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# 18
# Narrated
Elangeni Kingdom.
Mandla:Your Highness, we need your help.
Langelihle:What kind of help?
Mandla:We would like to talk with you in private, because this is a very sensitive issue.
Langelihle:Okay if you say so, let's go to the other room.
They all stand up, Langelihle tells Sondela that he can excuse them. They share a brief kiss before he walks away. Khumbulani laughs a little at Mandla who didn't look too happy about seeing them kissing.
Langelihle:This is the most quietest place...
Khumbulani:We will just get straight to the point. We need you to open a door for us.
Langelihle:A door?
Khumbulani:Mandla has a door at his house that has never been opened, so we need your help with opening it.
Langelihle:And what makes you think that I can open that door?
Khumbulani:Well I heard rumors that you have some special powers or something like that.
Langelihle:I'm not a very trusting person lately, this Kingdom has been through a lot, with people coming here with hidden agendas, wanting to destroy this Kingdom and everyone in it. I'm the sole protecter of Elangeni and I promised my ancestors that I would protect my people with everything I have. Now you two, I don't know you, I've never heard of you.
Mandla:My Queen I promise you, we only need your help to open the door. We are not bad people I promise. We are not lying.
He pleaded with her. She looked at them, she wasn't convinced. With the recent attack they just had, it was really hard to trust anyone. She was really trying to keep everyone safe, but it seems like she is always failing.
Khumbulani:I understand that you don't trust us, but we seriously need help. That room could be the key to us getting our answers. There is a woman we are looking for.. Show her the picture..
He nudges Mandla who was love struck over the Queen. He takes it out from his pocket and shows it to Langelihle.
Mandla:That's the woman we are looking for, I'm not really sure how it connects to the closed door but my gut tells me it is. My father gave me that picture before he passed away, he passed away immediately after he had given me that picture. He said I should find this woman for her, but I can't find her. Everything I find, takes me back to years ago.
Langelihle looks at the picture and frowns.
Langelihle:Is this person from today? Why does she look different?
Mandla:I know you are going to think we are crazy, but we think she's a ghost or something. Someone who looked identical to her, was alive in the 1600s.
Langelihle:Trust me, I've heard crazier things. Nothing surprises me anymore... You sound genuine. But, I'm going to have to ask our traditional healer to find out exactly if you have pure intentions before I can agree to helping you.
Khumbulani:We would really appreciate that.
Langelihle:Follow me.
She leads them to Gobi’s hut.
Gobi:Langa, welcome.
Langelihle:Ninjani gogo(How are you?)
Gobi:I'm fine.
Langelihle:I need your help, with testing whether the two of them are not wolves in sheep's clothing. They say they need help.
Gobi:No worries Your Highness. Leave me with them.
Langelihle:Thank you Gogo.
She walks out.
Gobi:Khumula iscathulo(Take off your shoes).
They take off their shoes and sit on the mat.
Gobi starts throwing her bones and  does her work.
She starts burping and chanting in a weird language. Mandla and Khumbulani look at each other confused.
She stops after a while and looks at her bones, she shakes her head hitting her shoulders with Ishoba..
Gobi:Kuningi okungahambi kahle la(There are a lot of wrong things here). Ungasishiya(Leave us!!)
She says pointing to Mandla.
Mandla:I should leave???
Khumbulani:Just do as she says.
He stands and walks out. Khumbulani remains, wondering why Mandla was chased out.
Khumbulani:Ngabe lokhu kusho ukuthi anginayo inhliziyo emhlophe(Does this mean I don't have a pure heart?)
Gobi:Ukufika kwenu la akulethile udlame(Your arrival here brings no harm). Khona okunye engikubonayo Eyyy vumani bo!! (I'm seeing something else here).
Khumbulani:*Swallowing* Ubonani makhosi? (What are you seeing Makhosi?)
Gobi move her shoulders up and down, her spirit was heavy and not at peace.
Gobi:Tshela umfana ukuthi wenzani!!! (Tell the boy what you did!!!)
Like he was getting shocked by electricity, he stands on his feet. Fear traveling through his every cell. Just hearing the words come out from Gobi made him nervous. What if Mandla is listening from outside? He can't know what he did. Their friendship would be over.
Gobi starts crying while lighting up Impepho.
Gobi:Angeke kuphele kahle!! Iqiniso liyamukhulula umuntu (It won't end well. The truth sets you free)
Khumbulani:I did not ask you to consult about my life. I don't care how mighty or powerful you are, but this is not cool!!
He storms out of the room feeling so much heat. He spots Mandla from a distance and calms himself down. They reach each other.
Mandla:Dude why was I chased out?
