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# 11

I check the time and five minutes has passed already. I'm so nervous, I'm scared of the results. I gather courage and reach for the stick. I look with my one eye closed. Oh God that's two lines!! I'm pregnant!

Mphathi has been a good husband lately, hearing that I'm pregnant with Khumbulani, he will be shattered.
"Kayiseee",he shouts for me. I hide the pregnancy test and go to him.
He gave me the phone and I looked at him confused.
Mphathi:It's my mother, she wants to talk to you.
I hesitantly put the phone in my ear.
"Kayise my daughter how are you?"
My daughter? This is the first time I'm hearing her being so humble.
Kayise:I am fine ma, how are you?
"I am also fine, I wanted to talk to you."
Kayise:Yebo ma I am listening.
"I want to say I'm sorry for all the years I have been treating you horrible and called you names, saying that you were the problem. Meanwhile it was my son. I am really sorry, I hope it's not too late to start over"
I forced a smile.
Kayise:I understand, you were just looking out for your son like any mother would.
The following day
At the hospital
# Narrated
Chege goes inside his sister's ward room and he finds the nurse inside.
"We found this inside her when we were operating"
She gave him the necklace. He shoved it into his pocket.
Chege:Thank you.
They were reliable, if it was another person, they would have kept it for themselves.
The nurse walks out and Chege drags a chair and sits down, holding Nakia's hand. He sees her move a little, and he stands up.
Chege:Are you waking up?
Nakia winces in pain and tries to open her eyes, but they have been closed for too long. Chege turns off the lights and she opens them again. She looks around her surroundings and remembers that she was shot. She starts panicking, thinking she's dead.
Chege:Relax. You are okay.
He says as he saw the fear and panic in her eyes.
Her throat was dry and she needed water. He went to get it for her. She slowly sipped.
Nakia:Thank you.
Chege:I was so worried.
Nakia:I'm sorry... I thought I had everything figured out.
Chege:It's okay... Aasir is dead so it means our problems are gone.
Nakia:His men will still come for us...
Chege:They won't. What do they know? And besides, the person who shot you is arrested.
Nakia:The gun I shot him with, it has my fingerprints Chege. They will arrest me.
Chege:Do not worry yourself about that, it's all sorted.
Nakia:Where is Lani?
Chege:He uhm... He was here and recently left because he was needed at work..
Nakia:Chege mimi ni dada yako (I am your sister). I know when you are lying. Where is Lani?
Chege:I told him yesterday everything that is happening and he left. He hasn't returned since.
Nakia:Why would you tell him that? It was my secret to tell, not yours.
Chege:He wanted to know sis. How was I going to explain you getting shot at a shady club?
Nakia:I need to call him.
He gave her his phone and she dialed his numbers. It sent her to voice mail. She sighed and gave it back. Surely her husband was disappointed in her wherever he was.
Nakia:He will never forgive me..
Chege:It's not like you cheated... You just withheld information from him. He will forgive you.
Nakia:You don't understand, Lani takes a really long time to get over something.
What Khumbulani asked me yesterday hasn't left my mind. I have been thinking about it ever since. What if really Kayise gets pregnant with his child? How will I look at that child knowing that she/he is of my brother?
She comes and wraps her arms around me. She kisses my neck and tries to get me in the mood.
Kayise:We should try now making a baby...
Mphathi:Not today...
Kayise:Come on... You have never said no to me.
She touches my dick and continues kissing my neck.
Mphathi:I'm just not in the mood babe..
Kayise:I am starving Mphathi.. Please...
Hearing her beg moved me. I turned to her and took control, I kissed her and lifted up her shirt. Her boobs out in the open. I grabbed her by the waist and continued to kiss her. My mind just took me back to hearing her scream her that day, the way her pussy was red and pumping, the length of my brother's dick, and the cum that was all over them... I can't do this... I back away and run out of the room.
# Narrated
In the laundry room.
The house help, Nandi, throws Mandla's clothes in the washing machine and goes back to the kitchen and continue cleaning around. She was still glad she had her job, Mr Mshengu passing away scared her, especially because he died trying to save her life. She thought Mandla would fire her, but he has been extremely nice. She doesn't know whether it's because they slept together or not. She looks at the time and thirty minutes had passed. She goes back to the laundry room and the washing machine was done. She opened the door and took out the clothes.. She put them on the dryer and walked out again, waiting for approximately an hour.

