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# 9
Two weeks later.
# Narrated
Kayise stands at the door as she sees Mphathi driving in. She is anxious and waiting to hear whether it worked or not.
He gets out of the car and she runs to him, hugging him.
Kayise:Did it work?
He laughs, this was the welcome he hoped he will get.
Mphathi:It did. She removed everything my father did.
Kayise:Oh thank God, I'm not even going to ask how. I'm just glad it's finally gone.
Mphathi:Things were easier because dad's spirit was also helping.
Kayise:Let's go inside, I cooked for you.
She pulled him inside and he was welcomed by the aroma coming from the kitchen. He hadn't had a Cooked meal in two weeks.
Mphathi:I will take a bath and join you okay..
Kayise:Okay I will finish setting up the table..
He disappears to their room, and she continues setting the table.
Minutes later, he comes back and sits down. She serves him.
Chege:Thank you.
He says as I give him his food.
Nakia:I am going there tonight.
Chege:Going where?
Nakia:To that place.
Chege:Are you crazy!?
Nakia:Do you want us to wait for them!?
Chege:They will kill you the moment they see you..
Nakia:Brother you seem to underestimate me. Don't forget that I was once a specialist in Kenya, I know how to infiltrate an organization .
Chege:I'm coming with you.
Nakia:No... I will be in and out. I don't need a nanny.
Chege:I still think you need to tell your husband what is happening though.
I breathed out loudly and looked at him. Does Chege not understand that there isn't time to explain everything?
Nakia:I will tell him when I come back tonight.
Chege:Okay... Please close the door on your way out...
Nakia:Are you chasing me out?
Chege:I'm not chasing you out.. I just want to nap. I'm tired..
I nodded and left his room. I went to our bedroom, Lani is at work and his mother left yesterday. He won't be back until 6pm, and I will long be gone.
I took the necklace and closed my eyes. I dropped it inside my mouth and swallowed it. I choked on it and hit my chest repeatedly and pushed it down. I drank water and opened my suitcase. I checked if my gun was still intact. Lani doesn't know I have a gun, but I will tell him everything when I return. For now, I need to deal with some pests.
I check the time and it was almost 5pm. Time to go.
I strap my gun under the dress I was wearing.. I grab my keys and head to the garage. I hop inside the car and start it, I drive out. Heading to where I think they are, this is where we sent Barasa and he never came back. They killed him, and I know who's behind it all. He killed my parents, and he won't rest until he finds this necklace that I swallowed. If I die, I'd rather be buried with it then give it to him. I arrive at the club and park along with other cars. I take my bag and sway towards the main door. The guards look at me for a while and let me in. I go to the bar area and order a drink while I analyze the place. I look at the camera and I know they can see me. Seconds later, two men come to me and stand so close to me.
"We need you to come with us", they demanded.
Nakia:And if I say no?
They show me their guns. I chuckle and follow them to the boss's office. They push me inside and I maintain my cool. There he was, sitting on the big chair like a kingpin. The guards forcefully take my bag and search for it, they find nothing and move on to searching me. They find my gun on my thigh and put it on the table.
"A girl with a mission", he opens his dirty mouth.
"You can leave us boys", he tells his lap dogs.
"You. Sit"
I sit down.
Nakia:We meet again Aasir.
Aasir:Indeed Nakia. I believe you know what I want.
Nakia:Oh I know what you want. The necklace, the necklace you killed my parents for, and made their deaths seem like a car accident. We lost parents at a young age all because of a stupid necklace.
Aasir:Your father stole it from me!! That necklace is worth millions and it has important things inside it!!
He banged the table with his fist.
Nakia:I don't have it. I know you kidnapped my brother in Kenya and tortured him because you thought I had the necklace. It's not with me, I've never seen it. So you killed our friend for nothing.
Aasir:You were the ones who sent him here to kill me, so I did you a favor and killed him first.
I stood up and waltzed towards him. I sat on the table in front of him and played with his tie.
Nakia:You know Aasir, taking my gun made things worse for you.
Aasir:And what do you mean by that princess?
He asked smiling..
I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly took off the bracelet I was wearing. I strangled him with it,  it was stretchy. He put up a fight and tried to hold me, but I had the upper hand. I tightened the bracelet around his neck and made sure to kill him. He stopped moving and I let him go. I felt a hand choking me and it was him, he stood up with me and raised me to the air. I reached for the knife that was carefully wrapped in my underwear, I stabbed him on his eye and he let me go screaming. I took his gun and opened multiple shots to him. I dropped the gun and ran out of his office.
I managed to get Aunt Jumaima out of the house. I hope she won't be bothering me again. She can kill me, all for my father's money! Akasemdala ke! My friend is back from vacation, he was in Spain. He came back this morning and we are just catching up.
Nqaba:I'm sorry I missed the funeral man. I tired getting here as soon as possible, but there was trouble with the flights.
Mandla:It's all cool, I know you wouldn't have intentionally missed it.
Nqaba:So how are South African girls?
Mandla:Still the same as you left them.  Let's hit the club.
Nqaba:I thought you said you were trying to change.
Mandla:I am, but my buddy is back. One night won't hurt. There's this place that always turns up everyday.
Nqaba:Well what are we waiting for? Let's go.
He stood up excited and I went to my room to change into more appropriate clothes for clubbing.
We got into one car and hit the road. We arrived, and they let us in. The music was blasting in all corners.
Nqaba:This place is nice.
Mandla:Don't get drunk, I know you.
Nqaba:I won't...
In the middle of us turning up, we saw a woman running barefoot to the door. She kept looking back, while I was still amazed by that, one of what looks like bodyguards just shot her and she fell down. I rushed to her and she was bleeding. I tried to stop the bleeding.
Nqaba came to us and I told him to call the ambulance. How can someone just shoot a woman in front of people like this!?
Mandla:Help is coming... Don't close your eyes.. What's your name.??

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