Ch. 19 The Beast of Beacon Hills

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Lydia told everyone about her time with Gerard and Chris when she and Parrish were down in the Argent's secret room in the tunnels. She told them the same story that Gerard told her: the story of The Beast Of Gevaudan in the 1760s. The Beast was a man named Sebastian Valet. The hunter that killed him was his sister, Marie-jeanne Valet. Marie-jeanne used a pike: a spear with a head made of steel, wolfsbane, and mountain ash and forged with her own blood. The man who taught her everything she knew about werewolves and their weaknesses, who eventually became her husband, was Henri Argent. After killing Sebastian, they enacted Damnatio Memoriae. They burned everything Sebastian ever wrote or signed, anything that proved his existence. They basically erased him from history.


Liam and Danielle were both looking for Mason in the woods. Everyone else was at Scott's house. "Mason!" Liam called out. 

"Mason!" Danielle repeated. Liam tripped and fell and out of nowhere Hayden showed up. 

"I lost it. I lost the scent." Liam admitted. 

"I'll help you find it." Hayden said and Liam got up from the ground. The three of them started running deeper into the woods.


They ended up finding nothing in the woods and in the morning Liam and Danielle met everyone at Scott's house. "My dad's got an APB out on him." Danielle said. 

"For a five foot eight, sixteen year old?" Kira asked. 

"I recommended nine foot tall rampaging werewolf." Stiles said. 

"It still might not be him." Liam said. No one said anything but Danielle put her hand on his shoulder. "Hayden's at the school looking." Liam said, putting his head down. 

"I can keep checking the woods." Malia offered. 

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county." Scott said, announcing his presence to everyone. "We can find him." He promised Liam. 

"What happens then?" Liam asked. 

"We figure out a way to save him." Scott replied. 

"Okay. Where else can we look?" Lydia asked. 

"Let's ask Corey." Scott said and looked behind at a bookshelf. He grabbed at the air and pulled a frightened Corey. Liam and Danielle stood up from their chairs and everyone else stepped back in surprise. 

"Wait, wait, it's not my fault. They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him-"

 "Who?" Scott demanded. 

"The Dread Doctors." Corey said.


During school, Stiles, Lydia, and Danielle went to the sheriff's station. "Still nothing from Scott." Stiles said. 

"Nothing from Liam either." Danielle said. 

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Lydia asked. 

"No. No one thinks this is a good idea." Stiles said. 

"But you're trusting Theo anyway?" Noah asked. 

"We're not trusting, we're using him." Stiles said. 

"What if he's using us?" Lydia asked. 

"She's got a point." Danielle pointed out. 

"That's probably a given but we're just trying to cover every place that Mason could show up. Malia and Braeden are at Scott's house." Stiles said. 

"Mellissa's got the hospital." Noah said.

"Hayden and Corey are at school." Danielle said. 

"Somebody's got to find him." Noah said. 

"Let's hope they find Mason and not The Beast." Lydia said.


Later that night, Lydia and Danielle walked into the sheriff's office and saw Stiles sleeping on the couch. Danielle flicked him on the forehead. "What? What happened? Who's dead?" He asked, waking up. 

"No one. At least not yet." Lydia said. The girls sat down next to him and checked their phones for any notifications from everyone else. But there was nothing. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm still thinking. I'm just trying to figure out 'why Mason'? He wasn't even on the genetic chimera list." Stiles said. 

"He is now." Mellissa said as she entered the room. "Mason was born with twin embolization syndrome." She explained, placing his medical file on the desk. The three of them got up to look at it. 

"You mean fetal resorption?" Lydia asked. 

"He had a vanishing twin in utero?" Danielle asked. 

"Which accounts for two sets of DNA." Mellissa said. 

"Can someone say it with words that have less than three syllables?" Stiles asked. 

"He ate his twin." Mellissa replied. 

"Got it." Stiles said, slightly disturbed. 

"But does it help?" Lydia asked. 

"I don't know. But it's just bizarre enough to sound important." Mellissa admitted. 

"It has to help. There has to be something." Lydia said. Mellissa looked through the file. She showed them the ultrasound that shows Mason and another, much smaller, baby that appeared to be fusing with him.


Theo, Scott, and Liam found Mason where the Dread Doctors were hiding him. He had a large tube in his neck that was connected to a chamber of green liquid with someone- a German Nazi according to Theo- in it. The Dread Doctors had said that "the only way to create something truly evil is by corrupting something truly good."

The boys ended up fighting the Dread Doctors. Mason managed to get the tube out of his neck but it was already too late. "Mason!" Liam called out. 

"That's not.. my name." Mason spoke as he transformed as his eyes glowed blue and a shroud of dark smoke engulfed him. 


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The Beast emerged and dragged a Dread Doctor outside into the woods. But before he could do anything Parrish came up and began to fight with him. Chris and Gerard came up with Chris firing a shotgun. The Beast detransformed but it wasn't Mason who was standing in its place. "La bete du Gevaudan! I know your name! Do you remember mine?" Gerard called out. 

"Argent." The man said and ran away. Parrish ran after him. 

"What the h*ll was that?" Scott asked. 

"You've seen The Beast of Gevaudan, that was the man." Gerard said. 

"Sebastian Valet." Chris informed him.

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