Ch. 13 Codominance

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Liam and Danielle went to Scott's house because that was the other place they thought to look for him. Scott and Stiles were both there. Danielle went to talk to Stiles and Liam went to talk to Scott. "They're alive. The chimeras, I mean. Some of them not all of them." Liam said when Scott noticed him. 

"I know." Scott said.

 "You do?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I can't talk right now." Scott said. 

"It was Theo. He's the one who brought them back. And now they're with him. Like they're his pack." Liam said hoping to help. 

"I know." Scott said and walked past him. 

"Hayden's one of them." Liam said, stopping Scott. 

"She's okay?" Scott asked in relief. 

"She's alive. I'm not sure she's totally okay but, she's definitely alive." Liam said. 

"That's good." Scott said. 

"Where are you guys going?" Liam asked. 

"To get Kira. Her dad told us that her mom took her out to New Mexico to this place called Ship Rock. They're trying to figure out a way to help her but it's dangerous. So we're gonna go find her and bring her back." Scott said. 

"I'll come with you." Liam offered. 

"You can't." Scott said and started walking away. 

"Let me help." Liam pleaded which stopped Scott again. "Let me do something. Just tell me what I can do." He said. 

"Take care of Danielle, but, don't do anything else." Scott said and walked off. He knew Stiles would be worried for leaving Danielle.

Danielle walked into the house after Scott left. "What'd he say?" She asked. 

"He won't let me help. I said I wanted to go with him but he said no. He told me not to do anything other than..." He faltered because he knew Danielle wouldn't want to hear that he was told to protect her. He knows she doesn't want somebody protecting her. 

"To take care of me? To protect me?" She assumed. He turned towards her and nodded. "I figured. I've asked Parrish to teach me how to fight but everyone, especially Stiles, said no." She said. 

"I don't know how to fight, professionally, but I could teach you some things." He offered. He wanted her to be safe and he knew this was the best way to do it. 

"Thanks." She said with a smile.


The next day Liam, Danielle, and Mason were walking down the hall when the intercom came on and awful feedback played. Students covered their ears. "Students, Mr. Quinn's classes are cancelled for today. If anyone knows his whereabouts please let the office know immediately." The principal said. 

"That doesn't sound too ominous." Mason said sarcastically. He and Danielle noticed Liam staring at something up the hall. He was looking at Theo talking to Hayden. "You said Scott told you not to do anything." Mason reminded him. 

"I know." Liam spoke with a clenched jaw as Theo and he were staring right at each other. 

"Liam, you said you weren't gonna get involved." Mason said. 

"I know." Liam said. The angry expression he held said otherwise. 

"Liam, don't, get, involved." Danielle stated. Liam turned to face her and his expression softened. He nodded and the three of them walked away.


"Codominance. A relationship among alleles where both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the heyerozygote. Quite a mouthful, I know. But it's exactly what we'll be learning in today's lab. Students in the first and third row look behind you, these are your partners." The biology teacher instructed as she wrote on the board. Danielle and Liam, who were both sitting next to each other in the first row, turned around and faced their partners. Coincidentally, Liam's partner was Hayden. He sighed and glanced at Danielle who gave him a look of 'good luck' before turning back to her partner.

"Remember that in codominance neither allele is recessive. The phenotypes of both alleles are expressed. In human blood what is a good example of codominance?" The teacher asked once everyone was with their partners. 

"Type AB." Danielle answered. 

"Very good. So today you're going to solve a little mystery. Two couples had babies on the same day in the same hospital. Where the babies switched? Open your packets and read the instructions." The teacher said.


Danielle and Liam were in the library 'trying not to get involved'. They were both sitting on the stairs doing and saying nothing. "You know what, I found a book here the other day that I think you might like, I'm gonna go find it." Danielle spoke, getting up and walking off. 

While she was gone Hayden came up to Liam. "What are you doing?" She asked. 

"Trying not to get involved." He replied, not looking at her. 

She sat down on the step below him. "Does that include me?" She asked, looking up at him.

 "Maybe." He admitted. 

"I know how you look up to Scott, and how all of you feel about him. But he just can't protect us the way Theo can. My sister-" 

"Your sister's a sheriff's deputy. She looks like she can handle herself." Liam said, interrupting her. 

"Not if I'm dead. She's not going to be able to handle that at all. I can't die again, Liam. Do you get it? It would ruin her." Hayden said. 

"It would ruin me too." Liam told her. A small smile formed on Hayden's face. She pulled him closer and kissed him. 

Danielle came up through a bookshelf with the book in her hand but stopped when she noticed them. Her heart sank and she chided herself for letting her emotions get the better of her. She had thought that with Liam forced to stay away from Hayden that she might get a chance to get close to him again. But she was wrong and now her heart was paying the price.


Scott and Stiles found Kira. 

When they came back, Scott fell asleep on his couch. Kira opened the door for Liam, Mason, and Danielle. "Scott, wake up." Kira said softly. 

Scott woke up easily but then went on full alert when he saw the other three standing there. "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"I found out something from Corey. We know what Theo's doing." Mason spoke first. 

"He's looking for an alpha. A blind alpha." Liam explained. 

"He's looking for Deucalion." Danielle told him.

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