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# 5

I wear my clothes and shoes, and walk out. My dic* was still hard, so I went to the bathroom to service myself. I went back to the room and Kayise was looking down, sitting on the bed.
Khumbulani:I am leaving.
I walked out, since they were both quiet.
I knew this was a bad idea. I arrived home and first thing I did was to take a shower. I need to remove all evidence of sleeping with someone else today.
I went back to the bedroom with only a towel only.
Nakia:Where were you?
She asked so calmly, reading a book.
Khumbulani:At my brother's house. Didn't I tell you?
Nakia:You didn't.
Khumbulani:I forgot. What are you reading?
Nakia:Just a book about how to be a better human.
Khumbulani:*Chuckles* Really? They make books like that now?
She laughs, her laugh is contagious.
I dropped my towel and her eyes stared at me.
Nakia:If you are seducing me, then it is working.
Khumbulani:What if I am? Come here.
She came to me and knelt in front of me. I pushed her head to me and she started sucking me good. I couldn't help myself, I was screaming and groaning here and there. I lifted her up and threw her on the bed, she giggled and I took off her night dress.
Khumbulani:We are making a baby today..
Nakia:Oh yes...
I didn't waste time and inserted myself inside of her..
I pour myself another glass and drink it all in one second. I pour another one but it gets snatched from my hands. It was Kayise.
Mphathi:What are you doing?
Kayise:We need to talk.
Mphathi:About what? About how you enjoyed my brother fuckin you!?
Kayise:You will not turn this on me. You came up with this stupid idea of your brother sleeping with me. So don't act like I cheated on you.
Mphathi:Did he cum inside?
Mphathi:I'm asking... Did he cum inside?
Kayise:He did..
I smashed the glass on the wall and felt my soul leaving my body. What was I thinking? Was I really desperate that much!? How will I have sex with her knowing very well that my brother has been in there?
Kayise:You wanted this, so you should be happy.
Mphathi:How could you also agree that easily? Maybe you have always wanted my brother.
Mphathi:I'm just saying, you didn't even put up an argument when I told you. You just agreed. So maybe you have always crushed on him.
Kayise:Fuck you Mphathikhaya uyangizwa!!! I will not listen to you insulting me like this!!!
I have been working all night, trying to find this woman but nothing. I am on the verge of giving up. It's either she's dead or she doesn't exist. I haven't read the letter yet, I am scared..
Almost everyone has left, Jumaima is still here. I don't think she's leaving anytime soon.
I put my laptop away and go to my dad's study. I lock the door and start ransacking. I'm looking for the key, I want to see what's inside that room. I don't remember it being opened, what if my father was involved in some cult thing!? Bingo, I find a key in one of the drawers. I hope it opens...
I go to that room, and insert the key on the keyhole. I turn it around but the door doesn't open. I push it in but still nothing, it ended up breaking apart. Shit! Now what will I do?
I have to break it down, my curiosity will not let me rest until I open here.
I roll out of bed and wear a simple dress. I can't even walk naked  around my house with the mother in law here. I need to see Chege, so we can move forward.
Khumbulani:Where are you going?
Nakia:To make breakfast, and head to work.
Khumbulani:Won't you be late?
Nakia:You want your mother to say I went to work without making breakfast for you?
Khumbulani:I am not crippled, I can make myself food. Bath and go to work. I'm sure you are tired from yesterday.
I laugh a little.
Nakia:umenifanyia kazi kupita kiasi(You overworked me).
Kbumbulani:I will learn Swahili one day and we can gossip about people.
Nakia:*Laughing* Do you even know how to gossip?
Khumbulani:I can surprise you.
Nakia:Let me go to work.
Khumbulani:nakupenda(I love you)
Nakia:nakupenda pia(I love you too).
I was not speaking to Mphathi after what he said yesterday. That man will make me have anger issues!!! How dare he try to pin this on me!? Isn't he the one who came to me with this idea!? I also want a child, and if he can't give it to me then his brother will.
Speaking of his brother, Lord the things he did to me yesterday! He left me wanting for me. I don't know if I should even be having thoughts like this, but I was not satisfied. That man knows how to fuck, Mphathi is no match. It wouldn't hurt to do it again. I lick my lips imaginings how I felt yesterday as he went in and out of me. I was screaming at the top of my voice, feeling the pleasure.
The door opens and I compose myself thinking it's a customer, kanti it's Nakia.
Nakia is so beautiful, no wonder Khumbulani is head over hills in love with her. She's the true definition of dark beauty, you wouldn't say she's from Kenya. I'm not saying that people from Kenya aren't beautiful but wow! The few I've seen, they are the bomb!
She smiles and waves to me.
Kayise:Hi, we are visited by you today.
Nakia:I was just in the neighborhood and popped by to see you.
Kayise:It is my lunchtime anyway, let's go chill at that coffee place.
We lead each other to the coffee shop.
Nakia:So how are you? It's been a while since we spoke.
Kayise:I'm good. How have you been?
Nakia:Amazing, me and my husband are trying for a baby.
I don't know why, but that makes me jealous.
Nakia:Yes. It's time we had our mini family.
Kayise:Lucky you.. Me and Mphathi are still trying but there's nothing happening. But due to recent events, I think we may finally be pregnant.
Nakia:Ohh that is good to hear..I'm happy for you..
Her phone beeps and she tends to it, I see her smiling and blushing.
Kayise:What is it?
Nakia:*Chuckling* Lani sent me a dick Pic.
Kayise:Let me see.
She stopped laughing and looked at me. Me and my mouth!
Mom:Where is Nakia?
Khumbulani:She went to work.
Mom:Without even making something to eat?
Khumbulani:Ma my wife is not a maid here. If you are hungry, I will make something for you to eat.
Mom:A man in the kitchen!? Your father never stepped foot in the pots. I did my duties as a wife.
Khumbulani:Ma we are not living in the ancient times, I don't know why you still have the mentality of the 1800s..
Mom:Oh so now you are insulting me because your wife doesn't cook?
Khumbulani:Yoo, are you hungry or not?
I was getting really annoyed.
Mom:I was just saying..
Khumbulani:Okay that's it.. Make your own food...
My Kenyan people, please correct me if I butcher Swahili🙊

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