Ch. 9 Lies of Omission

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It's been five days. 

There haven't been any new chimeras.

 No sightings of the Dread Doctors. 

Everyone goes to school like nothing happened. But it seems like the whole school knows that something's wrong. When you walk down the halls no one smiles, no one laughs. It's like they know something is coming. But they don't know what it is or how bad it's going to be. 

With Scott and his friends, no one has really been talking to each other. They all seem to be lost in thought on what to do. Danielle's been avoiding Liam. She just needed a few days to get control back over her feelings and seeing him definitely wouldn't help. She's still only told Lydia but Stiles was always there to comfort her when she cried for two nights in a row. It doesn't help her that Liam and Hayden are practically inseparable now.

Liam still hasn't forgiven Scott for him, Hayden, and Danielle getting taken. Scott went to talk to him about the super moon tomorrow night. "Are you gonna chain me to a tree again?" Liam asked in annoyance. 

"I'm just saying maybe we should stay together, keep each other safe." Scott said. 

"You can't keep anyone safe." Liam said walking away.


Everyone had to evacuate the school because someone had to get taken away by an ambulance. That person was Cory. He and Mason were in the work out room testing how strong he was getting- which is very strong- and he suddenly started bleeding. From the look of him while he was being carried away on the stretcher he seemed to have vomited up black blood and mercury. "Don't let them kill me!" He screamed as he was being put into the ambulance. 

Malia found another chimera later in the day, Beth. They were in Science with Ms. Martin, Lydia's mom. Beth was chewing her finger nail when it suddenly broke off and she had black blood on her lips and finger. She looked around and saw that Malia was staring at her. She quickly picked up her things and ran out. Malia ran after her. When she found her she was outside the school doors with the Pathologist holding her head and standing behind her. The Pathologist snapped her neck and killed her.


Cory- using some new camouflage ability- tried to leave from the hospital. He made it out of the building and was walking, un-camouflaged, by the ambulances. But he stopped when he heard the sound of electricity that the Dread Doctors make. He quickly backed up to an ambulance and camouflaged. But the Surgeon knew exactly where he was. He took his sword, hidden in his cane, and killed Cory. Cory un-camouflaged and fell down the side of the ambulance. Scott and Theo found him. "We need to find Hayden." Scott said.


Hayden was at Sinema with Liam. She got into the safe to take out her tips that Phil takes. She and Liam were going to run away. During the school day Hayden's nose started bleeding and mercury came out. They were going to leave so that the Dread Doctors wouldn't find her. But they already did. The lights in the building and the movies turned on and they both knew that the Dread Doctors were there. They hid behind the counter when they saw the Surgeon. When the Surgeon walked up to the counter, the two of them went the other way. They ran towards the exit only to get cut off by the Pathologist. He slapped Liam which threw him down to the ground. Liam got right back up and tried to fight him but he got pushed and flew into the wall. "Hayden, run!" He shouted as both of the Dread Doctors came closer to her. They heard a roar and Hayden turned to see Scott fully transformed. He lunged at them and tried to fight them off as Hayden ran and hid. Liam tried to fight as well but both of them just kept getting knocked down. Nothing worked against them, nothing hurt them. 

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