Ch. 15 Amplification

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Currently Stiles, Scott, and Danielle were chasing after a bunch of cop cars who were chasing The Beast. Stiles had his police scanner on and they could hear whatever the officers said. "Unit 5 heading northwest on Prescient. Reporting an incredibly large.. something." They heard deputy Romero say. 

"Unit 9 to dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rabid animal."

"Unit 5 to 9. Trust me, that's no animal."

 "Unit 6 to dispatch. We have a situation downtown, multiple fatalities."

 "Copy. Medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight Unit 6?"

"Negative. Looks like a 1091E, animal attack."

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal?"

Stiles picked up his radio. "All units stay back, do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."

 "Stiles get off the radio!" Noah said. He put it down. "All units alert, wait for back up. Repeat, no one goes near this thing." 

"Unit 5 reporting a sighting on Hill road, southbound."

"Unit 9, I've got it turning off Mobridge, southbound on Beecher."

"All units, this is dispatch, we've got a 911 call with an additional sighting on Beecher."

"Wait a second, Beecher to Mitchell." Stiles said. 

"It's heading right for the hospital." Scott said. 

"Dad!" Stiles said into the radio. 

"Stiles get off this channel!" Noah said. 

"Dad just listen to me. It's headed for the hospital. It's headed for Beacon Memorial." Stiles said and put the radio down. He changed direction and headed for the hospital.

"Unit 5, Romero, I need eyes on Parrish. Does anyone have Parrish's 20?" Noah asked. 

"All units we have a 911 emergency call reporting a man on fire running into Beacon Hills Memorial." Dispatch said. 

"Romero, disregard." Noah said, now knowing where Parrish is.


When they got to the hospital it was dark and empty. The police had informed them to evacuate beforehand. They heard a gun cocking behind them and they turned around to see Noah. "Shh!" He said with a finger over his lips. There was a crash followed by loud growling coming from upstairs. 

"Fourth floor." Scott knew. When they got there they saw that there were holes in the walls and items on carts were on fire. They walked in quietly with Noah leading. The lights were flickering on and off and they saw that the floors were a mess with scattered papers and other materials. They all walked down the hall in eerie silence. They stopped before turning a corner. Good thing because Parrish, on fire, came out in front of them being thrown into the wall. When he hit the ground he wasn't on fire anymore. He had large slashes on his chest and his eyes, which were glowing orange, were starting to close from exhaustion. Noah kept them all from moving. They all saw the orange color dissolve from Parrish's eyes and that's when Noah let them move. He walked up to Parrish and Scott looked around the corner.

 "Parrish, you okay?" Noah asked while Parrish looked directly down the hall. "Deputy!" Noah shouted. Parrish jumped and looked around breathing heavily. Scott, Danielle, and Stiles all started looking around down the hall. Scott noticed giant bloody paw prints on the floor. He followed them and saw that they got smaller and the shape changed. The prints kept changing until it became a bloody shoe print.

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