Ch. 2 Parasomnia

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"Dad, I know his family left around the time Theo was around nine or ten. His older sister got into an accident when he was eight." Stiles said following Noah into his office. 

"Go to school." Noah told him. 

"I'd like to go to school." Danielle said, just excited to see Liam and didn't want to be late for any classes. 

"Dad this kid is a werewolf." Stiles said. 

"You're best friend is a werewolf. You're dating a werecoyote. I still don't know what Kira's supposed to be. When the flying monkeys come soaring through this station you will have my undivided attention. Until then, just go to school." Noah said. 

"What did you do?" Stiles asked. 

"What do you mean what did I do?" Noah asked. 

"There's something different about you." Stiles said analyzing him.

 "What are you talking about?" Noah asked. 

Stiles got right up in front of him. "What is it? What's different?" Stiles asked himself. 

"For the love of god Stiles, just go to school." Noah said pushing him back. 

"I will go if you promise to do a full background check on the Raeken's." Stiles said. 

"No! Just cause I'm the only law enforcement officer who knows anything about this doesn't make it my responsibility to do something every time you have a minor suspicion." Noah said.

 "Except you're not the only one." Stiles said turning around and looking at Parrish at his desk.


"So you ran a background check and all you found was a speeding ticket." Malia said to Stiles at school.

"A speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." Stiles said. 

"Which means what?"

"Who speeds? People trying to get away from something."

"Well how many tickets do you have?"


 "How many would you have if your dad wasn't the sheriff?"



"This is the one I was telling you guys about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany, it cost me two hundred bucks but it's totally worth it." Mason said, following Liam and Danielle.

 "You spent two hundred dollars on a book?" Danielle asked in surprise.

"You're still reading about that stuff?" Liam asked. 

"I was attacked by an armor plated giant wearing a bear skull. It's left an impression. Look, look, have you ever seen anything like this?" Mason asked, showing detailed drawings of Berserkers from his book. 

"Uh, no, never." Liam lied. 

"And there's this whole section about something called tez-tezca-"

 "tezcatlipoca. Nope, never heard of it." Liam said, stepping into his class. 

"I'll see you guys after class." Danielle said, leaving to find her class. 

"Okay, see ya." Liam said.

 "Bye." Mason said.


Danielle found Liam after class by his locker with his head up against it. "Hey Liam, what's up?" Danielle asked. She noticed that he had a pair of jeans in between his head and the locker. She realized they were the jeans he had on earlier and she looked down to see that he was wearing his lacrosse shorts. "What's with the outfit change?" She asked. 

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