Ch. 12 Damnatio Memoriae

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It was the middle of the night and Danielle's phone was blowing up with texts from Liam. He told her that him, Hayden, and deputy Romero found some huge beast at the power station. Liam and Hayden ran away into the woods but it followed them. They had to jump off a cliff to get away from it. Hayden healed from the fall but Liam said his back was broken. He said that Hayden left him to find her sister. 

So now I'm texting you waiting for my back to heal


In the morning, Scott went to the crime scene with Parrish. "This is from the relay station security footage." Parrish said showing Scott his phone. Scott played the video and saw the beast running out of the entrance. 

"That looked big." Scott said with wide eyes. 

"And too fast for anyone to get a good look at it. But you already know what it is don't you." Parrish said. 

"The last chimera." Scott said. They went inside to see if Scott noticed anything that no one else did. "You still got a black light?" He asked, bending down next to a pool of blood left by the technician who worked there. Parrish handed him the black light and Scott shined it over one part of the blood. Based on how it reacted to the light he knew what it was. "Mercury. Mercury means chimera." He said. 

"What was it doing here? Why come here and kill some random communications tech?" Parrish asked. 

Scott stood up from the floor and kept walking. "Maybe it just likes to kill. Maybe that's what it does." Scott guessed grimly. 

"That's terrifying." Parrish said. 

"Parrish, how many bodies do you actually see when you dream about the Nematon?" Scott asked. 

"... Everyone." Parrish admitted.


Stiles woke up and saw that Noah was no longer in the hospital bed. He tapped Danielle to wake her up too. "What?" She asked sleepily. But then she saw it too. They both walked out into the hallway. Then they realized where he might be. 

They got into the elevator and went down to the basement floor. They walked up to the morgue window and saw Noah standing in front of a body. They opened the door and Noah looked up. With a better view, Danielle noticed the name of the body. It was Donovan. They both walked inside. "The story Theo told me about the library, that's how it happened. Except it didn't happen with him." Noah said. 

"Yeah." Stiles sighed. 

"Stiles, I can't protect you if I don't know the truth. Did you really feel like you couldn't tell me?" Noah asked. 

"I couldn't tell anyone." Stiles said. 

"You told me." Danielle added. 

"Yeah." Stiles confirmed. 

"Did you really think that I wouldn't believe it was self defense?" Noah asked. 

"But what if it wasn't? What if I told you I wanted him dead?" Stiles asked. 

"I'd believe you. I also believe that wanting someone dead and murdering them, are two very different things." Noah said. 

"What if the judge didn't think so?" Stiles asked. 

"Then he*l with the judge. Stiles, it was self defense. I would destroy every shred of evidence to protect you. I would burn the whole sheriff's station to the ground." Noah said. Then the three of them pushed the body back into the freezer. 

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