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# 25

Everything has changed, everyone has been given a second chance to fix their mistakes.

I slowly walk inside and they are already waiting for me. I greet and sit down.
Gloria:Thank you for coming my son.
I nodded, I didn't want to come here but Nancy persuaded me.
Theresa:It is so good to see you Qinisela.
Yeah right, says the woman who chased me out like dirt.
Theresa:I want to start by apologizing for throwing you out that day, I was shocked to see you. I thought I would never see you again. I am sorry.
Qinisela:I just want to know why you gave me away, and why we never knew you were the sister to her..
Theresa:We made a promise to each other that night that we would cut ties with each other, so that people won't suspect a thing. I gave you to Gloria because the family I had married into had a tradition of giving away one twin. I thought I was protecting you.
Qinisela:Once again I'm telling you, lies never protect anyone!
I am smiling from ear to ear, me and Lani fixed things yesterday. It was about time. I don't like fighting with him. He's a good husband, just that he failed to adjust his time properly..
I am laying on top of him and we are just talking.
Nakia:I have missed this...
Lani:Me too, I missed you. I will never neglect you again okay...
I brushed his hand.
Nakia:So will you tell Mandla?
Lani:I am scared, what if he kills me? This is not like I stole money from him. I killed three of his family members.
Nakia:Then keep quiet. Never talk of it again..
Lani:What if he finds out?
Nakia:He will find out from who? He won't. Some secrets are meant to be kept till you reach the grave. This will mess the two of you up, and you don't know how he will react when you tell him this. In fact, let's stop talking about this before more ears hear us.
Lani:Don't you even want to know why I did it?
Nakia:I have my guesses, drunk, got out of control, gotten the gun to kill your father, but you failed..
Lani:I got the gun because I wanted to kill my father... 
Nakia:What did he do??
Lani:He messed me up, no one messes me up!!
I kept quiet and tried to calm him down.
Nakia:It's okay.... Do you regret it though?
Nakia:I do. A lot. They didn't have anything to do with all of that.
Nakia:I hear you..
Now that I have spoken with Khumbulani and told him how Qinisela is doing, I hope he will go and see him. I don't want Qinisela to feel like we have abandoned him because he is not our biological brother. We are still brothers.
Kayise is feeling much better today, I wonder what was wrong with her yesterday. But I guess it's the hormones right, we still have a long nine months to go.
My smile slowly dropped as I remembered that she is carrying my brother's child, not mine.
I know I asked for this, but damn! Seeing your wife carrying your brother's child is not bananas.
I smile back when she comes to the bedroom carrying a laundry basket.
Kayise:I think I should ask for a leave at work.
Mphathi:So soon?
Kayise:Yes, I don't want to overwork myself at the bakery.
Mphathi:Okay then.
She nodded and folded the clothes. I stood up and helped her.
Kayise:You don't have to.
Mphathi:I want to.
Nqaba was back from visiting his family.
Nqaba:I feel like I have been gone for months. What has been happening lately?
Mandla:Nothing much, just have been keeping myself busy with work.
Nqaba:Any girlfriend...?
Mandla:*Laughing* Dude...
Nqaba:Come on, I know you...
Mandla:Okay do you remember that girl? That we saved from the club??
Nqaba:Oh that black Beauty?
Mandla:Yes, I think I developed feelings for her. But she is married, and I get along pretty well with her husband.
Nqaba:Ayy phuma lapho baba, married women are a no go area. Stay in your lane.
Mandla:I know, but damn that girl! Yessss!!! I last saw her when she was at the hospital.
Nqaba:Usuyahlanya wena(You are crazy). Get rid of those thoughts please. Bros don't fight over women. You said you are friends with her husband, so don't do this.
Mandla:I wasn't going to do anything Nqaba. I won't act on it, don't worry.
Nqaba:Now you are talking. There is Nandi if you need a girlfriend.
Mandla:Nandi is not someone I can call a girlfriend. We have fucked around too much.
Nqaba:Even so, stay away from people's lives.
I wake up and place her carefully on the other side of the bed.. I take my phone and head out, to call Qinisela.
He answers on the second ring.
Khumbulani:How are you Qinisela?
Qinisela:Hanging in there what can we Say.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry I haven't been there..
Qinisela:It's okay, Mphathi told me you were busy.
Khumbulani:Is everything okay now?
Qinisela:A little. I talked with Theresa today, and she explained how everything happened. I don't know where to from here, I would like more than anything to have a relationship with my mother, but I am scared of being rejected again. She said my father does not even know that I exist.
Khumbulani:I am sorry, take it one step at a time. Don't rush. We will always be there for you, anything you need.
Qinisela:Thank you Bros, for not turning your back on me.
Khumbulani:We are family, and family doesn't turn on each other.
He sighed.
Qinisela:Anyway... Did you guys find who Shongwe's killer was?
Khumbulani:Not yet, the case is dead. And the detective seems to not even be doing anything. Mom hasn't said anything about dad visiting him, so I guess dad has finally rested in peace.
Qinisela:Let's hope so.
We chatted for a few more minutes, and it was time to hang up.
I hung up and received a text from an unsaved number.
I opened it and it was pictures of scans, followed by a text of words.
'Our son is growing. I can't wait for you to meet him.

From Kayise'.
I quickly deleted the message sweating. Why is sending me this? Wasn't our agreement that they would keep the baby and not bother me? I went to the kitchen to get water, Kayise is going to piss me off!!
I called number .
Khumbulani:Why are you sending me this?
Kayise:Don't you want to know about the baby we made?
Khumbulani:Kayise don't act crazy. We agreed that we would never talk about this again.
Kayise:I'm sorry, I just thought it was best to keep you updated. I'll never do it again.
Khumbulani:Don't do it again for reals. What if Nakia was near me when I opened that message??
Kayise:I'm sorry...
Khumbulani:It's fine.
I hung up and sighed worriedly, if Nakia can find out about this, she can leave me without even turning back.

As you all know, this is our last story on Facebook . Goodbye. Take care of yourselves.

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