bedtime story

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"hey, Carla, can you video chat me on my computer? Chris wants a bed time story but you have all his favorite books" Eddie asked over the phone

"No, yeah, sure don't worry about it Eddie. Just give me a second and I'll call ya" Carla says with a giggle

"Thank you" Eddie said before hanging up the phone. He walked into Christopher's room to see buck fast asleep pinning Chris's down with his arm

"He's crushing me" Christopher said poking buck head

"Oh boy" Eddie sighed with a smirk. He walked over to buck and woke him up to get him off Chris

Buck groaned

"Buck, get up for a second. Just 10 minutes then you can go to bed" Eddie said lifting bucks head

"Ok, ok, fine" buck sighed sitting up next to Christopher

"All right. Did you brush your teeth?"

"Yes!" Christopher said smiling

"Minty" Eddie said laughing

Eddie sat on the other side of Chris and opened the laptop picking up Carla's call.

5 minutes later

"All done" Carla laughed then looked up

"Thank you, Carla, looks like my boys are asleep" Eddie spoke with a chuckle

"No problem, Eddie" Carla smiled

Eddie waved then closed the laptop. He put the laptop on Christopher's night stand, then walked over to buck. He shook bucks shoulder

"Stopppp" buck groaned

"Go get changed, buck" Eddie said

"Fineee" he grumbled as he stoop up and stormed to change his pants to sweat pants

3 minutes later buck was fast asleep on Eddie's bed. Eddie walked into the room, turned off the light, and crawled onto the bed.

Eddie kissed buck on the forehead and covered them both with the blanket.

Buck woke up a bit and scooted closer to Eddie hugging him

Eddie turned over facing buck with his eyes closed.

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