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# Unedited

The mood was so tense that it could cut through vibranium. I don't know where she is getting all of this.
Nakia:So you suddenly have nothing to say?
Khumbulani:Were you spying on me?
Nakia:That's all you have to say about all of this??
Khumbulani:I don't have to talk to you about this...
I let go of her hand and turned back.
He just walked away and left me here. He knows I'm telling the truth, and he knows it that I'm right. When was he going to tell me? It's like I'm the only one who was keeping secrets from him, meanwhile he has taken lives of people! I am fuming with anger and rage. I have been quiet all this time because I thought it was not my business or he was scared to tell me. But his reaction tells me otherwise, he is not feeling guilty about what he did. He is playing Mandla, and he has him where he want him to be.
I close the door of my car and take a deep breath. I don't even know what I'm doing here! I just want answers, and get to know my twin. I wonder if he knows that we were stolen. Who is our real mother? Is she alive or is she dead???
I walk towards the gate and enter. There was a kid playing by the yard and I went to her.
Qinisela:Hi, bakhona abadala?(Are the elders here?)
"Yebo bakhona(Yes they are here?)"
She replies back to me with a smile and goes back to her playing. I go to the door and fist my hands, knocking twice. It was open, but I couldn't enter without permission.
I heard someone coming, it was a middle aged woman, probably Gloria's age.
She stopped when she saw me.
"What are you doing here?", she looked side by side and dragged me outside.
Qinisela:I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, but I need to talk to you about something.
"I have nothing to talk about. You need to leave", she looked really scared.
Qinisela:I just want to know who my mother is...
"I said leave, before my family comes back..."
She pushed me out of the yard.
"Do not come back here ever again. I knew what I was doing when I gave you to that woman!! Now leave!!!", she declared. You could clearly see how annoyed and angry she was. Her eyes were ready to kill me.
I took my rejected body to my car and got in. I held on to the wheel, taking everything in. Where to from here??
My phone rang and it was my wife. I sniffed my tears and answered her.
Nancy:Babe where are you? Khumbulani just called me and he says you are not answering his calls. Where are you?
Qinisela:She chased me out.
I said almost whispering.
Nancy:Who chased you out? Please come home my love.
Qinisela:I am on my way..
At Gloria's House.

