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# 16

I don't know what to say anymore to Mphathi, I'm giving up. It's clear he won't be moving past this anytime soon. There is a baby at hand, and I don't think he's ready to accept it. I also can't risk telling Khumbulani that I am pregnant with his child, I can't betray Nakia like that. She was so angry that day when I told her what happened, so imagine if she finds out that she is the "clueless wife". Ayyy Umuntu uhambe ezifaka nje emanyaleni! How do we get out of this mess??
Mphathi:Can we talk?
Kagise:Yes, I'm listening..
Mphathi:First I want to say I'm sorry for everything. I should have listened to you when you told me that we should try other options, but I was too stubborn and wanted to do things my way. I shouldn't have manipulated you to sleep with my brother, that was wrong on so many levels. And me acting like a victim is not on point. I know that this is all my fault. I'm sorry mama, please allow me to do better. I love you Kayise and I don't want to lose you.
Kayise:Will you accept this child as yours??
He closed his eyes and I could see him breathing heavily.
Mphathi:I will... It's what we wanted anyway.
Kayise:What if you try to harm my baby Mphathi? I don't mean to paint you as a bad person, but this is my first ever child and I need to be careful.
Mphathi:I won't, I promise. I'll accept him/her as my own. Come here.
I shifted to him and he brought me closer to his chest.
Mphathi:I  love you, and we will get through this I promise you...
I take the bottle away from him. I don't like people who run to alcohol whenever they have problems.
Khumbulani:That's enough now.
Qinisela:She does not want to tell me who my father is, but she reminds me every chance she gets that Shongwe was not my father. 28 years of my life, and I don't know who my father is, or whether he abandoned me or he didn't know that I exist. I hate Gloria.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry Bro, but dad loved you as his own.
He started to chuckle, that bitter chuckle.
Qinisela:Mxxm, as if you don't know you were his favorite.
I looked down.
Qinisela:I don't care about him, all I want to know is who my father is. And Gloria doesn't want to tell me. I had hoped that she will tell me, but she chased me out. Can you believe she has a boyfriend!? And she brought him to the house? On the same bed she used to sleep with Shongwe in???
Mom has never said anything about dating someone. Why is she even dating? She's in her 60s.
Nakia walks to the bedroom to get Lani's clothes. She empties the pockets, but a picture falls down from his jacket. She freezes for a moment, and blinks her eyes. She picks up the photo and look at it, she moves to the trashcan and tears it to pieces before throwing it away.
She takes the clothes and walk out of the room, when she was outside she looks back and looks at the clothes she was holding..
"What the hell just happened??", she murmurs.
She continues going to the laundry room and throw the clothes to the washing machine. Her mind was far away and she was thinking a lot.
She goes to the living room and calls Chege.
Nakia:You don't call to let me know that you arrived safely.
Chege:I was going to tell you, I just checked in at the hotel and settling in.
Nakia:Okay, do you need more money??
Chege:I will let you know when I run out. Anyway are you good?
Nakia:I just had the weirdest thing happening.
Chege:What happened??
Nakia:I entered our room to get Lani's clothes and I saw myself outside, I don't remember picking them up.
Chege:Really?? Have you been getting enough rest?
Nakia:I am serious Chege, something is off. I feel like I have seen or lived this day before. What happened now feels very familiar... I don't know man.
She looks at her surroundings and something was not right.
Nakia:I will call you later..
She hangs up and stands on her feet, looking around. She walks through the passages touching the walls. She was not sure what she was looking for, but she was looking for something. She stumbles on the guest bedroom, and something in her tells her to open it. She takes a deep breath and twist the doorknob, the door slowly opens and she gets inside. She Breathes relieved when she doesn't see anything suspicious.
"Got worried for nothing", she said laughing.
I dropped off Qinisela at his house and drove home. I need to see my mother and find out exactly what she is doing. Why is she dating!?
I get out of the car and head to the door, I don't even knock. I let myself in and shout for her.
Gloria:Why are you shouting like that???
I passed her and looked room to room for this boyfriend.
Khumbulani:Where is he?
Gloria:Who are you talking about??
Khumbulani:The man Qinisela said he saw.
Gloria:Why are the two of you poking your noses in my business??? Did you expect me to stay single forever???
