Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

Yesterday at the studio was insane, we have material to expand on for 3 different songs and the whole band was feeling my writing so much. We got so much done and ended up going to dinner and having way too much to drink to celebrate our progress. 

As I woke up this morning to my alarm blaring, I realized I had slept through my alarm for some time and I was running really late. My head was pounding as I pulled on my pants from yesterday and a fresh sweater, doing a quick teeth brushing and ran out the door. We had a meeting with a label executive in a few minutes and I knew it would be a bad look for me to be late. I rushed to the elevators and rode down, seeing a line of people at the cafe and grimacing. I had never needed coffee more in my life but I definitely did not have time today for that pleasure.

 As I rushed past I caught a glimpse of Zoey down the hallway, closer to the door. She was laying flat on a long couch with a book in her hands, holding it up above her head as she read and her feet were crossed comfortably. She looked up with a huge smile, catching me staring and immediately scanned me up and down. I could tell by her laughter that I must have looked like I had just rolled out of bed, which I had, and I can only imagine how haggard my state was. 

This angel, despite her laughter, reached down to the table by her head and lifted her coffee cup into the air, silently offering it to me as I rushed past. I slowed just enough to take it and press a quick kiss to the palm of her hand before running out the door. The cup was full and hot. She might be my new best friend. 

The meeting went well, great even, and we all stayed at the studio doing some writing and throwing some ideas around. By the time I was headed back into the hotel lobby in the early evening, I was starving and exhausted. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button, waiting. Zoey walking in the front doors of the lobby caught my attention. She looked tired, and was moving slower than normal, without the normal bounce to her step. Her posture seemed to be poor and the shoulder that her large tote bag hung on was sagging low, as if she was struggling with the weight. 

I ignored the opening elevator doors and quickly walked towards her, smiling in a purposefully light hearted away as I stepped up to her and lifted her bag off her shoulder, placing it on mine. She shot me a quick look of gratitude and I couldn't help but notice her paler-than-average skin tone and the hospital bracelet on her wrist. 

"Hey love, I'm thinking of doing movies and delivery tonight in my room, want to join me?" I ask, offering her company in case she needs it.

"In." she stated simply, as we walked back to my starting spot at the elevator. As we waited for the doors to open, she tilted her head forward and placed her forehead against the edge of my shoulder, resting it there and closing her eyes. "How was your day?" She mumbled.

I launched into my answer, trying to distract her with my successful writing and the bands enthusiasm. As we stepped into the elevator and rode up I told her about over drinking the night before and sleeping through my alarm. She smiled gently and seemed genuinely happy to hear about our progress and fun in the studio. 

We walked to our rooms and she turned to her door. "I'm going to shower and then I'll come over?" She asked me, taking her tote back from me and reaching in for her room key.

"Perfect, I need to shower too." 

"I was gonna say...." she gave me a teasing, wide eyed look and scrunched her nose. "You smell like tequila a little bit." She laughed and opened her door. I laughed and shook my head, turning to my own door and shushing her as I headed into my own room. 

Zoey's POV

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Zoey's POV

The last 24 hours had been wild. There was no other way to describe it. First, last night with Isla and Sean was.....orgasmic. Insane. I had let go of any type of inhibitions I may have inside my body or brain and just did exactly what I wanted and it was a night I will never forget. I did not have a lot of experience with sexual encounters, having only had one sexual partner in the past, this areas of my life being the only "vanilla" one, but it turns out that was part of what I wanted to change during my experiences here. 

I had woken up this morning early with Isla and Sean still in my bed and had crept out to do some yoga and get some coffee, letting them sleep. When I saw a VERY feather-ruffled Harry rushing towards the hotel exit, while drooling sadly over the cafe and frowning at the line of people. I figured he had a wild night as well and willingly handed over my coffee as he passed by. My body felt a shock run from my hand to my pelvis as he brushed a kiss to my palm in gratitude and rushed on out to his waiting car. 

I laughed. I had literally watched the hottest girl on the planet with her head between my legs last night, bringing me to my first orgasm that wasn't self-produced, yet this man's friendly palm kiss had a different, stronger reaction in my body. What was I going to do with this boy? He was definitely getting to me.

Now here I am, laying on his couch with my head on his lap. His hand is in my hair, gently running his fingertips along my scalp and smoothing my hair. You could offer me $1,000 and I wouldn't be able to tell you what we were watching. It was a comedy that had him chuckling from time to time. I was enjoying the vibrations that I felt from his body when he laughed. We ate soup and sandwiches and I was warm and comfortable, under a blanket and in sweats.

After today's introductory dose of my first medication and getting my port placed on my chest for future infusions, I was feeling run down and emotional as I returned to the hotel. A quick call with my sister had only heightened the emotional aspect of things, the lying being hard to make it through when I felt like this. 

Now though, I just felt comfort and peace. One of my hands was tucked under my cheek, my fingers resting on his thigh. I squeezed it in gratitude as I sighed happily and let my eyes flutter closed. His thigh tightened briefly at the contact and he stroked my hair again in response. I could feel him looking down at me as I let myself drift, sleepily. I felt his finger run along my ear and couldn't stop the gentle smile as I succumbed to sleep.

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