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The Narrator.
It is said that when we are born, our lives are already planned out. That our bad and good choices have already been seen by the Higher being. From the moment you pop out from your mother crying and wiggling your legs, that’s when your life starts. Everything is recorded, everything you do is watched, every mistake is written down, every achievement is celebrated, and your future is set. You navigate through your life meanwhile it has already been planned and seen, you are more like a vessel, carrying out a certain mission. And when you are done with the world, you return to the ground, and eventually everyone will forget about you. They will forget that you ever existed, and you will be rotting away in the grave. Others believe in the after life, that there is a place you go to, to be with your maker. Others believe that you remain in your grave forever, that there is no after life. What do you believe in? Who is watching these things as they happen? If there is, then where is she/he hiding?

Khumbulani Shongwe, a good-looking man, down to earth and very smart. This is partly his story.

Nakia comes to me and brings the food. I smile and thank her. My wife is very good when it comes to the pots, I love it more when she cooks me her home food. She’s from Kenya, and we don’t have a child yet. We have been married for a year. I met Nakia when she was lost, she was new in South Africa and she wanted to find her apartment that she had rented beforehand. That’s how I got close to her, and we started a relationship few months down the line. Of course, people weren’t too supporting with the idea of us, you know people and that term that they use to other Africans. But I didn’t care, they mocked her and I defended her. Nakia is dark, her skin is more like that of Okoye from Wakanda Forever. She may not be pleasing to them or fit their beauty standards, but I love my wife, and there is more to her than they are seeing.
Nakia:Baby your mother said she will be here tomorrow.
Khumbulani:What does she want?
Nakia:I don’t know, we’ll hear when she arrives.
I nodded and continued eating. My mother is not one of those monsters in law, but she has made it clear that she doesn’t like Nakia,  she is civil towards her. Although, I don’t know why she doesn’t like her. Nakia is everything a man needs.
Nakia:I have to run a few errands, I will be back.
She gave me a kiss on the cheek and went out. I finished eating and went to the kitchen to wash my plate. When I was done, I went back to the living room to my ringing phone. It was my older brother, Mphathikhaya. I have two brothers, it’s him and Qinisela. My parents do not have daughters, dad is no longer with us.
Mphathi:Khumbulani have you forgotten to meet me here? I have been waiting.
Damn it, I absolutely forgot.
Khumbulani:Shit okay, I’m on my way.
After finishing my errands, I went to his hideout. I don’t know why he has to hide like a fugitive.
Chege:I thought you weren’t coming today.
Nakia:I had to cook for Lani first.
Chege:Okay.. Did you bring me food?
I gave him the food I had brought. He ate so quickly; he must have been hungry. Chege is also from Kenya like me.
Nakia:Barasa is dead.
Chege:*Shocked* What!?
Nakia:Yesterday, they caught him.
Chege:He was our best one yet.
Nakia:They burnt his body like a dog.
I drop one tear.
Nakia:We won’t even get to bury him.
Chege:I knew they would do this! We shouldn’t have sent him there.
Nakia:We had not choice.
I found Mphathi looking so annoyed, I sat down and apologized.
Mphathi:What kept you?
Khumbulani:I seriously forgot.
Mphathi:Yeah yeah whatever. I wanted us to talk about something..
Khumbulani:I’m listening…
Mphathi:You know my situation… I can’t have kids, and my house is at the blink of falling down. With you being the next in line, I am asking you to build my house.
I wasn’t sure I was understanding what he was saying, but I had an idea.
Khumbulani:What are you saying exactly?
Mphathi:I’m asking you to have kids on my behalf with my wife, I know they won’t be mine but at least they will have the DNA yo Shongwe.
Khumbulani:Bafo I don’t think I can do that, I am married and I can’t hurt Nakia like this. What you are asking me is not possible.
Mphathi:I am literally begging you Khumbulani, uyawa umuzi wami.
Khumbulani:But there are a lot of options that you can still try.
Mphathi:I have tried everything, you know that.
Khumbulani:I can’t do it. I’m sorry.
I stood up with the attempt to walk away, but he held my hand firmly.
Mphathi:Don’t forget I know what you did.
I looked at him and he kept a straight expression.
Mphathi:I did not want it to get this far, but you are not making things easy for me. Sit!
I slowly sat down.
Mphathi:Now this is what you have to do….
He wears his clothes and spanks the maid’s ass.
Mandla:That was great, next time come early. I won’t wait like I did today.
The maid nodded and walked out. Mandla also walked out, and found his father standing by his door.
Mandla:Hey dad…
His father looked at him disgusted.
Mandla:Before you say anything, we are in a relationship.
“I want to talk to you about something. Come to my study”
He followed behind him. They reached his study and sat down.
Mandla:So what do you want to talk about?
“Son, I want to talk to you about your behaviour.”
Mandla:What have I done?
“Where is your life headed? All you know is to have sex and fun”
Mandla:Life is too short.
“You’re not getting any younger, you’re almost reaching 30. I will not always be here to clean up after you.”
He reached for his drawer and gave him a picture.
“I want you to find that person for me”
Mandla:Who is she?
“That’s for me to know, no one has seen her. I was lucky to get her picture but I don’t remember where I saw her”
Mandla:I will try.
His father stood up and walked out of the room. He heard some movement and ignored it thinking it was one of the maids. He got alarmed when he heard someone crying. He moved to the direction of the noise and saw one of the housekeepers being mouth taped by what looked like a thief. How did they enter? His house is security heavy.
The thieves saw him and pointed at him with their guns.
“Boys… no one has to get hurt.. We will give you anything you want… just let her go…”, he pleaded with them…..
He tried to move towards them but one of them shot him on the head.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!? This was supposed to be a clean job!”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. The trigger just went off”
The shouted at each other.
Mandla came rushing to the room upon hearing gun shots.
He screamed as he saw his father laying in a pool of blood.

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