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# 10

# Unedited

The ambulance took its own time but it finally arrived and we rushed Nakia to the hospital. My whole shirt is blooded. I don't even know how I will contact her family. I noticed a ring on her finger so I'm assuming she's married.
They pushed her away to the surgery rooms and I remained on the waiting area. Nqaba was also here with me.
Nqaba:I'm finding multiple Nakias here.
Mandla:Look at pictures...
Nqaba:Here is one.. Nakia Shongwe..
I went to the receptionist and told her the name, I hope this is the hospital they use. If not, then that means we will never find her family.
"I will call the next of kin written here as Khumbulani Shongwe"
Mandla:Okay, thank you.
I went back to Nqaba and told him that we can go.
Nqaba:I wonder what happened..
Mandla:Looks like she got herself involved in shady things. Those guys looked like gangsters..
I drove us back home.
Nqaba:Well night ruined.
Mandla:We can work, I have something that I think you may be able to assist me with.
I went to my room and took the picture of the unknowns woman. I gave it to him.
Mandla:Dad wanted me to find that person for him, I have tried but nothing.
Nqaba:Did you run facial recognition?
Mandla:I did, I can't find anywhere..
Nqaba:Let me take out my laptop. It's been a while since I searched for a ghost.
Mandla:Let me leave you to work, I need to wash away this blood.
I went back to my ro and took off my clothes, I don't think I'll ever wear them again so I might as well as burn them. I toss them on a black plastic bag and leave them by the laundry room, I will deal with them later. I got inside the shower and let the water hit my body, there's something relaxing about cold showers.
I'm thinking about that letter I haven't read, I don't even remember where I put it. Dad's passing is still new, so reading anything written by him will awaken the sorrow.
I wonder how that Nakia woman is doing, I hope she makes it.
I open doors roughly with Chege looking for Nakia. I received a call from someone telling me that my wife is at the hospital, she was shot. Who could shoot her? And why? We are told to wait as she's still under surgery.
I looked at Chege and he had regret written all over him.
Khumbulani:You know what's happening, don't you?
Chege:Me?? I don't know anything...
Khumbulani:My wife is fighting for her life in there, so if you know something then you will tell me!!
Chege:Okay okay... Let's sit down....
He looked around and we sat on the benches.
Chege:Nakia hasn't been honest with you. Back home in Kenya, she was working with the government, and she was th e best in taking down big shots criminal. While she was out on her missions one day, she found out something about our parents. Our parents died when we were young, and we knew that they were involved in a car accident but it was just a lie. Nakia found out that they were killed, by someone called Aasir. Dad had stole something from him, something valuable, it was a necklace. Worth millions of rands. Dad had given that necklace to me when we were young, and I didn't know what it was. I used to wear it under my shirt, so no one ever saw it. We had accidents of break ins at home when our parents died, they were looking for this necklace but they never found it. We eventually had to leave our home and relocate somewhere because we feared for our lives. Nakia told me about what she found, and we hid the necklace. She was angry and wanted revenge. Biggest mistake we made, we tried taking down Aasir all by ourselves. He caught us and held us hostage, we managed to run away. By now, we had no place to live at. We lived on the streets, Nakia came here to South Africa because Aasir had moved here. She left me in Kenya. It had been two years without seeing her, until Aasir and his men came for me. They tortured me, asking for Nakia, they thought the necklace was with her, but we had hidden it in a place where they would never think of. That's how I got this injury in my leg, they finally let me go when they realized that I didn't know anything. I found ways to try and contact Nakia, that's when we made plans for me to come this side. I have been here for five months, I came with my cousin, Barasa. We lived under the bridge, Nakia tried to take me to her house but I said no. I was used to the street life. We sent Barasa to Aasir's lair and he didn't come back, they killed him and burnt his body. So today, Nakia took the necklace and told me that she was going to Aasir. She said she would end it all. I asked to go with her, but she dismissed me. I'm really sorry, she wanted to tell you. But she feared she had no time.
KHUMBULANI:What is in that necklace? Besides it being worth millions.
Chege:I'm afraid I can't tell you that. Only Nakia knows what's inside.
I rubbed my face frustrated. Why so many secrets? Why can't people just be honest? She should have told me this. Maybe I would have helped her, I don't know anything about guns but I am smart. There are ways to make a person suffer without resorting to violence. I feel like I don't even know who Nakia is. How can she lie about something this big? What else is she hiding from me?
I stood up from the benches and walked out, Chege called out for me but I ignored him.
My phone rang as I was about to get inside my car. It was Mphathi.
Mphathi:Khumbulani, I want to extend my apologies for making you sleep with my wife. And also to apologize for blackmailing you, I was wrong. I shouldn't have used your secret against you. I'm sorry Bro, I allowed my desperation to make me cross limits I shouldn't cross.
Khumbulani:It's fine I understand.. So what if Kayise is already pregnant with my child?
Mphathi:*Sigh* I hope she isn't, because I'm not sure whether I can raise another man's child.
Khumbulani:So you will ask her to abort?
Mphathi:I won't do that. The child will still have your blood, and I have your blood.
Khumbulani:In no way can Nakia find out about this...
I have been sitting here for two hours. I'm scared, I know me and my sister aren't in good terms but I don't want to lose her. Her husband hasn't returned after I told him what's happening. I long told Nakia to be honest with him but she didn't listen.
I stand up when I see the doctor coming out of the room.
He comes towards me and I meet him halfway.
Doc:Nakia Shongwe?
I nod.
Chege:Is she alive?
Doc:She's alive, the bullet almost damaged her spine but we successfully removed it. It was a long surgery because we almost had power cuts. But everything is fine. She should be awake in three to four hours.
Nqaba has been working on that project for hours. I wonder how Nakia is doing.
I stop what I was doing and look at him, hoping for some good news.
Nqaba:Angimtholi lomuntu mfethu(I can't find this person).
Nqaba:I've done every trick in the book. She's a ghost. A person who looks a bit like her was alive in the 1600s and she was rumored to be a ghost or something, you know those folktale.
Mandla:Then where could have dad found this picture?
Nqaba:I don't know, you can even see her hairstyle that she's definitely not from this time.
Mandla:I'll be back.
I rush to my room to look for that letter, maybe it will give me clear answers. I can't find it, I don't remember where I put it. I sigh and sit on the bed defeated.

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