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# 2

After leaving Chege, I had to return home. But my Lani was gone. I wonder where he is. He never goes out without telling me, same way that I never go out without telling him. I text him asking where he is, and he replies by saying he's with his brother. Okay that's better.
I am not entirely happy with his mother coming here tomorrow, that woman doesn't like me. She always thinks I'm not the one for his son, but I love Khumbulani and he loves me. She will just have to be strong, and soldier on. I think what made it worse is when she discovered that I'm not from South Africa, but Kenya. She threw a fit and wanted to chase me out, but my husband stood up for me. His brothers have no problem with me, it's only his mother. I hope someday I will be able to soften her heart and she will love me.

I'm worried about Chege, I don't like that place he's living in. But he doesn’t want to leave that place. You must be wondering, Chege is my brother, he recently came here from Kenya. He ran away actually, from very bad people. He's the only family member I have remaining , our parents sadly passed away when we were young,  car accident.

Let me clean up while Lani is not here.
I stop walking when I notice something, this room, it's always closed. I don't remember opening it. I bring my hand out to open it but I hear Khumbulani calling me..
"Nakiaaa I am back..."
I leave the room and hurry to him. I hug him.
Khumbulani:I was with my brother.. Sorry for not telling you.
Nakia:Don't worry, I have gotten used to your forgetfulness.
Khumbulani:*Chuckles* What are you talking about?
Nakia:Babe don't act like you don't know. You forget almost everything, I'm surprised you don't have amnesia.
My aunt just arrived, and she was crying like crazy. This was her brother. The thugs who shot him have been arrested, but it still doesn't take away the fact that dad is gone. He was just telling me yesterday that he won't be around for too long and I took that lightly. I should have known that something bad would happen.
Jumaima:Mandla we need to start preparing for the funeral. Where are your father's important documents?
Mandla:You mean IDs and stuff?
Jumaima:Yes, maybe they'll need it.. Did he have a will?
I looked at her.
Mandla:Why are you asking that?
Jumaima:I just want to know if he left something for me..
Mandla:It hasn't even been a week, and you are already looking for his will..
Jumaima:Sorry, okay let's forget about that... I will call the rest of the family to let them know what has happened.. Oh ngobhuti nkosi yami, Indoda elunge kanjena(My brother Lord, such a good man).
She walked away and I went to my dad's study. That picture was still in the table. Who is this woman? I don't recognize her. Maybe I should try finding her, that way I will feel like I have honored dad.
Back home and my wife is on her phone. I kiss her but she doesn't respond.
Mphathi:Sekwenzenjani ke manje? (What is wrong now?)
Kayise:Your mother called me today and insulted me, she told me that I am useless because I can't give you a child.
Mphathi:I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.
Kayise:Oh so you're saying I'm crazy? Vele uhlezi umkhulumela umamakho, awukuboni nje okuwrong akwenzayo(You always defend your mother, you never see anything wrong she's doing).
Mphathi:My mom is older than you Kayise!! Don't talk about her like she's a 5 year old!!
Kayise:Ungakhohlwa ukuthi akumina ongazali, ngizomtshela Mina kuphele konke ukqina nale entitlement anayo(Don't forget that I'm not the one with the problem, I will tell her and she will be humbled, and the entitlement she has will die down).
Kayise:You allow your mother to come in between us, and I always keep quiet. Uhlulwa u Khumbulani, he defends Nakia. But you, you can watch your mother insulting me to the moon and back.
Mphathi:Kayise what is this all about!?
Kayise:Do not shout at me, because I'm also not shouting. We are married Mphathi, I'm not your child. I'm telling you things that make me unhappy. Isn't it entitlement that makes your mother thinks she can call me and tell me that nonsense she said!? But of course, you won't see anything wrong with it, because mommy is an angel to your eyes.
She stood up and walked away.. I took my phone and sent a text to Khumbulani..
'Time is ticking. We need to hurry' - Mphathi
'Isn't there something else we could do?'-Khumbulani
'No, this is it. Don't forget that I have leverage over you.'-Mphathi
'I never thought my own  brother would blackmail me. I came to you that day because I thought you were the only one who could help me but now you are using it against me' - Khumbulani
I did not like doing this too, but I am desperate right now. Kayise can leave me anytime when she's tired of it all.
'Just be here Friday night.' - Mphathi.
I placed my phone away and sighed, I am stressed.
People were starting to come in numbers and I was nowhere with finding that woman. If I didn't know any better, I would say she is a ghost. Nothing on the web comes up about her. I thought I was a computer genius, but I am failing at finding her. I wonder what deal she had with my father.
"Mandla woz'ovula la! (Mandla come and open here!), I hear aunt Jumaima calling.
I go to her, and she was trying to open a door..
Jumaima:I'm trying to open this door, but it is locked.
Mandla:I don't know what is in there. I also have tried opening it, but nothing. Maybe dad was the only one with a key..
Jumaima:Well we should find it and open this room, to see what's inside.
Mandla:No, if dad kept it locked, then he knows what he was doing. We should not invade his privacy.
Jumaima:He is dead, he is not coming back to open this door..
Wow! My aunt is giving me offish vibes, since she arrived she has been snooping and asking about things that don't concern her. I will have to keep an eye out for her, I don't trust her now. I don't trust anyone.
She sits between my legs and cover us with the throw blanket. We were watching a movie.
Khumbulani:Babe I was thinking...
Khumbulani:I think it's time we build our family..
Nakia:As in have children?
Khumbulani:Yes, only if you are willing.
Nakia:I have never thought of having children, but I think you are right. We are not getting any younger, so having our mini family wouldn't hurt.
I smiled, I thought she would say no.
Khumbulani:Thank you. I guess that means you are stopping the pill.
Nakia:Yes, I will.
The following day
Mother arrived, and she didn't look too happy. Nakia brought her something to drink.
Mom:Thank you.. Please excuse us, I need to speak with my son alone...
She nodded and left.
Khumbulani:So what made you come all the way here?
Mom:Is it wrong to visit my son?
Khumbulani:No, but I know you...
Mom:*Sigh*It's about your father..
My heart skipped.
Khumbulani:What about him?
Mom:I'm not at peace, I need to find out how he died or who killed him. He always visits me in my dreams and he doesn't look happy. My husband didn't die a natural death, someone killed him and I want to find that person.
I started to sweat immediately, the topic of my father hits hard. He died just when I was about to graduate.
Mom:And I know someone who can help us. Anyway, your brother called me today and shouted at me, saying I spoke to his wife rudely yesterday. I was just stating facts, Kayise and Mphathi have been married for a long time and they still don't have a child.
Khumbulani:Maybe your son is the one with a problem.
Mom:Never, it can't be. Males are very fertile.
Which century is she living on?

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