dr. Geyer pulled Stiles off. Two other nurses helped Scott up. 

"Okay. Alright, alright." Stiles insisted and they took his hands off of him. 

"You're dad's not the only one that got hurt." Scott said and Danielle noticed blood spots on his white shirt. His wound's still bleeding, Danielle thought. 

"Oh you'll heal." Stiles spoke.

 "I'm not talking about me." Scott said, covering his shirt with his jacket.

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