Khumbulani:Yes, you are old ma.
Gloria:Oh so because I'm old I don't deserve love?
Khumbulani:Dad was your husband and what you are doing is tarnishing his dignity. Did you have to bring that man here??
Gloria:Let me ask you this my son, if it was your father who was alive and I'm the one who is dead. Wouldn't you boys be encouraging him to move on?? It's acceptable when it's a man who does it, but it's suddenly World War II when I do it??
Khumbulani:But ma I_
Gloria:I loved your father I won't lie, but he's gone Khumbulani. He's gone and never coming back. Life shouldn't stop because he's gone, life goes on son. I have honored your father and stayed single all these years. And now that I am finally doing something that makes me happy, it's a problem??
I sat down, feeling bad. She was making a lot of sense. But it's not something you can just smile to, seeing your mother moving on.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry.
She sat down next to me.
Gloria:It's okay.
Khumbulani:But did you have to remind Qinisela that dad was not his father?
Gloria:It was a slip of the tongue.
Khumbulani:Who is his father??
She started to become uncomfortable.
Gloria:You don't know him.
Khumbulani:He deserves to know the truth. It's been years and you are not saying anything. He deserves to know where he comes from.
Gloria:It's not easy as you think.... But I will tell him.. Can you call him to come here tomorrow?
Khumbulani:You will tell him the truth?
Gloria:Yes, I will tell him everything...
Khumbulani:Okay I will tell him.
Kayise:It was your brother, said something about your mother having a boyfriend.
Kayise:Calm down, no need to throw a fit. She's just enjoying her life.
She laughs.
Mphathi:But a boyfriend??
Kayise:Let your mother be, we all deserve to be held close at night.
Mphathi:Please, I can't imagine my mother still being sexually active at her age.
Kayise:Well she is.
Mphathi:Can you give me my phone???
Kayise:No don't call her. I'm sure Khumbulani has already told her off, she doesn't need to be shouted by you too.
Mphathi:Kayise this is my mother we are talking about.
Kayise:And I know that, but be quiet for once. I know they told you in hopes that you will put an end to it. But your mother also deserves to be happy.
Mphathi:That's my dad’s wife.
Kayise:Your father is gone, and she is still alive. We should be doing a lot of things right now. I don't know why we are still discussing this.
Mphathi:Yes Ma'am.
I pull the duvet and make space for her.
Khumbulani:How was your day?
I ask kissing her forehead.
Nakia:Long, I had an experience of déjà vu.
Nakia:Yeah it was really weird and creepy. How was your day??
Khumbulani:Well my mother is dating, that's for sure.
Khumbulani:Yep, and she is serious about it.
Nakia:How is your new friend?
Khumbulani:Mandla? He's okay, I'm seeing him tomorrow after work.
Nakia:Be careful Lani.
Khumbulani:About what?
Nakia:This friendship, it won't end well.
Khumbulani:What are you talking about?
Nakia:Are you hiding anything from me?
Khumbulani:Hiding? I'm not hiding anything.
Nakia:Are you sure?
Khumbulani:Yes I'm sure. Are you hiding anything???
Nakia:No I'm not. Let's sleep. I love you.
Khumbulani:I love you too..
I switched off the lights and closed my eyes. If I didn't know any better I would say Nakia knows something about me...
I wake up and frown at my surroundings, why was I sleeping on sand?? I see her sitting by the desk, typing on a very old version of a computer.
"You are here", she says still turning back.
"Uhmmm what is this???", I ask still confused.
"You're dreaming, but you won't remember any of it", she says still typing. Very loudly I might say.
"Can you slow down your typing?", I ask her.
"No can do", she replies back.
I move towards her trying to get her to turn to me so I can see her.
"Stop!", she commands. I stop.
"I don't know what you are doing here or how you got in but you need to go! Wake up!!"
I wake up panting and breathing heavily. Nakia switches on the lights and gets me to calm down.
Nakia:Are you okay??? What's wrong?? You were speaking in your sleep.
Khumbulani:I don't know, I don't remember. I think I was dreaming.
Nakia:Dreaming about what?
Khumbulani:That's the thing. I don't remember....
Nakia:Let me get you some water, you look shaken up...
To be continued...

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