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# 15

A week later.

I was accompanying Chege to the airport. He says there's nothing for him here in South Africa.
Nakia:Are you sure about this Chege?
Chege:I am sure. Aasir is dead, so I have no reason to hide anymore.
Nakia:But where will you live? What about food?
Chege:I will make a plan, and you sent me money.
Nakia:Okay... But I don't like this Chege. I will miss you.
Chege:You can always visit. You haven't been home for two years.
Nakia:I will visit.
I hugged him again shedding a few tears.
Chege:kuwa makini dada(Be careful Sister). Don't get yourself into another mess while I'm gone.
Nakia:I won't, I promise.
Chege:The necklace is still with you right?
Nakia:Yes, it's in a safe place.
Chege:Don't lose it again. That would be the end of the world as we know it. Does your husband know what's inside it?
I looked away.
Nakia:He will probably think I'm crazy even if I tell him. Some secrets are not meant to be told Chege.
Chege:If you say so... Oh my flight is almost departing.
Nakia:I can't believe you are leaving... I love you Bro.
Chege:I love you too Nakia. I hope to see you soon...
He dragged his suitcase and walked away. I stood by waving goodbye at him like an idiot. He disappeared out of sight and I turned back, walking away.
I was with Mandla, working with him to find his mystery woman.
Mandla:I'm tired now. Let's take a break.
Khumbulani:Okay, I am tired too.
We went to the kitchen for refreshments.
Mandla:You know it's at times like this when I miss my dad, he told me that he won't be here forever and I took that for granted . I just wish I had more time with him.
Khumbulani:I'm sorry that you lost him. I know exactly how you feel. But you still have time to make him proud, I don't know much about what happens to a person when he dies, but I heard that the people who leave us are always looking down on us and smiling proudly to our achievements.
I saw him smile a little..
Mandla:Yeah maybe you are right....
I lift up my panty after wiping myself and flush the toilet. I wash my hands and head out of the bathroom, going back to the bedroom. He was awake and laying up right.
He kept quiet and stared into space. He woke up days ago and was discharged from the hospital, the doctor said it was luck that he had not consumed large amounts of eyedrops.
He is slowly gaining back his strength, but he is angry at me. He remembers what I did, and when the doctors told him about the eyedrop he put two and two together..
Kayise:Out of all the things that I had imagined would happen to me, having my wife drug me and force herself onto me was the last thing I had in mind. Why did you do it?
Kayise:I am sorry...
Mphathi:I just want to know why did you do it.. Is it because I was scared to have sex with you??? I am sorry Kayise, but I was scared. When I walked in on you and my brother my heart shattered, I saw cum all over him, and the way you were screaming showed that you were enjoying what he was doing to you. So how could I have pretended like everything was normal and have sex with you? How could I even get on top of you knowing that my brother has gotten on top of you??
I'm back at home and Khumbulani sent me a message that he is with Mandla, I thought he was at work. Him and Mandla are pretty close these days, their friendship worries me a lot. There's nothing wrong with Mandla, and it's good to make friends but in this case.... I'm so not on board.
Khumbulani is hiding more secrets than I am hiding from him. Our marriage is full of secrecy, and I don't like that. But the truth is not something easy to tell, some secrets are better taken to the grave, that's what they say.

I look at the necklace and sigh, this thing has taken so many lives. I'm not prepared to let more people die because of it. So long as it still exist, people will come looking for it. Aasir wasn't the first and he definitely won't be the last. I sit on the bed and opened the locket. I took out the two small chips, one was red and other one was blue.
The blue one, holds so many secrets to life, that the public does not need to know. Which is why I have to protect this necklace with my life.
The red one, was just Aasir's shady dealings. I threw it to my mouth and chewed it, I disposed it on the trash can.
I take the remaining chip and put it back to the locket and close it. I put back the necklace to where I had hid it.
Kayise:I don't know what excuse to make really..
Mphathi:I just want to know why you did it.
Kayise:Somehow I blame you for all of this Mphathi. You came to me and told me that I need to sleep with your brother, no actually you emotionally blackmailed into doing that. Then I did as you asked, then few days later you act like I cheated on you and accused me that I secretly had a crush on your brother... And now I'm pregnant and Khumbulani is the father, so I'm sorry for drugging you Mphathi but I needed this baby to be yours. I thought I was doing it for you...
Mphathi:You're pregnant?
Kayise:I am...
Mphathi:And it's Khumbulani's child?
Kayise:Yes... See this is what I didn't want to happen. I know how much you want to be a father, that's why I thought of drugging you...
I left my wife at home, I needed to come here alone. I haven't stepped foot in five years, when father passed away, we weren't even on good terms. We were forever fighting and arguing.
I knock on the door and my mother is surprised to see me. Her eyes are wandering everywhere.
Mom:Qinisela you didn't tell me you were coming over.
Qinisela:Do I need to report when I'm coming home? What are you wearing?
She was wearing such a short dress. Mother is a grown person, in her 60s. So I don't understand why she is wearing such a short dress.
Mom:Qinisela you need to leave, I have a guest.
"Gloria what's taking so long??", I hear a man's voice speak with footsteps approaching. Ngizoke ngizwe!
An unfamiliar man comes to us and he immediately turns back when he sees me..
Mom:I told you to leave Qinisela, I have a guest.
Qinisela:Emzini ka baba? (In my father's house?)
Qinisela:Ulethe ishende emzini kababa ma!?(You brought your boyfriend in my father's house!?)
Mom:I'm older than you Qinisela. You will not shout at me. Your father left us, so I'm supposed to be single forever?
Qinisela:You are 65 for God's sake!! What the fuck do you need a boyfriend for!? And you saw it fit to bring him to my father's house!?
I pushed her aside and went to the bedroom, he was relaxed and only on his boxer shorts. I chuckled and shook my head.
Qinisela:Oze ngayo ngicela uyibone! (Leave!)
"Son let's talk about this."
Qinisela:Uma ngingabiza u Mphathi kunganuka umsunu, kuzokusiza ulalele Mina mengithi bona oze ngayo(If I call Mphathi to come here all hell will break loose. It will help you to listen to me when I tell you to leave).
Mom:Qinisela this is not your house.
She said coming to the bedroom.
Qinisela:It's my father's house, how can you bring another man here!?
Mom:He wasn't your father so don't act like his favorite!!!


Qinisela:So you are going to play that card?
Mom:Qinisela I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that.....
Qinisela:Save it... You know coming here I was excited to let everything remain behind me. But I will always be reminded that I'm not a Shongwe. So continue with your boyfriend. You will never see me bothering you again.

I walked out with a heavy heart.
I just arrived home and my mother is calling me.
Gloria:Khumbulani have you spoken with Qinisela??
Khumbulani:No, why?
Gloria:I just said something hurtful to him and he left unhappy here.
Khumbulani:What did you do....
Gloria:I... I lashed out and told him that Shongwe wasn't his father so he mustn't act like he was his favorite.
Khumbulani:Why would you say that to him???
Gloria:I was wrong I know. I need to apologize but he isn't answering my calls.
Khumbulani:Let me try to call him. I always warn you about your tongue Gloria but you don't listen. You saw how broken he was when he found out that dad was not his biological father! And that was all because of you njalo don't forget!!!
I clicked my tongue and hung up. I tried calling Qinisela and he answered on the third ring.
He sounds like he was crying..
Khumbulani:Where are you?
Qinisela:I want to be alone.
Khumbulani:I know, but I want to be there with you. Please send me your location.
To be continued
Remember we are aiming for 100+ comments from now on!

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