Khumbulani:Ohhh, she saw something about my father and wanted to tell me.
Mandla:Regarding his killer?
Khumbulani:Yeah something like that. Anyway, we received the green light.
Mandla:That's fantastic..
They go back inside to the throne room and Gobi was already there.
Gobi:My Queen, they are right. They only need help.
Langelihle:Thank you Gogo, okay gentlemen I will help you. But I must warn you. I just got my powers back after giving them away for seven years, so they are a bit too powerful and rusty.
Mandla:We just need the door to be opened.
Langelihle:Well it's late to drive now, so we can go tomorrow morning. We will offer you a place to sleep.
Khumbulani: Thank you so much Your Highness. We really appreciate it.
Qinisela:Just tell me the name of the woman at least so I can start my search.
Gloria:I told you that I don't know Qi.. I Don't know who she was.
Qunisela:Oh God..... So you just took a baby from an unknown woman and raised him without saying anything to anyone? If I didn't find out about this, were you going to tell me???
Gloria:I'm sorry Qinisela. Please understand where I'm coming from. I also lost my son that day, and I never saw him ever again.
Qinisela:Who was the woman Gloria? I know you know her. I know you very well, and right now you are lying to me, and your story has a lot of plot holes. I don't want to believe that you just took a baby from a person you don't know.
Gloria:I'm telling you the truth Qinisela, I don't know her.
Qinisela:You will tell me the truth today wena Gloria!!! You owe me that much. You can't keep on lying to me like this. Just be honest!!!
So here I was, with a sales agent.
Nakia:But I just need a small building, not a big one like this. I need to cater for about 50 people a day. This one is big.
"Okay we have other options. There are ones which are even more suitable for a restaurant, that you want to start".
Nakia:Please take me there. I don't love this one.
We drove to another place, and this was better than the last.
"Well how is this one?"
Nakia:It's amazing.
I took few pictures, inside and outside and sent them to Lani. He was with Mandlenkosi wherever he was, I don't know what those two are up to. He replied back.
'Awesome! How much is it?' - Lani
'We haven't talked about the prize, but you are paying right?🥺' - Nakia
'Of course I'm paying, just send me everything.'-Lani
'This is why I love you' - Nakia
'I love you too. We are spending the night here, so I will see you tomorrow. I miss you, and I feel like we aren't spending much time lately.' - Lani.
'We will spend time when you return tomorrow. Be safe' - Nakia
# Narrated
Back at Gloria's house.
Qinisela is pacing up and down, wanting the name. Aa
Gloria was scared of the monster her son is turning into.
Qinisela:Are you telling me the name or do you want me to burn this house down!!!?
He shouts and his voice fills the entire room.
Gloria:Okay okay I will tell you.... Her name... Her name is Theresa Nkosi... She is alive and lives by the North of Durban. Your twin is also alive, and he looks exactly like you..
Qinisela:So why weren't you telling me that??
Gloria:I'm sorry...
Qinisela:Give me her address...
Gloria:What are you going to do Qinisela?
Qinisela:That's none of your business, what I do from now is none of your concern. You are not my mother remember?
Gloria:I raised you Qinisela.
Qinisela:Wangintshontsha, aluqonde ulimi! (You stole me!)
Gloria:334A Avenues Rd.
Qinisela:Thank you, I hope to never see you again. I curse the day you decided to be my mother.
Gloria:Qi please don't curse me, I am your mother. I never treated you in a way that would make you think you are not mine. Please forgive me son.
Qinisela:It's too late to say sorry. You have ruined my life.
# Narrated
The following day.
They arrived at Mandla's house after driving for so long. There were royal cars and guards outside that made people wonder who was at Mshengu's house.
Mandla:My Queen, thank you once again for coming with us. You really do follow your name.
Langelihle:*Smiling* Show me the room.
The three of them walk to the closed door.
Mandla:This is it.
Langelihle:Okay... You might want to back away....
The two of them step away and watch as she does her thing. She closes her eyes and touch the door trying to open it, but it was stuck..
"Okay you can do this... You are Langelihle, the last wielder of the powers of the sun", she proclaims to herself.
She touched the knob again and her eyes started glowing, she smiled and twisted the door knob. The door opened the little. Mandla and Khumbulani looked in shock, was it really opening?
But instead, Langelihle get sucked in to the room and disappears out of their sight.
They rush to the door, but it was tightly sealed and no way of opening it.
Mandla:The fuck???? Did you see that??
Khumbulani:The ghost  swallowed her!! Oh God we are definitely going to hell. We are burning for our sins, we have killed the Queen!!!
He said with his hands over his head. Both of them panicking. Confused by what just happened. What happened to the Queen??
To be continued....

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