Ch. 7 Strange Frequencies

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"Hayden. Hayden, wait." Liam called out as Hayden hurried out of the club. 

"Asking me asking me to close my eyes was weird. Sticking a glow stick, even weirder. But, werewolves and dead doctors?" Hayden said. 

"Dread Doctors." Liam corrected. Liam had followed Hayden all the way to her car.

 "Whatever. Get away from me." She said, trying to open her car. 

"What if I can prove it to you?" Liam asked. 

"Prove what?" She asked, opening her door. 

"This." Liam said, putting his head down and transforming. It might have been fine if he didn't roar in her face. She screamed and punched him in the nose getting into her car and driving away. 

She stopped and heard something from the radio. "Your condition improves." The Surgeon said. Then her car shut off. She got freaked out and tried to start her car again. She saw them walking up to her. She tried the car again and again. Then the door locks locked by themselves. She would unlock them but they continued to lock. The Surgeon repeated her name over and over on the radio. The glass in her windshield started to crack. Then she heard something hit her roof and Liam took off the sun roof. 

"Come on!" He shouted, holding out his hand. She took it and he pulled her out.

Liam took Hayden to Scott's house and he texted Scott to come over there. Scott was at the animal clinic looking at the body of the dead chimera, Josh. Stiles and Theo said that a Dread Doctor did it. When Stiles and Scott got to his house Liam told him that Hayden locked herself in his bathroom. "Hayden, it's Scott." Scott said knocking on the door. "I know that you're scared but we just wanna help." Scott said. She didn't answer. "I can hear her heart beat. She's really freaked out, what happened?" He asked Liam. 

"She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in." Liam said. 

"Why?" Stiles asked. 

"I don't know." Liam said. 

"She's definitely a chimera?" Scott asked.

"She said she heard a voice saying 'your condition improves'." Liam said. 

"Okay that's unsettling." Stiles said waking up to the door. "Hayden, it's Stiles." He said knocking on the door. "Your sister works with my dad down at the station. Just open the door okay. You can trust us." He said. But she still didn't open up. 

"We just need to tell you the truth Hayden. But that kind of thing is usually better face to face. Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just, I gotta know that you're okay in there." Scott said. Hayden opened the door slightly. Scott pushing it open the rest of the way.

 Hayden was standing in front of them, transformed. "I believe you." She said.


Scott had a plan to hide Hayden from the Dread Doctors. He was also thinking that if it works, he could probably catch one of the Doctors. He knew that the Dread Doctors didn't want to come into Eichen house because of the lay lines. The only other place with the strongest lay lines was the high school. Parrish was going to use cellphone jammers to mess with the Dread Doctors' frequency.


While they were going to be at the school Kira was trying to figure out what's wrong with her fox spirit and Stiles and Theo were watching a camera to see who was taking the bodies. Stiles put his phone in the animal clinic pointed at Josh's body. But he and Theo were watching on a watch in the Jeep.

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