Happy Thanks giving🦃

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This is probably gonna be short

"How many people are we having?" Eddie asked.

"Maddie, chimney, me, you, Chris, and jee" buck answer as he counts with his fingers. "7" Eddie rolls his eyes and smiles.

"I think" buck looks down at his fingers and counts them again. "Yeah seven!" He says. Eddie mentally face palms.

They spend the few days to gather ingredients and supplies for cooking. Quickly the big day arrives and it's time to start cooking.

"I'm so sorry I'm late jee spilt milk all over herself so she had to change" Maddie says. She quickly walks into the kitchen to help Eddie.

Chimney gives jee-yun to buck and enters the kitchen. Chris had grown out of playing so he was in his room until dinner. Luckily jee had lots of energy all the time.

"Grinch" jee said pointing at the TV

Buck turned on the TV and turned to vudo where Eddie had bought the grinch. He turns the movie on and jee giggles. Buck sits down and sits jee in his lap while they watch the movie. Jee loudly points things out on the TV and buck laughs.

"Okay. I started the Turkey yesterday so it shouldn't take long." Eddie say. Maddie nods and starts washing potatos.

Hours later it was almost time for dinner. "Buck, can you get the cranberry sauce from the fridge in the garage?" Eddie asks but revives no answer. He calls again but no answer. He walks into the living room to see the grinch starting over again for the 100th time and buck sleeping on the couch with jee also asleep on top of him.

Eddie laughs and gets the cranberry sauce himself. After finishing dinner eddie had to wake up Buck.

"Buck dinner time" Eddie crouches down.

Buck groans and moves his head away from the noise. Eddie picks up jee and slowly wakes her up. He got her to the table and went back for buck. "Buck" Eddie shouts. Buck jolts up with tired eyes.


"Dinners ready. Get up" Eddie laughs

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