Ch. 20 Apotheosis

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Stiles and Danielle went to Deaton to see if he knew anything about Mason's vanishing twin syndrome. "Part of your expertise right?" Stiles asked. 

"Not particularly, no." Deaton replied honestly and put the file on the examination table. Then they heard the back door being opened. They looked back and saw Scott and Liam holding up a Dread Doctor. 

"He's still alive." Scott told them.


At Scott's house, Malia and Braeden we're having to fight with Corinne, the Desert Wolf. Braeden was shot and laying outside the back door with her gun in her hand ready to fire. Malia was upstairs hiding and listening for Corinne. She as going to call Stiles but Corinne heard her using her phone from downstairs. "Who are you calling Malia? Is it Stiles, your boyfriend?" Corinne said at a normal tone because she knew Malia could hear her. "Tell him to come. Bring all your friends if you want. Go ahead Malia. You tell me, how many people I'm going to have to kill tonight." She said. Malia paused with her finger hovering over the call button. Instead of calling, she turned her phone all the way off.


Deaton had the Dread Doctor, the Surgeon, on the examination table. "Can you keep him alive?" Scott asked. 

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton said while examining the Surgeon. 

"I could've told you that." Danielle said, still not comfortable with the fact that there was a Dread Doctor in the same room as them. 

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam asked. 

"Personally I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough." Stiles said. 

"You hear that?" Liam asked, suddenly looking up. He and Scott both looked to the back door. Everything was silent for a moment and then the Surgeon sat up and frightened everyone. He created loud vibrations that caused everyone to cover their ears and let him escape. Liam tried to go towards him and fight him. 

"Liam, wait!" Scott called out. The Surgeon held his hand up and sent Liam flying backwards with a magnetic force. He fell to the ground next to Danielle. 

She knelt beside him as the Surgeon left. "Are you okay?" She asked with her voice full of concern. The Surgeon walked out of the animal clinic and closed the doors behind him with the same magnetic force. It caused everything magnetic inside to fly towards the door and block the back exit. Everyone got up to go towards the pile of metals blocking their way. 

"Stop!" Deaton called out. "It's electrified."

Outside, the Surgeon fell to his knees and Sebastian Valet walked up to him. He gripped the Surgeon's helmet and revealed his face. A deformed, sunken, bloody face was revealed. "Marcel." Sebastian said, remembering his old friend who used to cover up his killings and still does. Marcel's face was etched with deep wrinkles resembling a raisin. His cheekbones protruded from his face. His eyes looked like marbles. Blood was dripping down his chin from his mouth because he was injured. "If this is what immortality looks like.. I think you might have been misled." Sebastian said. 

"For you. All for you." Marcel said. 

"What did you do with it Marcel? Where is the pike?" Sebastian asked. 

"The Argent's. The.. Argent's." Marcel spoke weakly.

Scott and Liam were listening from inside. "The cane." Scott realized. 

"They took it. They took the cane." Liam said.


Braeden was waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. She waited until Corinne came in line with the laser on her gun. When she did Braeden took the shot. Corinne stepped back in time to miss it. Malia heard the gunshot and didn't know who it came from. "Almost, Braeden. But not quite. You'll get another chance. But you better make sure it's a head shot." Corinne said. She heard Malia's footsteps from upstairs. "Coming down Malia?" Corinne called out. Malia stopped right before the stairs. 

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