Ch. 6 Required Reading

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"Chimeras." Noah said after crossing a picture of Tracy with a red marker. Stiles, Danielle, and Malia were at the station and just told Noah all that they knew.

 "Two dead chimeras." Stiles said. 

"And eight new ones." Danielle added.

 "That makes ten." Stiles said. 

"I think it may be eleven." Noah said, adding Donovan's picture next to the others on his board. "Our station tech guy confirmed something for me. He said both the holding cell lock and the cameras could've malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic. You said that these guys-" 

"Dread Doctors." Malia interrupted.

"Are we really calling them that?" Noah asked.

 "So they broke Donovan out." Danielle stated.

 "It's how they got into Eichen isn't it?" Noah asked. 

"Donovan's a chimera." Malia said.

 "Yeah. But, is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?" Noah asked while he and Malia examined the pictures. Stiles turned around so he didn't have to look at the picture. 

"If he is, he's probably dead." Malia said picking up the marker. 

"Not until I've seen a body." Noah said, holding Malia's hand preventing her from crossing off the picture. "You're uncharacteristicly quiet." Noah said, turning around to Stiles. 

"Sorry. I'm just trying to think about it." Stiles said as an excuse and walked up to them. "These were all teenagers right? So shouldn't we be trying to figure out, why these teenagers? If the Dread Doctors, If they went through all that, burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail." Stiles suggested. 

"They couldn't have been chosen at random." Noah said.

 "They had to have something in common." Malia said. 

"Something that made them right for this experiment." Danielle said.

 "Something that made them special." Stiles said.


Everyone went to Scott's house for everyone to read the book together. "My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia said. 

"Well they also didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." Stiles said.

"That's why Malia's here." Scott said. 

"So none of us go running into traffic." Kira said.

 "Or worse." Scott said. 

"Like what happened to Judy." Malia said. Everyone looked at her in confusion. "Chapter fourteen." Malia clarified. 

"Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping up on the ceiling and attacking everyone." Lydia said. 

"If it works." Stiles said. 

"It has to." Lydia said.

 "What does that mean?" Scott asked. 

"I think I saw them during my surgery. When I look at the cover of the book... it's almost like a.."

"A memory trying to surface." Theo finished for her.

 "Yeah." Lydia agreed. 

"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" Kira asked.

 "If they did something to me, I wanna know what it is." Lydia said, picking up the book and everyone else picked up the printed copies.


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