Ch. 14 The Sword and the Spirit

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Stiles got a call from his dad. Twenty-three dead bodies were found in the water treatment plant tunnels. 

Stiles, Danielle, Scott, and Kira all went to the hospital. When they got to the floor that Noah was at, they saw people wheeling away the body bags. "Who found them?" Danielle asked. 

"Argent. He said the Dread Doctors were down there. He also said that you guys might know what this thing is." Noah informed them. 

"We've got a theory." Scott said. 

"It's a slightly terrifying theory." Stiles added. 

"Well the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." Noah said. 

"What if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" Scott suggested. 

"Why would they do that?" Kira asked. 

"Maybe they're covering for it." Danielle said. 

"Protecting it, like a parent would." Stiles agreed. 

"Protecting what?" Noah asked. 

"A werewolf." Scott said. 

"It's called 'The Beast'." Kira told Noah. 

"We know, horrifying." Stiles said. 

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true." Noah said.


The next day, Danielle was walking down the hall at school when the intercom came on. "By order of the sheriff, county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after school activities are cancelled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day." The principal said.

Just great, no soccer, Danielle thought and rolled her eyes. While she was walking she saw two deputies walk by her with rifles in their hands. It's scary what this has come to, she thought.

 Then Liam came up to her and drew her attention away from the deputies. "Hey, Danielle." He said, smiling slightly. 

"Hey Liam." She said with a smile. 

"Are we still on for tonight? I just heard the announcement but I figured you wouldn't care."

"You're right, I don't really care. Yeah I'm still down for tonight. Where are we meeting?"

"On the field."

"The lacrosse field?"

"Yeah. No one's gonna be there."

"Oh. Okay. I'll meet you there."

"Great. See ya'."



Danielle ended up getting to the field before Liam. She sat down on the bleachers and set her bag next to her. 

She ended up waiting for longer than she expected.

Liam never showed up. 

When Liam was in the locker room earlier, Malia walked in and told him to tell Scott that he was right about the tunnels. Liam wanted to help so he went to the tunnels by himself. Scott found him there and together they found an Ouroboro- a snake eating itself- on the wall. Turning it revealed a secret room where Chris and Gerard were. 

They showed Scott and Liam a painting of The Beast (the beast of Gevaudan) and a Hellhound that was hidden behind a wall. Chris broke the bottom of the wall and revealed the bottom of the painting. It was a pile of dead bodies, the victims. They finally figured out what Parrish was and told him to come to the tunnels to confirm it.


While this was all going on Malia, Theo, and Braeden were fighting Malia's mother, Corinne, who had Deaton held hostage. Theo double crossed them and shot Malia with Braeden's gun to get the glowing talons from Corinne. They were able to escape from Corinne and get Deaton back.


Scott and Liam went to the animal clinic where Deaton and the others were. Scott and Deaton hugged. Scott was relieved that they had found him but Deaton never doubted that they would. "How is everyone? Are they okay? Where's Stiles? Lydia? Kira? Danielle?" Deaton asked, worried for the teens that he holds dear. 

"Danielle!" Liam gasped and exclaimed which drew everyone's attention. "I was supposed to meet her at the field!" He yelled and was about to run out but Scott stopped him. 

"Tell her to meet us at my house. We're gonna come up with a plan to get Lydia out of Eichen House." He said. Liam nodded and ran out.


When Liam got to the field he saw Danielle shooting balls into a soccer goal in the dark. "Danielle!" Liam shouted as he ran up to her. He stopped in front of her and caught his breath.

 "You're a little late." She said in disappointment and took another shot. 

"I know. I'm sorry. I forgot, with everything happening." He said in between breathes. 

"With what happening?" She asked and let the soccer ball fall from her hands.

"We found where the Dread Doctors are. We found out that Parrish is a Hellhound. Malia fought her mom and found Deaton." Liam said, starting to calm his breathing. 

Danielle's eyes widened at the information. "Wow, I missed a lot."

He nodded. "Now we have to go to Scott's house to find out how to get Lydia from Eichen House." He said. Then he noticed, "Did you pull out the goal?" He asked, knowing how heavy it is. 

"Yeah. I got bored waiting. So I ran, and I exercised, then I got the goal and the balls out." She said with an upset tone. 

He picked up on it and remembered his mistake. "I'm so sorry again. I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise."

"Let's not worry about that right now. For now we have to get to Scott's house. Wait, how did you get here?"

"Oh, I ran."

"You ran all the way here?!" She asked in shock. 

"Uh huh."

"You do realized that we're gonna have to run back?!" She asked. He groaned when the thought came to mind. "There is no way I am doing that. I'm calling my brother to get us." She said and jogged over to the bleachers where her bag was.


When they got to Scott's house they, Scott, Kira, Stiles, and Malia stood around the kitchen table with maps, pictures, a key card provided by Stiles, and an Eichen House security log provided by Liam. How he got it, Danielle didn't want to ask. "Now we get Lydia."

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