Ben had come to visit her, and she was not in her usual mood today.
Ben:Is this still about your son?
Gloria:Yeah, he is hurt and feels rejected. He is still my son, biological or not.
Ben:Where is he now?
Gloria:I think he went to that woman.
Ben:Does he know the whole truth??
Gloria:I told him that I'm not his mother, he had a twin..
Gloria:What do you want me to say?? I have told him everything!
She is still not talking to me, the whole day we have been angry at each other. And I don't think she is prepared to back down any time soon. I might as well humble myself.
Khumbulani:Can we talk?
Nakia:Talk I'm listening.
Khumbulani:About what you said... How did you know?
Nakia:Again I am asking, is that all you are worried about??
Khumbulani:Just answer me.
Nakia:I wasn't going to involve myself with anyone I don't know what he has been up to, so yeah I did a background check on you. At first I understood that maybe you were scared to tell me, but your reaction now tells me otherwise. You were going to hide this forever..
Khumbulani:That's why it's called a secret!
Nakia:Lani I don't want to fight with you, let's stop talking about this.
Khumbulani:We are not fighting, we are just talking!
Nakia:You are shouting!
I sighed and calmed down..
Khumbulani:Please don't tell Mandla about this.
She laughed and continued with her phone.
Nakia:You don't have to worry about that, one way or another he will find out EVENTUALLY. Nothing stays hidden forever! Maybe you should hurry getting him answers before he finds them somewhere else!
I know this is stupid, but I couldn't hold myself. I am here at Elangeni, the Queen has to tell me what she saw in that room. My heart won't be at peace if I don't find what's inside. I am escorted to the throne room and I am told to wait for her. I wait for a few minutes and she arrives. She doesn't look too happy to see me.
Langelihle:Mandlenkosi, I thought we concluded our business yesterday.
Mandlenkosi:Your Highness, I am sorry for showing up unannounced here, but I need to know.
Langelihle:Didn't I tell the two of you to stay out of this!?
Mandla:With all due respect MY Queen, but we came to you asking for help, not advice. I need to know what's in that room. That's all.
She looked at me and indicated with her hands that I should follow her.
I followed after her, and she took me to some weird room.
Langelihle:Sit down.
I sat on the chair.
Langelihle:I want you to see for yourself what I saw. It's the same woman in the picture that I saw. I don't know if you will even make it back alive or what!
Mandla:Whoa!? What do you mean by that??
Langelihle:Your whole world is about to be changed upside down, and everything you know is about to be questioned.
Mandla:Your Highness you are scaring me!!
Langelihle:Do you still want to do this??
I swallowed my saliva, I was starting to be scared. The way she was saying all of this was scary and sending chills.
Mandla:Yes, I want to know.
Langelihle:Whatever happens, please don't scream. Come...
She held me up and we went to another room.
Langelihle:I have never opened this door, apparently there is a closed room in each and every house. I'm not going to go in with you. What you will find here, is the same as what's in your house.
I nodded, and she opened it, her supernatural powers are helpful. The door opened and I felt myself getting pulled inside, like I was going through a tube. I was breathing heavily, and looked at where I was. I was inside..
The Queen did not really come with me.
I turn back when I hear someone typing very loudly, the kind of typing that is annoying and can hurt your ears. I hold my ears and move towards that person. It was a woman, and the clothes she was wearing looked exactly like the ones the woman in the picture was wearing..
"You people come and go as you please in this place now!", she said. Still focused on her typing. I couldn't make out what she was typing, that was a very old computer. Is she even typing the right thing? She is doing it way too fast.
Mandla:I just need answers. My father gave me a picture, which I'm assuming is yours. He wanted me to find you for him, but he died.  Can you.. Can you stop that?? You are typing really loud...
"I can't.. I have been sitting on this chair for as long as I can remember", she said to me.
I looked around and this room was empty. What does she eat? Drink? Or the bathroom? Who even is she??
Mandla:What are you doing here!?
"If I tell you, I will have to kill you"
I frowned.
Mandla:Did you know my father??
"Your time is up. You need to leave now!!Goooo!!"
Mandla:No wait I need to_
I couldn't finish my sentence as I got vomited outside. Langelihle was still standing there, waiting for me.
Mandla:No no no, take me back.
Langelihle:She will just throw you out again.
I was very confused and angry a  little.
Mandla:What is she doing in there?
Langelihle:I don't know, I only saw her yesterday....
Mandla:You are lying to me. I can see it. Coming here was a waste of time. Khumbulani said that you are a kind hearted person but I see that he was mistaken.
Langelihle:Are you insulting the Queen?
Mandla:You’re not my Queen. Nxxx..
I dusted myself and walked out. This was useless. I don't know why she just won't tell me what she knows, because she knows something. Why do people have to lie like this? They always say they are protecting us! From what exactly!?
She hands me my phone and I put it on my ear.
Mphathi:How are you ma?
Gloria:I am not fine Mphathi, I am worried about Qinisela.
I sighed, this was another mess that she created for herself!
Mphathi:What did he say to you?
Gloria:He left here angry yesterday. I told him that I am not his mother, because he wanted to know his father.
Mphathi:Did  you tell him who his mother is?
Gloria:I don't know who his mother is, that woman at the hospital just gave him to me.
Mphathi:Ma I know you, please tell Qinisela the truth, before you lose him.
Gloria:He cursed me.
Mphathi:Because you don't want to tell him the truth. Where did you get him exactly?
Gloria:I have told the truth Mphathi, he was given to me.
Mom is lying, I can tell. I have been with this woman for 35 years of my life. I know when she is lying, and right now she is lying through her nose.
Mphathi:I will hang up, because you only called to lie to me. I don't know why you keep on doing this... Qinisela is my brother too. Do you think I like seeing him unhappy like this?
Gloria:*Sniffing*I am sorry...
Mphathi:Why are you crying now ma?
Gloria:Qinisela is my sister's child, she had twins and she gave Qinisela to me because I lost my child. I'm sorry....
Mphathi:You should have told him this. Not me.
To be continued...

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