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# 19
# Narrated
@Mandla's House.
Khumbulani:The ghost  swallowed her!! Oh God we are definitely going to hell. We are burning for our sins, we have killed the Queen!!!
He said with his hands over his head. Both of them panicking. Confused by what just happened. What happened to the Queen??
Mandla:What in the actual fuck just happened!?
The royal guards came to them, looking so not happy when they didn't see their Queen..
"Where is Her Royal Highness?", one guard asked, clearly not playing.
Mandla:*Stuttering* We can explain.... We... She's... Going to be back... She went inside...
The guard looked at him and nodded, they went back to their stations.
Khumbulani:Dude... Why did you lie???
Mandla:What did you want me to say? That she was sucked inside? Does that make sense to you?? Help me open this...

They tried opening the door.
Mphathi is alright now, and is slowly warming up to the idea of me being pregnant with his brother's child. I just want to have a smooth pregnancy, this is my first baby so I want the best for him or her. About the gender, I am open to a boy or a girl. As long as I hold my baby in my arms, my heart will be at ease.
Mphathi:Babe your cousin is at the door and she is making so much noise.
He says as he approaches me. I know that can only be Tania, she is naturally loud. You do not want to hear her laugh, trust me.
She brings out her arms when she sees me.
"Aww mzala", we hug each other. I haven't seen her for months, she was at another province because of work.
Kayise:What brings you here? You didn't tell me you were coming.
Tania:Is it wrong to visit my favorite cousin?
Kayise:No, but I haven't even cooked yet.
Tania:That's great because we are going out. I have very exciting news to share. Get dressed darling go!
She was excited. I hurried to our bedroom and changed into classy clothing, I had just taken a bath.

Tania is that cool cousin that everyone wants to get along with. We get along very well, more than I do with my siblings. There is just too much competition with those, but with Tania, I feel like she understands me, and she never judges me.
I pull harder but nothing..
Khumbulani:I give up...
Mandla:Well you can't give up. What will we say to her people?
Khumbulani:I don't know but we have to t_
I stopped him when I noticed the door opening a little. I pulled him towards me, there was this bright light coming from the little opening. We looked in awe as the door opened, Queen Langelihle got pushed out and she fell on the floor. I ran to the door to try and keep it open but it got sealed tightly in my face, without even catching a glimpse of what inside.
I turned back and Khumbulani was making the Queen stand up, she looked spooked and was shaking.
Khumbulani:Your Highness are you okay? What did you see inside?
Her eyes were popping out and she was breathing very heavily. I was starting to get worried about her, what did she see??
Langelihle:Need to go home...
She stood up and fixed her hair.
Mandla:You can't go now. What did you see inside?
She ignored us and walked right out. Khumbulani looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders, we followed after her running. She got into one of the cars and looked at us.
Langelihle:Some things are not meant for the public eye. Stop trying to open the door! I repeat, stop trying to open the door. Goodbye.
She closed the car door on us and they drove away, leaving us confused and with a lot of questions.
Khumbulani:What was that about?
Mandla:I wish to know.
She took me out to eat at a restaurant.
Kayise:So what are the big news you want to share?
Tania:So you know how I was working in Free State right?
I nodded, waiting to hear what she has to say.
Tania:Well, I was promoted to  Executive director and I am transfered back to Durban baby...
I found myself screaming like a baby seeing candy. I'm so happy for her. I went to her side of the table and squeezed her into a hug.
Kayise:Oh mzala I am so happy for you. I'm sure your mother was happy too.
Tania:She was, she even sent me money to spoil myself.
I went back to my seat and ordered ice cream for us. This is definitely worth celebrating.
Tania:Aybo oe wangigxisha ngo ice cream engabe uthenga utshwala! (Why are you pumping me with ice cream instead of buying me alcohol?)
Kayise:I can't drink alcohol girl, but I can order one for you.
Tania:No way, tell me you're lying!!!
Kayise:Mhh, it has finally happened.
Tania:*Smiling* It seems today is a day of good news.
Khumbulani just walked in looking so sad and miserable.
Nakia:What’s wrong baby?
Khumbulani:How are you?
Nakia:I am fine, but you don't look okay. What's going on??
I pulled him to the couch and held his hand.
Khumbulani:So I was helping Mandla find a woman, and uncover the mystery of an unopened door at his house. We did not find the woman, nor open the door. Then I heard from a friend of mine, that there is someone with supernatural powers. So I convinced Mandla that we should go to her and ask for her help. We went and she agreed to come back with us, but we had to be tested first by the traditional healer. She found that we brought no harm to the kingdom, but then she started telling me that I should confess to Mandla about what I did. I lashed out on her and left her hut.
So, we came back here with the Queen, her name is Langelihle, she came and tried to open the door. But, she was the one who got sucked in it. An hour later, she came out of it looking spooked and scared, like she just saw something she wasn't supposed to see. Thbe door closed again, before Mandla could hold it. Langelihle left in a rush and told us that we should not try to open the door again, that some things are not meant for the public eye. Mandla is not doing well, I feel so helpless. I promised him that I would help him but I failed. We haven't found anything, with the picture and the door.

