Chaper 30

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Zoey's POV

There were pictures, they were published. Our private little world in this funky hotel exploded. Within 24 hours of a stupid, careless mistake the entire universe shifted. There were crowds of people outside the hotel usually, at all times of days. The hotel was full of people, Wack was always packed, and suddenly Harry had a team of people around him. 

After he left my room the friday it all happened, I hadn't gotten to see him. He was whisked away by his manager and security and they went into damage control mode. I knew he wasn't mad at me, and I knew this drama would settle down as quickly as it started, but I still had this lingering feeling of dread and regret. I didn't regret kissing him but I did regret accidentally ruining this amazing thing we had going at the hotel. 

I spent most of Saturday in bed, I was feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. At first I assumed it was from the stress of the evening before but as Saturday turned into Sunday and I could barely get myself into the shower, I started to worry that this was something more serious. Exhaustion turned into not being able to keep down any food or water, and then suddenly I found myself admitted to the hospital on Sunday night. My team from the trial were on the case, and I was being scanned, tested, poked and prodded non-stop. I was in and out of a daze, having medicines pumped into me and never really understanding what was going on. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to stay asleep, not face any of this.

May knew I was in the hospital, I had to call down to the desk and get her help to get transported over. She promised to make sure Harry knew I was ok when he couldn't find me, if he was even able to try to reach out. She came by every day, as my stay extended by the day. She was the only person who know about my cancer, and she took it upon herself to support me and keep me company. She helped me feed lies to my family about my 'vacation', she kept me updated on the madness at the hotel and she took care of me. She was keeping me laughing, keeping me light-hearted, keeping me sane. She let me know that Harry had been moved from the hotel and into the house that the rest of his band was staying in. She hadn't heard from him since he left but Paul and him had been in touch. 

 I was having complications from some of the medications in the trials and my white blood cells were attacking my immune system and causing organ function problems. It seemed to be improving and after 6 days in the hospital I was able to go back to the hotel. I was still incredibly weak and sick, but I was much more stable. As I was wheeled down the block and away from the hospital by May in a wheelchair, towards the hotel, I noted that there was still a few crowds of girls out front. I shook my head in disbelief. 

"I can't believe they are spending so much time here, just hoping to see him. He isn't a zoo attraction." I scoffed to May.

"I know, we've been getting calls nonstop too, asking about him. Someone tried to bribe me $100 to stay in the room he had been in. It's insanity. Imagine what they would do if they knew you had touched his dick." She threw me a curveball with that one, making me bark out a laugh and cover my mouth with my hand. 

"I've touched it so many times." I giggled with glee, grateful for her distractions and her ability to understand what I needed. As we got closer to the entrance, people started turning to notice us. First it was just looks, but then it became whispers and then gasps. Whispers quickly became murmurs, which quickly became shouts and phones in my face. 

"That's her! That's the girl from the pictures with Harry!" 

Fuccccckkkkk. They were all around us, videotaping and shouting questions and insults at me.

I doubled over into my own lap and hid my face as May raced through the crowd, shouting for people to move out of the way of the wheelchair. A few staff members kept people from coming inside and I was eternally grateful for that as I lifted my head. She brought me right over to the elevator, and Paul ran over as we waited for the elevator doors to open. 

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