(Edited, but not very well)
Eddie slyly snuck in through the back door with a small crate, heavy in his hands. He was unexpectedly, immediately busted when he saw buck grabbing the orange juice from the fridge, a clear glass in his free hand. Buck looks over at Eddie, "What's that?" Buck observes the item in his partner's hand. Eddie stares at Buck, at a loss for words, trying to make up excuses. "Uhhh- It's a crate someone left on the lawn...Going to throw it out now?" Eddie laughs nervously. Any other time, Eddie's able to lie like there's no tomorrow but to Buck?
"Oh I'll take it for you," Buck offers, but before Eddie could answer Buck took the crate and headed towards the front yard. "Wait!" Eddie shouted after him. The crate starts moving, meowing could be heard from inside. Buck lifts it to look inside, a cat sat in the back curled up in the corner, a blanket curled around its paws and visibly scared.
Buck avoided the cat like the plague, refusing to help Eddie as he let the cat settle in. Christopher loved having a pet around and wanted to be around the cat the rest of the night.
"What happened to him?" Hen asked, eyeing Buck. He had fallen sleep on the floor, moderately snoring as his finger clasped together. "Buck.." chimney kicked his head gently as he tilted his neck to better see Buck.
"What?" Buck rolls over and sits up lazily. He had scratches down his jawline and down his neck. "What kind of shredder have you been through?" chimney questions followed with a mocking laugh. Eddie tries to sneak past buck, but he sticks his leg out. Eddie trips over it Buck, but catches himself on the railing. "..What happened..." He whispers.
"He bought a cat and I had no idea about it!" buck shouts. Chimney makes a shocked face at Hen and the laughing from Chim only got louder.
"It's my house," Eddie bites back.
"You asked me to move in!" Buck smirked.
"You know how I feel about cats!"
"And you know how I feel about them!" Buck rolled his eyes, having flashbacks of every time he's ever approached a cat.
The day continues and the small fight about cats also seems to tag along with every conversation the duo had. After shift, they went home to greet Chris and the cat, still arguing over the animal. Buck walks past the cat giving it a glare. The cat seemingly glares back. But when Eddie picks her up she starts to purr, likely trying to tease Buck, he thought.
Buck rolls his eyes and goes to their room, he puts his bag in the closet and sits on the bed. He sits there before he realizes he's starting to smell a horrible odor. He looked around to see liquid on one of the jackets he forgot on the floor. He picked it up and gave it a sniff before immediately pulling it away from his from his nose. He stormed out of the room to find Eddie, still pinching the jacket, intending to use it as evidence.
"It peed on my clothes!?" Buck barked. Eddie turned his head towards Buck from the couch, "Where was it?" He asks. "That's not the point?" Buck replies angrily.
"I've told you to pick up your things" Eddie chuckles. "Oh, it is not funny! The smell may never come out." He yells once more, before stomping to throw his jacket into the washing machine. He wasn't quiet about it either, he let the lid slam and basically threw around the detergent. Eddie didn't really feel bad. It was all hysterical to him, he laughed as he pet the sleeping cat next to him.