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# 13
She just laid down after crying for an hour. She is hurt, I am too. Having a baby is something that I have grown fond into and wanted it, so hearing that our baby is gone before he/she could even develop boils my intestines. I know Nakia would have made a good mother, she is a naturally good person so it wouldn't have been too hard for her.
I kiss her forehead and update Mphathi about what's happening.. Qinisela is like a distant relative, we are not that close yet we are brothers. Maybe he's close with Mphathi I don't know. I have to go back home and get a change of clothes for Nakai, for when they discharge her. I arrived and Chege was cooking. Does he know how to cook?
Chege:I'm sorry, I was just hungry..
Khumbulani:No its okay.... You can help yourself..
I smiled and went to the bedroom. I will tell him later what happened.
I sat down and sighed. Life seems to be moving at a fast pace lately and we barely have time to catch up. If I didn't know any better, I would say someone is busy messing around with us!
I look around if Mphathi is around and he isn't. I sprinkle the eyedrop on his whiskey, I read on the internet that it can make you drowsy if spiked with alcohol. I stirred the drink and went out to  find him.
Mphathi:Babe can you believe that Nakia was shot and she's at the hospital?
Kayise:Really? Why didn't they tell us sooner?
I gave him the glass and he took it and thanked me.
I sat down next to him and watched as he took the first sip.
Mphathi:Khumbulani must have forgotten, you know he easily forgets. But he said she is okay, the bullet didn't cause damage.
Kayise:Where did she get shot?
Mphathi:At some club.
Kayise:Nakia has always been dodgy, what was she doing at a club?
Mphathi:That's what I always say... She... She...
Kayise:What's wrong?
He was sweating and his head was dangling sideways.
Mphathi:I....don't kn.. ow......
He touched his forehead... I touched him nervously and laughed...
Kayise:Babe a glass made you drunk....
Mphathi:I'm.. Not dru... Nk.... I......
I stood up and laid him on the couch, taking off his clothes... He was losing consciousness and I needed to do this while he was still conscious.
"What... Are you doing Kayise...?", he asked with a faint tired voice.
"It will be fine babe don't worry...", I said as I got on too of him. My clothes were already off. His dick was sleeping, I stroked it with my hands waking it up. I heard him groaning through the tiredness. It stood up and pointed to the ceiling. I bit my tongue and blinked my eyes,I took it and directed it to my entrance..
He was opening and closing his eyes..
Mphathi:Kay... I... It's... Not...
Kayise:Shhhh... I'm almost done....
I moved up and down on top of him, taking him in full length.
It's definitely not even close to what Khumbulani did to me but it will do.. Mphathi has to believe that this child is his. I see him grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him.
"Oh yes baby...", I cry in pleasure...
I stand outside after knocking. She finally opens and frowns when she sees me.
Jumaima:Mandla what are you doing here!? Didn't you chase me out of your house?
Mandla:Can we talk?
Jumaima:Talk about what!? You chased me out like I was nothing. After being there for you when your father died and you discarded me like trash!!
Mandla:Aunt Jumaima don't pretend like you wanted to do that. I heard you speaking over the phone. I didn't come here to laugh with you. Dad left a letter for me. Did you or did you not take it?
I asked looking directly to her eyes, the eyes never lie.
Jumaima:So now you are calling me a thief!? I did not steal your letter. What was in it?
Mandla:I don't know.. Thank you for your time.
I left and went to my car. I sat inside for a while without driving...
I just woke up and took a shower. I'm fine with being at a hospital now, I need to go back home. I don't see why they are still keeping me here.
Khumbulani said he will be back in the evening with my clothes. I hear footsteps approaching and I hope it is my doctor so he can discharge me.
My mouth widens into a big smile when I see who it is. He comes to me and gives me a tight hug.. I haven't seen him in like forever.
Nakia:Look at you, man I have missed you. Where have you been?
"Vacation, I am back now. And heard that you got yourself in trouble. So I came to check on you"
Nakia:Aasir is dead that's one thing I'm glad for. His guard shot me, I thought I was doomed but a guardian angel helped me get to the hospital.
