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# 6

I left the coffee place in a bitter mood. Kayise turned me off when she said I should show her my Lani's dick Pic. Now I regret even telling her that Lani sent me a picture like that. Maybe it's just the excitement that got me, me and Lani are used to  sending each other pictures like this.
I'm here to see Chege before I go home.
Chege:Sis how are you?
Nakia:sijambo ndugu yangu (I am fine my brother). How are you?
Chege:Getting there. I don't think this place is safe anymore.
Nakia:Why? What happened?
Chege:I think someone was spying on me last night, but I didn't see who it was.
I got scared immediately..
Nakia:I told you that you shouldn't stay here.
Chege:I'm used to street life, but you wouldn't know because you left me suffering back in Kenya.
Nakia:But Chege, I came here to look for a job and I have found it. I have money now, I can take you to school and clothe you.
Chege:What's the point? You will just abandon me again.
Nakia:Brother I won't. Let's go home.
Chege:Your husband doesn't know about me.
Nakia:I will explain to him. Let's go, I won't feel good knowing I left you here. It's too risky.
He stood up with his wounded leg, I helped him get to the car, and I drove us home. He needs a long bath.
Chege:Your house is beautiful.
Nakia:Thank you, let's go inside. Khumbulani's mother is here.
Chege:Is she nice?
Nakia:A little.
We went inside and I opened the door. I found the both of them on the living room, Lani was watching soccer. He stood on his feet when he saw me walking in with a strange man.
Nakia:Babe... This is my brother Chege. Chege, this is my husband Khumbulani....
Khumbulani:Your brother? You said you had no family members remaining....
Nakia:Can we talk? He is tired and wounded.
I side eyed his mother and she shook her head.
Mom:You hid a whole human being!
Nakia:I will show Chege to the spare bedroom.
I pulled Chege to one of the guest bedroom.
Nakia:You need to bath, so that I can clean your wound. It's probably infected by now.
Chege:It's been a while since I sat on such a comfy bed.
Nakia:I'm sorry... For leaving you. I was going to come back for you Chege I swear..
Chege:No you weren't. You ran away Nakia and left me all alone, you left me alone at the mercy of those men!! Do you know how much they tortured me asking for you!? How do you think I got this injury in my leg!?
Chege:Please let's stop talking about this. They are probably here by now. That's why they killed Barasa, they were showing us that they are not scared of us.. They won't rest until they find us.
Nakia:Let them come. We'll be waiting. Do you have the necklace with you?
He showed it to me. I opened out my hand for him to give it to me.
Nakia:They can cross all oceans, but they will never find it.
Chege:Does your husband know about all of this?
Nakia:My husband only knows what I tell him. There is the bathroom, help yourself. I will bring you fresh towels.
Jumaima:I'm already thinking of ways to improve the farm.
Mandla:It's fine the way it is.
Jumaima:I want it to have Jumaima's taste.
I chuckled and left her. We went to Maqhinga's office today and everything was finalized. I guess now I am the owner of a multi million rand company. I so hope I don't mess this up. I'm trying to change, no more sleeping around with girls and being reckless. I want to make my dad proud.
Aunt Jumaima was too happy, way too happy for someone who just lost her brother.
Nakia told me that she had no one, that everyone from her family had died. So now I'm surprised to see that she has a brother, and there's no denying, because that guy looked exactly like her.
Nakia:I was going to tell you..
Khumbulani:When Nakia?
Nakia:There wasn't any time. Things were too complicated Lani, they still are.
Khumbulani:What are you talking about?
Nakia:You wouldn't understand even if I were to explain. All you need to know is, if something happens to me; know that someone had a hand in it.
Khumbulani:Someone had a hand in what? What exactly is going on Nakia?
Nakia:I'm protecting you.... I love you Lani. Probably more than I love myself.
She touched my cheek and cried.
Nakia:I got myself in a big mess, and got involved with dangerous people. I don't know how to get out of it.
Khumbulani:Talk to me sthandwa sami what's going on?
Nakia:There isn't time to explain.. I need to check on Chege.
She left wiping her tears. What the hell is going on!?
I throw the plate to him and he clicks his tongue.
Mphathi:Umuntu mayengafuni akasho! (If you don't want to do something, say so).
Kayise:If you are talking to me, talk to me directly and not through the corners.
Mphathi:Is this how things are going to be from now on?
Kayise:You’re the one who wants to act like a child, so I'm following your ways.
Mphathi:How did you expect me to feel when my wife was being fucked by my own brother?
Kayise:You came up with that idea, no one forced you. You came up with it all on your own. I have long told you that we should try other western options but no, angithi uyindoda yomzulu wena! (You are a proud Zulu man).
Mphathi:I want to have a child naturally and not have doctors poke all sorts of needles to me.
Kayise:Then suck it up ke bhuti. You made your bed, now lie on it.
Kayise doesn't see how this is hurting me. She thinks I'm being dramatic. I listened as my wife moaned for another man, how can I accept that? I saw my brother's size, and just the thought of him going in and out of her makes me want to hit everything in my way.
I shouldn't have come up with this idea, maybe I should have waited. We would have had a child eventually.
My phone rings and it's my mother, another cause of stress.
Mom:Ndodana, I have found another person. We are going to him tomorrow. 6am, be here.
Mphathi:Okay I will let Qinisela know.
Mom:Okay son, I hope this person doesn't chase us out too.
Mphathi:I hope so too, if dad isn't resting in peace because his killer was never found then we need to do this.
Mom:At least you understand me, Khumbulani thinks I'm bringing up his pain again.
Mphathi:You know dad loved him more than us.
Mom:That's not true.
Mphathi:It's true, I'm telling you. Dad loved Khumbulani, he even agreed for him to study something he wants. Meanwhile, he forced us to study what he wants. But I'm over that now.
Mom:He needed people to look after the family business. And Khumbulani was the last born, so it makes sense that he would love him more.
I chortle in disbelief.
Mphathi:If only he knew the things his precious last born has done.

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