Ch. 5 A Novel Approach

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Donovan used his arm to choke Stiles. Stiles tried to reach for a wrench that was sitting on the Jeep while also trying to get Donovan off. For some reason Donovan let go of Stiles. Stiles grabbed the wrench and swung it at Donovan's head to knock him out. But it didn't knock him out. When Stiles saw him getting up he started to run into the school. 

Stiles ran back into the library, knowing it could only be opened with a student ID card. But somehow Donovan got in, he used someone's card. "You dropped your phone. It's Malia, should I text her back?" Donovan called out to find where Stiles was hiding. "You don't really know who I am, do you Stiles? Maybe you heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him? Did sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy and his partner got caught in a shoot out? Did he tell you a bullet shot into my dad's t-9 vertebrae? Went right through his spinal cord, you know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless. Not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably left out the part where he was sitting in a car calling for back up while my dad was going in alone! Did he tell you that he was too scared? Too much of a frightened little boy to go in after him? Or do scared little boys not tell their little boy sons about their failures? About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?" He said. Stiles was getting angry with everything Donovan was saying about his dad.

 Donovan went up to the second floor and for a moment it was silent and Stiles thought he was safe. He rested against a bookshelf and Donovan's hand shot out from the other side and pulled Stiles through. That's when he lost the wrench. He managed to push Donovan down and started to climb scaffolding that was over the second story rail. It was there for maintenance. "Don't worry Stiles, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna eat your legs." Donovan said grabbing Stiles' leg and showing the milky white eyes of a wendigo. Stiles still tried to climb and saw a pull pin that held the scaffolding together. He thought that if he pulled it the scaffolding on Donovan's side would fall and knock him off Stiles' leg. At most he would finally be knocked out. He struggled to reach the pin but when he finally did it didn't go the way he had expected. One of the pieces of scaffolding went right through Donovan. Stiles climbed down and looked in shock at Donovan. Stiles held on to it to take it out of him but then Donovan weakly hissed at him before he died. The silver liquid poured out of him and ran down the scaffolding to the floor.

 Stiles didn't know what to do. He called the police but he didn't say anything. What was he supposed to say? They were going to try and send a squad car out to the high school to see who made the call. Stiles left the library and managed to get his car to work. He didn't know what to do. He was sitting in his car freaking out. He heard the sirens of the squad car and pulled the car out behind a tree. When the deputy came out Stiles turned his police scanner on. "There's no one here." The deputy said.

 "Copy that. Prank call."

 When the car left, Stiles went back inside the school. He went back in the library and saw that there was no body. The scaffolding had been picked up. The blood was gone. Someone had cleaned it up.


Danielle woke up when she heard Stiles come back into the house. She walked into his room and saw him writing on his crime board. "Hey, what's up?" She asked. Stiles was breathing heavily, still panicking. "Stiles are you okay?" She asked, walking further into the room. She went up to hug him. She looked at the writing on the board. 

'Donovan not dead walked out' 

'Donovan dead'

'Someone took the body' 

"Stiles, what happened tonight?"


The next day, at school, Malia told everyone what she found in Tracy's room. It was a book called The Dread Doctors. The cover had drawings of all three of their masks. Malia has read the book but she didn't understand it. Kira made copies so everyone could read it. The author's name was apparently a pen name so they couldn't figure out who it was. But the acknowledgment mentioned Dr. Gabriel Valack, a patient in Eichen House.

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