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# 23
I have been existing since the beginning. I have a home. It is beautiful. Peaceful. Calming. That's where I get to be with my family. I was given the job to come to Earth, and bring order. By doing what I do best. Being a Narrator. These two idiots have messed with things that they don't even understand. I need to get out of this prison and go back to my chair. Who knows what mess is happening while they are still keeping me here!?
Mandla:So you are responsible for all the shit happening in our lives?
Narrator:I am not. I am mainly a Narrator, like I said.
Khumbulani:This is crazy.. So there is no heaven? No hell? No angels?? No afterlife?? You are the one responsible for our lives??
Narrator:I am not. Like I said at the beginning, it is up to you what you choose to believe in. If you believe there's heaven, then there is heaven. Can you get me out of this? I have answered all your questions.
Mandla:Not yet. You said Khumbulani called you back. What did you mean by that??
Narrator:When someone takes more than one life, and feels no remorse after that.
Khumbulani:What are you talking about??
Narrator:You heard me typing when you were younger, I was leaving that day. But then, you called me back by committing crimes more than once. Like I said, I was brought to bring balance and order.
Mandla:Khumbulani what is she talking about?
Khumbulani:I don't know brah...I...
Narrator:You might as well be honest with him Khumbulani.. Hiding the truth any longer will longen my stay here. I need to go back home.
Khumbulani:I don't know what you are talking about.. I have nothing I'm hiding.
Narrator:December 22 2016, at night...
He looked at me shocked, and he shook his head for me to keep quiet.
Narrator:Ntombizethu Mshengu with her two children were driving, excited to get home. The husband and the other son were waiting impatiently at home.
Mandla:What is this?? That's my mom.
I side eyed him to shut up!
Narrator:Ntombizethu was seated on the back, as she was pregnant. And her son was the one driving. When suddenly, in the middle of the drive, a man stood in front of the car. He was drunk and carrying a gun on his hand. Ntombizethu panicked and told the son to drive before they get hurt. But, the son accidentally bumped the drunk man and he fell down. Ntombizethu stepped out of the car, pregnant as she was, stepped out of the car to check on the drunk man. Her children called after her, but she told them to remain in the car. She went to the drunk man and touched his chest. "Are you okay?", she asked the man. The drunk man, completely out of his mind, shot Ntombizethu in the stomach three times. Her children screamed in the car seeing their mother getting shot. The drunk man noticed the children in the car, and staggered to them. They were scared and praying for a way out from this drunk man.
But, he didn't have mercy, he didn't think twice, he killed the two children of Ntombizethu. They had seen him, and he was not going to let them go. They would become witnesses to his crime. Remorse or guilty? Not even. He walked away like nothing ever happened. The murder was never pinned to him. Why did he do it? Only he knows. And who is the man? None other than Khumbulani Shongwe.
It was really good to see Theresa last week. We haven't caught up in so many years. She has visited again.
Theresa:I am sorry for not keeping in touch all these years.
Gloria:It's understandable. We promised that we would never contact each other.
Theresa:When I saw him that day, I became scared and chased him out. He must thin I hate him.
Gloria:And Qinisela is a sensitive child, he takes everything to heart. He hates me too, I have been hiding the truth from him and kept on lying repeatedly.
Theresa:Do you think he can forgive us?
Gloria:It's hard to tell, he is not answering any of my calls.
She sighed and stared at the TV blankly.
Gloria:Will you tell your husband about this?
Theresa:Where would I even start? He thinks I gave birth to one child. How will I explain a twin who rocks up at 28 years.
Gloria:Qinisela will want to know who his father is..
Theresa:I regret ever lying, I should have told my husband the truth. Maybe he would have convinced his family to let us keep the twins.
I charge to him and throw him on the ground.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry brah.
That's all he has to say!!!? That he is sorry..
Mandla:So it's the truth?? You really did it...!?
I punch him on the face and bang his head on the floor. He pushes me but I overpower him and pin him back to the ground.
Mandla:You killed my entire family!!! My siblings were young and you just killed them with no remorse!!!?
My tears fell on top of him. My mother was the sweetest person ever, and we were all too happy to welcome another sibling. I didn't have that much time with her, until he decided to take her life...
"Mandla you are killing me.... Please... Sorry"
I didn't stop, I took out all the anger I was carrying on him. I gave him multiple punches, without stopping!
"Stop you have killed him. Stop it!!", T. N says bringing me back to reality. He wasn't breathing, and his face was full of blood. So as my knuckles.
Mandla:He deserves it.. It's a life for a life....
I said breathing heavily..
I am getting really worried. I have been trying to call Lani for an hour now. I don't know what they found in that room or if they are still alive! I wore my shoes and grabbed my keys in a hurry. I am going there. My husband needs me!
I got inside the car and drove off...
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