An hour later, she came to check on the dryer and the clothes were dry. It was raining outside so it was best to dry them inside. She takes them out and throws them on the basket. She goes to Mandla's room and takes them out, folding them. In the middle of the folding, she noticed some pieces of papers. She took them and they were inside one of the trousers. They were unrecognizable, but she was able to read a few words
"To my son Mandlenkosi.."
She remembered that Mandla had asked her to help look for a letter that his father had written for him.
Nandi:Oh no... What have I done?
She took all the papers and teared them more, she went outside and did a little fire burning them... She went back to the trouser and washed the pockets, to remove all evidence. She was panicking and scared, she can't lose this job. Her entire family depends on the salary she receives here. And she would surely be fired if Mandla finds out she washed the letter. She went to her chambers and took out a pen and paper. Luckily she had seen Mr Mshengu's writing, so it won't be hard to make up something. She quickly writes it and folds it with a white envelope.
I am here at the hospital to see Nakia. I just need to know if she is okay. I'm sure she won't even remember me. They tell me her ward room  and I head there. I knock and I hear a come in. I open the door and get in. She was on the bed. She sat up when she saw me..
Nakia:Hi.. I remember you.
Mandla:Yes, I'm the one who called the ambulance. I just wanted to check if you were okay.
Nakia:What's your name?
Nakia:Thank you Mandlenkosi, you really helped me.
Mandla:It's my pleasure. I'm glad you made it hey.
I pulled the chair and sat down.
Mandla:So what did you get yourself into exactly?
Nakia:Messed with wrong people, but it's over now.
Mandla:Don't do it again. I was traumatized at seeing a person getting shot like that.
She laughs.
Nakia:Sorry for traumatizing you..
The door opens while she was still laughing and a man entered. She stopped laughing and her eyes got filled with tears. The man looked at me frowning.
"And you are?"
Mandla:My name is Mandla, I just came to check on her because I called an ambulance for her yesterday.
"Oh okay. Thank you for helping my wife. I'm Khumbulani"
The husband.
Mandla:I did what anyone could do. Anyway it's time for me to leave. Be well Nakia.
I left the room, they look like they need to talk. I also have my own problems. I asked Nandi to help me find that letter. I am giving up at finding that woman, it's clear she doesn't exist.
He doesn't say anything but kisses my hand.
Nakia:Lani... I am sorry.. I should have told you what was going on.
Kbumbulani:But you didn't..
Nakia:Keeping you in the dark was not my intention. I thought I was protecting you. Aasir was a dangerous man, and the more people knew about this, the more they would come for them.
He ignores me and kiss my hand again.
Nakia:Lani... Baby please talk to me..
He was ignoring me and it hurt. I'm not used to him being mad at me. I cry and wipe my tears, I feel like there is a huge lump stuck in my cervical spine. I swallow and look at him.
Khumbulani:Why are you crying Nakia?
He doesn’t even seem moved by my crying. I turn the other way and silently sob. Seconds later I feel his hand touching me and the bed gets heavier. Oh my! He got in the bed. He pulls me close to him.
Khumbulani:I know you by now, crying won't get you out of this.
I turn to him and wrap my hands around him, holding him tightly.
Nakia:Just don't leave me.
Khumbulani:I'm not going anywhere. I'm just disappointed in you. Lies destroy relationships and I don't want that happening to us.
I was laying in his chest and his breathing pattern was sketchy.

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