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# 24

Mandla has killed Khumbulani. Rage overcame him, by the time I set myself free from the chair, he had already killed him. I don't know what be is going to say to his wife because she is on his way. I looked at him and a part of him felt guilty, regretting what he had done. That was an easy way out for him.
"Nakia is on her way over here", I tell him.
He looks over to me and looks back to Khumbulani.
Mandla:Let her come. I want her to see what her husband has done.
I kept quiet and went back to that room. My computer was smashed, and was no longer working. Only thing left, is to go home. I have done my job. I will return once again when I'm needed. My Father must miss me. Oh what of my siblings? I haven't seen them in years. They must be so grown by now. Time really flies that side. I hear a scream followed by a loud cry, and I just know it's Nakia.
I rush to them and she had her hands over her mouth. Where is Mandla?
Nakia:Lani... Please wake up....
She knelt next to her and tried to wake him up. She was wasting her time, he is already gone. His spirit left his body, and I can see it hovering his body. He looks at me and mouths a "I am sorry". I shake my head wondering, does he regret it now? Does he see the mess he has created???
Nakia:Who did this...?
She asked with tears.
Mandla came out of nowhere and folded his hands, "I did".
Nakia looked at him and marched to hi angrily.
Nakia:You killed my husband..
Her voice came out as a whisper, she was not believing that her husband was gone.
Mandla:He murdered my family. He deserves it. His life for theirs. I trusted him! He acted like he was my friend meanwhile he knew that he was hiding something this big from me. I hate him! I can wake him up and kill him again....

Both of them were hurting, and I was starting to get really confused and guilty. Is this how a day of a human feels like? These feelings that are dominant in my heart, maybe I went about this whole thing wrong. Maybe Khumbulani would still be alive if I didn't tell Mandla what he did. He would have told him at his own time. This is not my story, this is Khumbulani's story, and he deserves to tell it to the end. I'm not even supposed to be here, I'm only a Narrator. I shouldn't have interfered. No this is wrong....
I walk away from them and find what they call a laptop. I open it and the screen lights up. Now how do they use this??
I navigate through the laptop and find a note pad. Perfect.
I punch the keyboard and type in, "KHUMBULANI CHAPTER #24"

I hit him on the shoulder, waking him up. What's up with him today?
Mandla:Dude wake up....
Khumbulani:I'm awake, I'm just feeling weird.
Mandla:Weird in what way??
Khumbulani:I don't know... What day is it today??
Mandla:Uhhh November 30. Wednesday.
Khumbulani:Don't you feel some deja vu? Like we have lived this day?
Mandla:Man I don't know what you are talking about, but I think you drank too much of that whisky.
Khumbulani:I need to go home. I will see you some other time.
Mandla:Cool... Travel safe brah.
Tania:I have to leave now sweetheart. I'll see you when I return.
Kayise:Eish okay, I will miss you...
Tania:I am coming back, don't worry.
I waved at her as she drove away. I wasn't feeling well today. There was just something off with this day, and it felt really uncomfortable. I go back inside and pour myself a glass of cold water. Mphathi didn't go to work today.
Mphathi:Babe I am heading out.
Kayise:Oh, where are you going?
Mphathi:To see Khumbulani. It's been a while since I saw him.
I nodded.
Mphathi:Hey are you okay??
Kayise:I don't know, but I just don't feel good.
I saw him panicking.
Kayise:The baby is fine, I meant emotionally.
Mphathi:Okay I'm not leaving anymore.
Kayise:No, you can go and see your brother. I will be fine.
Mphathi:I can't just leave you like this..
Kayise:I will be fine. I will call you if something happens. Just go....
I pushed him out.
Mphathi:Okay, but I will be back in an hour or two. I love you, the both of you.
Kayise:We love you too.
Lani was really pissing me off now!! Where is he!?
I call him again and it sent me straight to voice mail. I clicked my tongue and called him again, it rang unanswered this time.
"I am here", that was him, holding his ringing phone and coming towards me. He tried to kiss me but I backed away from him.
Nakia:Where are you coming from?? You said you were going to buy milk but you have been gone for hours, and yet you are not carrying my milk.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry babe, I forgot. I was with Mandla and I lost track of time.
I laughed bitterly, with my hands on my waist.
Nakia:Mandla again!? Lani are you gay!?
Khumbulani:What!? No!!!
Nakia:Then why are you with Mandla 90% of the time!? Have you forgotten about me, your wife!?
Khumbulani:Of course not.
Nakia:When was the last time you even touched me!!!
A knock disturbed us. I sighed and left him there to open up for whoever it was.
I led my brother to the living room. I am happy to see him, I have just been busy lately I barely have time to catch up with family..
Mphathi:Ayisazani bafo.
Khumbulani:I know, it's partly my fault. I have been so caught up in other things. How are you?
Mphathi:I am fine now, I have forgiven Kayise for almost killing me. I love her, and I understand where she came from.
I nodded. My mind was far away. I was feeling very different today, like I just woke up from a long nap or something.
Mphathi:Did you talk to Qinisela?
He looked at me, more like judging me. Well I judge myself too, I haven't been spending much time with my family. I'm forever with Mandlenkosi. No wonder Nakia was so angry!!
Mphathi:He is seriously not coping, I went to see him yesterday and he was crying.
Khumbulani:Did mom tell him who his father was??
Mphathi:She lied at first, but turns out, he's her sister's child. He says that woman chased her out of her house. He felt unloved by that act.
Khumbulani:I will call him today. First, I need to fix things with my wife.
Mphathi:No worries, I just came to check on you because it has been really long.
We both stood up and I escorted him to the door.
Khumbulani:Thank you for coming. I will see you soon..
I waved goodbye to him, and went back inside. Looking for Nakia. I found her on our bedroom. I sat next to her and took her hands on mine.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry... I know I haven't been much of a good husband, but I love you Nakia. Please believe me when I say that to you.
To be continued...

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