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# 8

I kiss her forehead and she lays on my chest. I check the time and it was almost 2pm. That was the best sex ever! I needed to release the stress and she was there. She looks so tired shame.
My mind is still wrapped around the fact that dad was involved in cults, and he used Mphathi. How could he!? Mphathi was so broken yesterday, he left early and didn't stay to hear more..
Gende told us that she can't exactly tell us who the killer is, but she said we should go back to the incident scene maybe we'll find clues. I don't know how these things of ancestors work, but I knew they wouldn't tell us exactly who his killer was. At this point, I don't even know if I still want to know his killer. He wasn't honest with us, he died and left his mess here. Now we are the ones who have to do fix things. I carefully remove Nakia from me and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, and wear comfortable clothes with the sandals that Nakia bought for me. They are comfy.. I get out of the room to find my mother, I knock on her room and I could hear her sniffing. She opens for me and indeed she was crying.
I sit on the bed next to her.
Mom:I can't believe it. My husband wayethwele? I never saw anything suspicious. Who knows how many people he has killed for all this wealth? He came back home smiling everyday meanwhile he knew he was rotten to the core.
Khumbulani:Maybe the sangoma was mistaken, I don't want to believe that dad did something like this..
Mom:She wouldn't lie to us, what would she gain? She didn't know us. Your father was evil, yaze yangenza Indoda. He even died without coming clean, and what of my son, Mphathi? I didn't know that he was the one with the problem, I have insulted Kayise and called her all sorts of name..
Khumbulani:Mother sometimes your tongue says hurtful words, you should control yourself. Kayise never revealed that it was Mphathi who can't have children because she was protecting his dignity.
Mom:I will apologize to her, I am sorry.
Khumbulani:So what about his killer?
Mom:We will have to go to the police and ask the detective to reopen the case.
After what I heard yesterday I haven't been okay, I slept here on the couch yesterday because I couldn't move to bed. My heart is torn in between. The person I trusted, did this to me. Why didn't he do it to his precious last born? All these years he watched, and said nothing. He watched me suffer and rejoiced over my tears. No wonder Qinisela didn't like the old man, he wasn't a good person. He was evil and dirty.
Kayise brings me a cup of coffee, and I take it.
Kayise:Regarding the new revelation, so what do we need to do to remove whatever your father did to you?
Mphathi:Gende said I should come to her when I want help.
Kayise:So does that mean we will finally have children?
Kayise:So I slept with your brother for nothing!?
Did she have to bring that up? I'm trying to forget it. Hurtful as it was, but I have to accept that it happened and move on. And I was the one who came up with this stupid idea anyway, so I have to deal with it.
Mphathi:I'm sure you are not pregnant.
Kayise:But what if I am? Have you thought about that? I will be carrying your brother's child. We ruined his marriage Mphathi oh God, Nakia loves her husband. She will feel betrayed when she finds out about this.
Mphathi:No one will find out about this, Khumbulani won't tell her. And you won't tell her.
Kayise:How did you get him to agree to do this?
Mphathi:Let's just say, I know his darkest secrets.
Kayise:You blackmailed him?
Mphathi:I did what I had to do.
Kayise:You are so selfish Mphathi!!
I eavesdrop on her conversation.
Jumaima:Yes he left me the farm with some money. But he left most of his things to that spoilt brat of his. The house is even written in his name, so we can't chase him out. Ngiyakutshela sisi, he left him his company, all his money, cars, everything. And he just gave me a change of R75K. I looked after him when he was younger because our parents were working in the city, and this is how he thanks me!?
Jumaima:I will stay here for a while, I have to fix my farm so it will have Jumaima's taste. Mandla is a reckless child vele, he won't spend this money wisely. I curse him, may he never make fruitful decisions. I want him to lose everything, ubhuti was so selfish and only thought about himself. He didn't help us at home when we were suffering, you should see his house. It's the ones you see on magazines.

I  tiptoe to my room and lock the door. I take the holy water and sprinkled it on me making a cross.
Mandla:I take back the curse, may it never happen as she wishes. In the name of the father, the Holy Spirit and the Son. Amen.

I knew I shouldn't trust aunt Jumaima. I saw it from day one that she has a hidden agenda. I call Maqhinga.
Mandkenkosi:Baba kunjani(How are you?)
Maqhinga:I am well son, how are you?
Mandlenkosi:I am fine too. I am calling because I want advice.
Maqhinga:I'm listening.
Mandlenkosi:My aunt was talking to someone over the phone and I didn't like her conversation. She sounds like someone who doesn't have good intentions and I don't trust her around me anymore. She may just kill me.
Maqhinga:Chase her out of your house. Her and your brother weren't in good terms, but he put her in the will because he knew she would cause chaos. Be careful son, people can kill each other for inheritance.
My body was still painful a bit after yesterday's session. Lani does not have mercy sometimes though, the man loves sex. He told me the time he was still asking me out that he loves sex, he can even wake me up at midnight for it. He left with his mother today, to the police station. I'm at work but my mind is not here. I work at one of the top restaurants in Durban, I'm the head chef. It's my wish to open my own restaurant some day.
I stare at the pregnancy test and shove it inside my clothes. I will do it when two weeks has passed, maybe then I will be showing symptoms. It will be nice to carry Khumbulani's first child. I bite my inner mouth and press call on his number. It rings for a while and he answers
Kayise:Hey... How are you?
Khumbulani:I'm fine. Is everything okay?
Kayise:Yes, I was just calling to check on you.
Khumbulani:Kayise what is this now? You have never called me before so why are you starting now?
Kayise:I just... I thought we had a moment that day...
He laughed at me, and I mean seriously laughed. I ended up feeling embarrassed and I hung up. I blocked and deleted his number.

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