Ch. 4 Condition Terminal

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After the figures left the basement of the sheriff's station, they went to Donovan's cell and opened it by disrupting the electronic lock.

 Scott, Stiles, Deaton, and Theo arrived at the station to help. Theo helped Lydia by wrapping his belt around her to cut off the blood flow. Natalie came up behind Stiles and saw Lydia bleeding out. "Oh god." She said running up and kneeling beside her. 

"Stiles, Stiles, come on." Scott said having a lead, a trail of blood to find Tracy. But Stiles didn't want to leave Lydia.

 "It's okay. She'll be alright." Theo assured him.

 "Stiles I'm fine. Help Tracy." Lydia said.

 They ran down to the basement and found Malia standing in front of Tracy's dead body. "It wasn't me." Malia immediately said. 

"What the heck happened to her?" Noah asked while Scott and Deaton examined Tracy. 

"There were these people. They had masks, all of them. There-there were three of them." Malia stuttered over her words. 

"Woah, woah, what are you talking about?" Stiles asked. 

"They were- they were strong Stiles. They had a weapon. Stiles I didn't do this." She said, very shaken up. 

"She's not changing back. We need to get her out of here." Deaton said. 

"Absolutely not! This is a crime scene. We call the coroner." Noah said, taking this from a police standpoint instead of a supernatural standpoint. 

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail." Deaton said.

 "I don't care!" Noah said in anger. 

"You should. Unless you care to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills." Deaton said. 

"Dad, he's right." Stiles said. 

"Maybe at the clinic we can figure out how to change her back then call the coroner." Scott suggested. 

"There is a line. There is a line that we have to draw." Noah said in frustration. 

"Dad, we already crossed it. More than once." Stiles said. 

"Sheriff, please. Let me help. I've dealt with things like this before." Deaton said. 

Noah hesitated. "Just do it fast."

 Deaton and Scott carried Tracy away.


The people that Malia saw- the doctors, the Pathologist, the Surgeon, and the Geneticist- all took Donovan to where they took Tracy. It was also where they took the werewolf with the glowing talons. "His condition looks promising." The Pathologist said. 

"What does that mean?!" Donovan exclaimed in terror. He struggled against their grips and restraints while he laid on a metal table. Two of them held his head down and mouth open while one of them pulled his teeth out to make way for his new ones. The teeth of a wendigo. They were creating supernatural creatures using science. That's why Tracy could cross through the mountain ash.


They took Lydia to the hospital and that's where Liam, and Danielle met everyone else. "Tracy was buried?" Scott asked. 

"In a hole." Liam said. 

"Buried alive." Danielle continued.

 "Crawled out. We found another hole." Liam added.

 "Who was buried in that one?" Scott asked with concern. 

"We don't know but I think we're gonna want to find out." Liam said. They went up the elevator to meet everyone. 

Mellissa had just come out of the room. "Stiles." She said knowing he was the most worried.

 "How is she? Is she okay?" Stiles asked. 

"She's going to be fine. Nice going on that tourniquet, Theo. You may have saved her life with that. Alright, she's about to go into surgery. So it's going to be awhile. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about? Or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?" Mellissa asked. 

"It was the tail." Kira spoke up.

 "Tracy cut her with the tail if that makes a difference." Scott clarified. 

"Okay." Mellissa nodded and walked away. 

"But it wasn't just Tracy. There were the others. The guys in the masks." Malia said. But no one believed her.


Deaton figured out what Tracy truly was. She had the claws of a werewolf but the scales, venom, and tail of a Kanima. She was two types of supernatural creatures. That's what the Doctors were doing; mixing two types of supernatural creature into one person and then burying them as part of the process. Deaton figured out that she must have been made.


After school Liam and Mason were going to a club called Sinema. Liam was going as Mason's wingman(co-pilot, really hot flight attendant). The only way they were even getting in was because Hayden worked there and could get them in through the back. "I said I'd let you in, not him." Hayden said when she opened the door.

 "You said I could have a plus one." Mason said. 

"I didn't say plus Liam." She said. 

"I'm his flight attendant." Liam said. 

"What?" She asked.

 "Wingman. Forget it, I don't have to go in." Liam corrected himself. 

"No. You're coming. How about me, him, plus fifty." Mason offered holding out fifty dollars.

 "Welcome to Sinema." Hayden said, taking the money.


While they were at the club, Stiles was in the school library trying to comb through all the myths to find clues. 

Malia was at Tracy's house. 

Scott and Kira were at the hospital because Mellissa had called them there. 

Danielle was in her room doing schoolwork, unaware that all this was happening. 

Scott and Kira went to Sinema because the patient they went to see was injured by the other chimera. A boy named Lucas who was part scorpion. While they were fighting Lucas, Liam had managed to knock him down. Kira's Kitsune aura became visible and she almost struck Lucas while he was down. Scott stopped her, but it wasn't an accident, she was trying to on purpose. It was only the second time her aura became visible. The first time was when she cut Tracy's tail at the station. Scott and Liam had picked Lucas up to carry him away but then an arrow on a string went right into Lucas. As it went out everyone looked up to see the three men that Malia had seen in the basement. "Why did you do that?" Scott asked. 

"His condition was terminal." The Surgeon said. 

"What does that mean?" Scott asked, wanting answers while they were still there. They began to turn around to walk away. "What does that mean?!" Scott shouted. 

"Failure." The Surgeon responded. Sparks flew and the three of them were gone.


When Stiles was trying to leave the school his car broke. He opened the hood and a large amount of smoke came out. But the only thing he could do was duct tape whatever it was. While he was wrapping the tape, Donovan came up behind him. Whatever the other half of him was, has a mouth on its hand. He put his hand on Stiles' shoulder and Stiles yelled in pain.

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