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# 4

The day of the funeral

Today we were taking my father to his final resting place. I have dried out of tears. The week hasn't been easy, I kept thinking that he will wake up and that's it's all just a prank or something. But he's really gone, how could he be gone so soon? First I lost my mother, lost my brother, lost my sister, and now my father. What have I done to deserve this!? I'm all alone now!!
Jumaima comes to me and pats my shoulder softly.
Jumaima:Let's go Mandla. We are going to the cemetery now, to lay him to rest.
I had stormed out of the service because I couldn't take it, seeing his picture above his coffin just made me weak. He didn't deserve to die so soon. Curse those criminals who shot him.
I get inside the car and we drive to the cemetery. Arriving, and some people were already there.
There was a small gazebo put in front with chairs, dedicated to the family. Jumaima held my hand and we went to sit in front.
"U Mshengu ebesihamba naye, usele la, usele la, usele la, usele la" 🎶🎶
People start singing, and the pastor starts the ceremony. We are asked to stand up and throw soil over the grave. I do so, and drop along one tear.
"We therefore commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life."
They lower him to the ground, and the men start covering his grave with soil.
I sniff holding on to my aunt.
Jumaima:He's at peace Mandla, I know it hurts but it will get better boy... Let's go home...
She helps me stand up and head to the car..
We return home and people were eating already, I was not in the mood to eat anytime soon.
I saw my dad's lawyer(Maqhinga) approaching us, he gave me a handshake and greeted Aunt Jumaima.
Maqhinga:Again, I'm sorry for your loss. Your father had put in his will that he wants it to be read on the day of his funeral so that there isn't any fraud that is done.
Jumaima:*Excited* Really? Today?
Mandla:We can go to his study, since it's quiet.
The three of us went there and I closed the door.
Maqhinga:In this will reading needs to be present, Mandlenkosi Mshengu and Jumaima Mshengu.
Mandla:Yes it's the two of us.
Maqhinga:Okay we can start...
He opened the papers and put on his glasses.
Maqhinga:This is the Last will and testament of Thandanani Albert Mshengu. I, Thandanani appoint Maqhinga Bhengu to be the executor and reader of this document, if it happens that he passes on or something happens, then I appoint Tracy Green to be the one to read this document.
First to my son, if you are reading this then it means I'm gone. I'm sorry for leaving you, I have tried my best raising you after we lost almost our entire family. The life you are living doesn't make me happy my son, I hope you put a stop to it. There is a separate letter that Maqhinga will give you, I want you to read it when you are alone.

Now to the real business of my assets and who I leave them to.
My company, Mshengu IT services, I leave all of it to my son, Mandlenkosi Mshengu.
I leave my farm to my sister, Jumaima Mshengu.
I leave 90% of my money to my son, Mandlenkosi Mshengu.
The 10%, I am donating it to any charity organization that my son will see fit it deserves.
I leave a sum of R75 000 to my sister, Jumaima Mshengu.
The house is written in my son's name, Mandlenkosi Mshengu. No family member of mine should think they have an upper hand over it and chase my son out. Anyone who tries that, will be arrested as per the order I had put with the police.
Everything else not mentioned here, I leave it all to my son, Mandlenkosi Mshengu.

He finishes and folds back the papers. He gives me the letter and it was sealed.
Jumaima stands up and starts ululating.
Jumaima:I knew my brother wouldn't leave me with  nothing.
She dances and walks away.
Maqhinga:Come to my office by Monday so that we can process everything, and transfer it to your name. Your father trusted in you Mandla, do not disappoint him.
Mandla:I won't disappoint him, I promise.
Maqhinga:If you need anything, I'm here for you. Your father was like a brother to me.
Well today was a waste of time, we went to that man's house and he told us there's nothing he can help us with. We woke up early for nothing.
Mom:He must be a crook, how can he chase us out like that?
Khumbulani:It's a sign that we shouldn't have done this.
Mphathi looks at me and I shake my head.
Mom:I will ask MaSkhosana to direct me to someone.
Qinisela:When you go again, please let me know. I need to go back to my wife.
Mom:Hau Qinisela, we haven't seen you in weeks and already you are leaving.
Qinisela:I will visit soon mama.
Mom:You didn't even bring makoti, I would have loved to see her.
Qinisela:I will come with her tomorrow, we have a doctor's appointment tomorrow this side anyway.
Mom:I can't wait to see my grandson.
Qinisela:It could be a girl.
Mom:Either way, at least one son of mine will give me a grandchild.
Mphathi walked out of the room, and I followed him.
Mphathi:We need to do this today.
Mphathi:Everything will be ready by 19h00pm.
Khumbulani:I will be there brother..
He walked out and I sighed. Where is Nakia?
# Narrated
Few hours later..
Khumbulani knocks on his brother's house and Kayise was the one to open for him.
Kayise:Come in...
He gets in and Mphathi was sitting on his favorite chair.
Mphathi:Mama we have discussed this, right?
Kayise:Yes, I understood.
Mphathi:Bafo I trust you, do not fall in love with my wife.
Khumbulani:I won't, I'm only doing this because you are blackmailing me.
Mphathi:You can do it in the spare bedroom.
Kayise and Khumbulani stood up going to the spare bedroom. They closed the door behind them and Kayise sat on the bed.
Khumbulani:In no way can Nakia find out about this, okay?
Kayise:Yes, I won't tell her.
Khumbulani:Okay... Let's do this...
They both took off their clothes and Kayise laid up on the bed. Khumbulani turned off the lights, it's better when he won't have to look at her. He got on top of her and tried to kiss her but images of Nakia smiling flashed in his mind. Instead, he cupped her breasts and inserted his finger inside her.

In the living room, Mphathi puts his wedding picture away and drinks his whiskey. He can hear Kayise screaming and moaning all the way from where he was. He walked to the bedroom and the sounds got louder as he approached. He stood by the door and listened as his wife enjoyed another man inside her. This was hurting, was it really the best thing to do? How could he ask his brother to sleep with his wife? What if they sneak around behind his back?
He pushes the door down and turns on the light. Khumbulani and Kayise jump out of bed. Mphathi looks at his brother's dick as it glistened with cum, and gulped his saliva. It looked so big, and he frowned at the fact that it entered his wife. He's the only one who is supposed to do that. He looks at Kayise and her body was red. This was a bad idea. What was he thinking?

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