He's getting there (pt2)

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(Wattpad wont let me reply to comments because my email is "incorrect" and I'm trying to fix it but I can read them. My apologies🫶🫶)


Eddie didn't trust Buck alone after he explain his feelings. So he took him to his house. Bucks eyes were dull. His cheeks were a light pink and his eyes were crusty from dried tears.

Buck was extremely embarrassed. He wanted to take it all back and pretend he was fine again. As he sat in the passenger seat of Eddie's truck he visions multiple different car crashes that would leave him unconscious but he stopped when they pulled into Eddie's drive way.

They made their way inside and they were greeted by Christopher. He was doing his homework at the kitchen table eating some oranges. Carla was helping him solve a problem he was stuck on.

"Oh welcome home" she said after hearing the door close. She then looked up to see both buck and Eddie. She noticed the light in buck was fading.

"How was work...?" She asked. "Could have been better. How was your day Carla?" Eddie asked with a light smile.

"It wasn't too bad. I made some fruit salad if you find yourselves hungry" she said. Carla was really good at cooking and preparing snacks.

"Thank you" eddie smiled. Eddie walked down the hallway to his room and Buck followed. They settled and buck took a seat on Eddie's bed.

"Why didn't you tell anyone evan..? This kind of thing is important" eddie started. "Because it's stupid" buck mumbled. Eddie's heart dropped a little bit. "What do you mean" he asked

"I don't have any prime reason to be sad. I'm just sad. It's weird and not normal. It's like-" buck couldn't fully explain. "It's like anything I find slightly emotional makes me sad. And when I'm sad sad I want to yelled and scream and hit things. I don't get it. I don't like it." He explained as his voice slowly cracked beginning to quiver.

"And when- you know when you finish a bag of really good chips? That moment when you reach down to feel crumbs. It's like that you've finally hit the bottom. But your stuck and you can't pull your hand back to the top." Buck added. "And then when you finally finish crying you can't be sad. Everything annoys you. The thought of getting up and doing something make you want to die. And when you're really really upset and you can't get rid of that lump in your throat you don't ever want to feel it again so you consider killing yourself" buck said with glossy eyes. He looked up at Eddie. His face was rested in a frown. Eddie could understand Buck.

He knows exactly what he's talking about. The thought of anyone having to go through that make him so upset.

Eddie stood quietly processing the words that were just spoken to him "Sorry.." buck realized he'd just dumped all of his issues out at once. "No, no it's good you're talking about it evan.."

"When did it start?" He asked. "It's kinda always been a thing. Ever since I was a kid" buck muttered.

"Oh..." eddie understood it now. He was so used to getting a kick out of his parents when he hurt himself that when there's no one to worry it becomes harder.

Eddie walked from the door to buck. He hugged hun again as he sat there. Buck hugged back this time. Tightly. The comfort of Eddie made his problems feel at rest. Buck relaxed his head into Eddie chest. His body went from tense and shaky to calm and still. He closed his eyes and began to feel tired. Eddie rocked slowly back and forth.

This may seem exaggerated but I feel this exact way.

But anyways. I'll take requests. Have an idea? Let me know. I'm always looking for different stories to write about.

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