He looked really down, I stood up and went to our room. I took the necklace from where I had hidden it. I went back to him and gave it to him.
Khumbulani:What is this??
Nakia:It will give you a headstart with your search. I'm not supposed to even be giving you this, because I swore an oath that I will protect it with my life. But you are my husband, and I can't stand by watching you suffer.
I opened the locket and gave him the chip..
Nakia:This will give you a quarter of your answers.
Khumbulani:Who are you Nakia??
Nakia:*Sighs* The world isn't what you think it is Lani. There are a lot of dirty secrets hidden, people killing each other for money, others stealing from each other, children, women and men getting raped, witchcraft, a lot of chaos. It's a lot going on. Who do you think is responsible for all that?
Khumbulani:The government, I don't know.
I laughed a little.
Nakia:It will take a week to destroy all the firewalls in that chip, then you can see what's inside it.
@Elangeni Kingdom.
Langelihle quickens her pace and walks inside. Sondela approaches her and tries to touch her.
Sondela:Hey, you are back..
Langelihle:Yes, I will see you just now. I need to talk with someone.
Sondela:Oh okay.
She walked away and went to the prophecy room. She shut the door and paced up and down. Thinking. Wondering. Trying to make sense of things.
Langelihle:Ataru I need to talk to you, I know you said you were going to your resting place but I need someone to talk to.
She waited for a while, wind started to blow in the room and she showed full form.
Ataru:Why are you disturbing me Langelihle?
Langelihle:I need to talk.
Ataru:You sound troubled. Talk to me.
Langelihle:Today I saw something, that I want to make sense of. I'm sure you already know..
Ataru kept quiet and looked at her.
Ataru:We are not supposed to intervene.
Langelihle:That guy....Khumbulani... He started all of this, and he doesn't know.. This is all happening because of him...
Ataru:It is not your place Langelihle.
Langelihle:I know, but our whole lives have been a lie. Everything we know is suddenly not true. This changes everything! How is it even possible!? Is there a closed door here at the palace?
Ataru:There is... In every house..
Langelihle:This is crazy.... This is insane... I'm going out of my mind...
Ataru:Ochitsuke Langa(Calm down).
I have put the chip Nakia gave me in a safe place. I wonder where she got it from? Who is she actually??
Khumbulani:Why don't you tell me what's inside it?
Nakia:You will see for yourself.
Khumbulani:Nakia you are hiding everything from me..
Nakia:You are also hiding things from me.
Khumbulani:I'm not hiding anything.
Nakia:Lani let's just leave it, I don't want to talk about this.
Khumbulani:No let's talk about it, I feel like I don't even know you Nakia.
Nakia:There is nothing you don't know. Lani don't forget that I am carrying the Country's secrets, I  can't share everything with you. I have told you all that you needed to know. You are the one who has been lying to me for years!!
Khumbulani:I have been lying about what?? I have never cheated.
Nakia:Why does your idea of lying involves cheating??? Do you want to tell me something maybe!?!
She stood up and looked at me.
Khumbulani:No, I have never cheated on you! And I won't start now.
Nakia:What angers me the most is that you think I am stupid Lani!! Just because I agree to everything you say you think that equates to me being stupid!!!
Khumbulani:Babe please don't shout.
Nakia:No let's do this, you are telling me the truth today!! What did you do to Mandla??
Khumbulani:I didn't do anything, that Sangoma was lying babe. I'm just friends with Mandla.
She stood up and walked away. I followed after her and held her hand.
Nakia:Leave me alone Lani!
Khumbulani:Let's talk about this babe...
Nakia:I have nothing to talk about.. Until you tell me the real reason why you  killed a pregnant woman, and you didn't stop there. You went for her two children that saw you and you finished them off!!! That's why you are trying to get over your guilt by pretending to be friends with Mandla. You are not his friend, you are just making yourself look good in front of him, so that when he finds out the truth he will be lenient and think of how kind you were to him.
Khumbulani:How do you know all of this?
To be continued....
Good morning, hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

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