"I am glad you are okay, but don't go alone again to places like that."
Nakia:Aasir was giving me sleepless nights, one way or another I had to take care of him. But.. I lost something else..
Nakia:I found out I was pregnant but the baby didn't make it...
He looked at me with sympathy.
"Ohh Nakiaaa I'm so sorry."
Nakia:It's fine, there's nothing I can do to bring him/her back. I will heal someday.
I said smiling and assuring myself..
Argh, where are my manners? This is Thabani Ncobela, a friend of mine through this work we do, or we once did .
Nakia:Where's that crazy wife of yours?
Thabani:My wife is not crazy, and she is still around... And pregnant..
Nakia:*Smiling* Happy for you man.. I still can't believe y'all exposed The Developers out to the public like that and made a movie.
Thabani:People think it was just a movie, very few know it was based on a true story. Even those who know, will never find The Developers HQ.
Nakia:Sit down... I want you to tell me everything I missed...
I touched my boobs getting more turned on. This was fun, Mphathi doesn't want me to get on top of him when we are being intimate. He says it's his job to fuck not mine. I look down when I realize that he wasn't groaning anymore. I got alarmed and slapped his cheek. He didn't respond and I hit him again, still no response. I was starting to panic, because he was not breathing nor moving. I shook him vigorously but still nothing. What have I done!? Could it have been the eye drop?
I got off of him and he was just laying there, without any response.
I took my phone and called the ambulance with my hands shaking... I wore my clothes and made him wear his clothes, as heavy as he was. Please, I can't lose my husband over something so silly!!!
I enter Nakia's room with her clothes. I give her a kiss.
Khumbulani:Are they letting you go?
Nakia:No, they say I need to be monitored for two more days.
Khumbulani:Okay, that's understandable.
I sat on the chair and held her hands.
Khumbulani:How are you feeling today?
Nakia:Better than yesterday...my friend came to visit me today.
Khumbulani:Which friend?
I asked with my one eyebrow raised at her.
Khumbulani:You have a male friend?
Nakia:Yes... It's not those "male bestie" scenarios. We met in Kenya when he was doing some job.
Khumbulani:I see...
I was not too sure how to feel about this. Having friends of the opposite gender always comes with drama.
Nakia:Hay babe you don't have to worry about him. He's married, and he loves his wife. We are just friends.. I love you only...
Khumbulani:I hope it won't get to the point where I have to warn you about him..
Nakia:It won't, don't worry...
The guy was here with his work stuff.
Mandla:Okay so I need you to break this door down for me...
"The whole door?"
Mandla:Yes, I have tried opening it but failed.
"Okay I will try"
I left him to do his job...
I browsed through my phone, chatting and replying to some messages. Life gets really lonely sometimes. Having no one to talk to, no girlfriend, no family. Nqaba also went to see his family KwaNongoma and he won't be back anytime soon. I'm just lonely, and trying to pass time with finding out what my father was up to. That will keep my mind off things. I hear the guy screaming in agony and I rush to him.
Mandla:What's wrong??
He was bleeding and holding a saw.
He had cut himself accidentally. What was he doing with a saw?
Mandla:I am taking you to the doctor, that bleeding looks bad.
Nakia:Babe can I ask?
Nakia:Did you know Mandla? The guy who brought me here with the ambulance?
I saw him shifting uncomfortably.
Khumbulani:Uhh no I don't know him, I only saw him here..
Nakia:I know....
Khumbulani:Yes I only saw him here.
Nakia:No.. I mean I know what you did....
Khumbulani:You know what I did? What are you talking about??
I was observing his reaction and that's definitely a guilty person.
Nakia:Let's leave it, I hope we are not keeping any more secrets from each other. I am sorry for lying to you, and not telling you what was happening. I hope someday you forgive me. I love you Lani.
To be continued...
* Thank you for the messages and the comments on the previous post, I am okay now. I was a bit upset emini, but I'm okay now. Let us move on now, and in hope that I will not have to feel like that again❤️*

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