Ch. 10 Status Asthmaticus

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"What do you mean 'no'?" Liam asked standing up and getting in Scott's face. There was anger in his eyes.

 "Liam look at her. She's too weak, it'll kill her. We don't even know what the Mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it's actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her life." Scott said. 

"It saved mine." Liam said. 

"Well that was different. You were hanging off of a ledge." Scott said. 

"You promised. You said you'd do everything you could!" Liam said. 

"Which is why I'm not gonna do something I think is going to kill her." Scott said. "There's has to be a... there has to be..." Scott was starting to have an asthma attack. 

"Scott, your inhaler." Danielle said. 

Theo tossed his inhaler to him. Scott used it. "There's another way to save her." Scott said.

 "Guys! I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a werewolf bite but she's definitely not surviving this. We need to do something." Theo said.


In the morning, Mellissa came to the animal clinic to help with Hayden. Hayden was now on top of the metal examination table and covered with a blanket. Mellissa brought with her two bags of saline. "What's that?" Liam asked. 

"It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood. But the problem is that it can injure the kidneys and Hayden only has one to begin with so." Mellissa said. She grabbed a needle and started to insert it into the back of Hayden's hand. Hayden grunted in pain. 

"You're hurting her." Liam said and grabbed Mellissa's wrist, holding it a bit too tight.

"And you're hurting me." Mellissa said. 

Liam made eye contact with Scott and immediately let go. "Sorry." Liam said quietly. 

"Guys, remember we're here to save a life, not kill each other." Theo said. 

What's that supposed to mean, Danielle thought. 

"It's the full moon. We can feel it even during the day." Scott said to his mom. 

"And it's a super moon." Theo said. 

"What is that supposed to mean? You guys get, super strong, super aggressive?" Mellissa asked putting a saline bag onto its hook. 

"Both." Scott confimred.

Mellissa, Liam, and Danielle stayed with Hayden while Scott and Theo were in the waiting room. They heard the door's bell ring and knew that someone had either come in or left. Theo left to go talk to everyone else and Scott tried to get some sleep. Liam started to leave the room which Danielle found strange. "Where are you going?" She asked. 

"Just to see Scott." He answered without looking at her and walked to the front of the building. Danielle got a text from Stiles saying that he was outside to pick her up. "I gotta go. Tell me when she starts getting better?" She asked Mellissa. 

"Yep." Mellissa nodded. 

"Hey Liam, I'm gonna go. You should stay with Hayden." Danielle said, walking past him. 

"Where are you going?" He asked. 

"I'm going to the station with Stiles." She said. 

"Please don't go." Liam pleaded and she felt her heart pang. 

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