Authors Note
It's been a while.
I haven't updated or written because I was out of ideas. I know I've had requests but the motivation for this particular series of stories has been on an all time low. Another factor being I haven't seen 911 in a hot minute, I've just been binging Teen Wolf and Criminal minds. Most of my writing going into those shows. I write for myself when it comes to anything other than 911.
But don't get me wrong, I've been thinking about the fact I've let this go for so long. I know I'm a month late but I wanted to write a one-shot for New Years. I also have a Halloween one-shot that I haven't worked on in since the day itself. But if that's something anyone is interested in, I may finish it. But regardless, I apologize for leaving this un-updated for an unfair amount of time.
In the mean time, while we wait for season 7, there's a possibility I might continue to update.
Thank you for your patience, those of you who still read.
________________________________Buck stared at the endless shelves of sparkling water. The choices over the years grew like Duckweed on drugs. He considered going with classic grape. So that's what he did. They were spending the holiday around children so getting drunk wasn't an option.
Buck walked around the Walmart until he decided that was enough time wasted so he could go to Eddie's. He bought the items Eddie put on a list and then some. They gave him the easy idiot-proof tasks and he knew that and frankly, he wasn't to bothered by it.
By the time he got back to Eddie's he wanted to go back to sleep but his sister and Chimney were there. Festivities have begun.
Buck walked through the door and almost tripped over a doll, signifying Jee was there. "What took you so long?" Maddie rushed over to take the bags from her brothers hands. "My apologies. I didn't account for the thousands of other people who left it up to the wonders of last minute shopping," Buck barked sarcastically. "We are happy you offered," Eddie looked at Chim and nodded, trying to get to him to oblige. Chimney weakly rolled his eyes and copied the man's movements.
Buck forgot about the whole thing when he saw Jee. He swooped her up into his arms and carried her around, listening to her adorable giggles. Chris, on the other hand was taking up the TV in Eddie's living room with Forza Horizon. The car game was subtly being observed by the adults in the room. Eddie had half a mind to tell him to turn it off and socialize but he figured they'd all sit together later on.
Buck carried Jee around as he played Eye-Spy with her. "Would you like to talk to someone other than your niece?" Chimney chimed with a tilted head. "She's nicer to me that you guys," Buck laughed without turning his head. Eddie and Maddie stayed in the Kitchen, putting their cooking skills to work as they made spaghetti and some.
Eventually, the TV was turned off, the toys were picked up and the table was set. And finally, dinner was devoured. Chris went on about how much he loved Maddie's garlic bread and Jee insisted on throwing noodles at Buck's face. Maddie was impressed by the childish behavior coming from the adult, but what was new? It's buck.
Now, it was the last few hours everyone had been waiting for. The kids sat on the ground while the four sat on the couch. Maddie curled up next to Chimney with a cup of apple juice as that was the only thing Eddie had that she felt like drinking.
Buck watched CNN as his eyes drooped. He was bored out of his mind like a child and he wanted the next few hours to go by faster. Eddie was entertained by the what was on TV so he didn't notice when Buck pulled out his phone and began playing puzzle games.
"Godda-" Buck but his tongue. He felt Maddie's eyes creep up on him. He pretending not to notice as he continued aggressively tapping his phone. "Buck," Eddie sighed as he gently grabbed the phone out of his hands. Buck groaned in frustration but let Eddie confiscate the device.
Buck grew tired of anticipation and laid his head on Eddie's shoulder, subtly swaying into a sleeping state. Eddie knew he'd just wake him up an hour or two before so he just sat back and waited. Buck slowly wrapped his arm around Eddie's as he slept, trying to get comfier.
Eddie knew it was time to wake up the man when his shoulder was sopping wet with drool. "Huh?" Buck groaned tiredly. "The balls going to drop soon," Eddie took his hand and rubbed it down buck's thigh quickly. "Cool. Cool." Buck nodded. Buck looked around and noticed Jee wasn't on the floor anymore. She was in Chimney's lap, holding Maddie's hand. Chris, on the other hand, was eating all the crackers with spray cheese. All buck wanted to do was finish the year and go to bed.
But, regardless of how he felt, Buck stayed up until it was time to pour the sparkling water. Eddie got up and poured 5 cups and passed them out. Eventually, the ball began to drop. They sang the count down before the new years kisses.
Moment after, buck knocked out and missed saying goodbye to Maddie, Chimney and Jee. Chris went to his room after he finished off the crackers and sparkling water. Eddie evidently decided to stay with buck on the couch, putting on Friends in the background.
______________________________Not my finest piece of work. Genuinely just trying to get something out. It's not very good, I'm aware. I wish it was better but I wasn't very motivated in the writing process. Once season seven comes out, I'll probably have more to write about. And again, I haven't seen 911 in a while.