Hes at his end

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Buck tossed and turned as he scrolled through his phone. He felt so sad. So alone. He thought about his life in the future and put together that it wasn't that important or interesting. Nothing going for him so why try?

He thought about how it would be if he died. He kept fantasizing about killing himself. Different ways and how. Where he'd do it. When and who'd be there. He wanted to scream loudly. And sob. And just cry. He let tears fall from his eyes but he felt embarrassed. All alone in his apartment.

The next day at work he didn't feel like breathing. He was so tired. Not sleep tired. Mentally exhausted. When he was talked to he gave attitude. He hardly answered he didn't even want to open his mouth.

"The hell crawled up your ass" chimney chuckled. "Shut the hell up. All you do it talk talk talk talk talk" buck yelled. It caught chimney by surprise. In fact it caught everyone by surprise. "I was just joking man?" Buck rolled his eyes. He wanted to take his hands and wrap that around chimneys throat as hard as he could. He went to go sit on the couch and watch the news or something.

"Can you help me get-" hen was about to asked before earning a loud sign followed by a groan. "Do it your self" buck snarled. Hen walked away without a word. If bucks in a bad mood you're fucked.

Eddie eventually came over and started a conversation. Buck zoned out and daydreamed about cutting himself. Shoving down a bunch of Zoloft. Jumping into the road. He made jokes to himself. Kind of got his hopes up.

"Evan?" Eddie snapped buck out of his daze. "Hm?" Buck replied plainly. "What's wrong with you? You seem...sadder than usual?"

"Me? I'm fine eddie promise!" Buck smiled the fakest smile he could muster up. Eddie knew almost everything about buck. He knew that wasn't a real smile.

It was finally the end of shift. Buck couldn't and could wait for it to end. He was sorta scared to be alone but he didn't want to work anymore.

After the locker room was empty eddie stopped buck once more. "Buck what's actually wrong" Eddie asked. "I told you Ed! I'm okay I swear" buck smiled softly. The smile turned into quivering lips and then a frown. Buck started crying. Eddie was surprised but then again he wasn't.

Eddie stepped forward and hugged Buck tightly. Buck didn't hug back but instead stood in his arms and cried.

Part two😻?

Also if it wasn't obvious this is a cry for help🫰

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