Buck VS Cat? PT2

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Eddie woke up to the sound of aggressive scrubbing, and angry mumbling. He wiped the tired from his eyes trying to wake himself up a little bit. He sat up and looked to buck's side of the bed. He wasn't there.

He grew suspicious and got up to find him. He quickly stretched and walked out into the living room. He spotted Buck scrubbing the carpet and their cat playing with a blanket hanging off of the couch no far from him.

"What are you doing?" Eddie asked tiredly. "Your cat hair-balled on the carpet," buck grumbled, the tired in his voice overpowering the angry. Eddie pick up the cat and started baby talk with a stupid smile on his face. "Did you puke on the carpet," he chuckles. He cradles the cat back to their bedroom and places her on the bed then goes back to sleep, leaving Buck to finish cleaning the carpet, ridding it of animal puke.

-The next morning-

Buck woke up the sound of purring, he opened his eyes to see their cat sitting on top of his chest. He sat up and realized he was on the couch. He hadn't gone back to the bedroom, but his thoughts stopped when the cat hopped off and ran down the hall.

"Damn cat," Buck says. He wipes his eyes and stretches with a yawn.

Eddie walked out of the bathroom cradling their cat again, seemed like the only thing he liked to do. The faint sound of Christopher's alarm was heard from the living room, a few minutes later Chris walked out in his uniform ready for breakfast. After getting Christopher to school Buck came back home to a pile of bedding in the living room, the smell of cat piss could be smelt from the door way and that made Buck's hand fly to his nose to block the horrendous stench.

"Eddie." Buck stares Eddie down, who had been grabbing the last layer of sheets adding it into the pile. "I thought maybe it was time for them to be washed," he answers nervously.

"I washed those last week. What happened?" he asks. "Okay...she may have pissed on the bed..."Eddie says, flashing a nervous grin. "She also needs a bath. If you'll be a d-"Eddie was about to joke before Buck walked past picking up the cat by her neck skin and fled entering the bathroom. Eddie quietly laughs to himself because Buck never said 'no' to him.

The bathroom was overflowing with yelling and loud, aggressive, meowing. Things were falling and buck wasn't having it. After finally washing the cat buck opened the door and let the cat onto the ground, she ran through the house finding a place to hide. Buck walked into their bed room where Eddie had been watching TV.

"Jesus!" Eddie shouts as soon as he saw Buck's state. "You need to cut its nails," buck grumbles. Eddie jumps up and grabs bandaids from the soaking wet bathroom to helped buck clean up.

The whole day went by and Buck avoided the animal once again. Chris got home and they had dinner at the table, Chris even placed a bowl of wet food down by his chair so the cat was eating with them. The night went on quietly as well and by the time everyone settled down, Buck had fallen asleep. Eddie brought the cat in the room and shut off the lights and got into bed. The cat hopped up and fell asleep on Buck's hip.

Through the night Buck cuddled up with the cat until morning, unbeknownst to his actions. Eddie woke up a few times in the night and saw this.

Eddie was the first to wake up out of the whole house. He sat up and looked over at buck who was holding their cat as he slept. Buck subconsciously woke up as he felt Eddie's eyes on him and he yawned. "Someone's got a new friend," Eddie says and smiles down at his favorite person. Buck looks over at the cat that was curled up in his arms.

Buck tiredly pets the cat, forgetting the pain the small creature had put him through. "Its too early to be awake," buck groans. Buck scooted him and the cat over to Eddie and curled them up into him. Eddie laughed and happily let Buck continue.

I also edited this one, it's not very good either.

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