"Diaz!" The angry voice echoed through the firehouse, each first responder stopped in their tracks and looked over to the victim of the angry fire captain.
"What-," Gerrard tries before he was cut off by someone who seemed much, much angrier. "What the hell was that!?"
All the eyes that once stared at Eddie, were now staring at Buck. Buck was fuming. He was so angry, much angrier than Gerrard has been. Come to think of it, no one had ever seen the man so infuriated. The men and women of the 118 bounced their eyes from a terrified Eddie, to the angry Buck, wondering as to what was gonna happen. Gerrard put an annoyed hand up, meaning to step in but Buck spoke first, "Go!" Buck points to the locker room, ordering him to move his feet. Eddie had too, never seen Buck so irate in their 7 years of friendship, so he walked.
Hen looked at Chim, who looked at Ravi, who was staring at Gerrard. Gerrard, on the other hand, was watching Buck follow Eddie into the locker room. "What- what was that," Hen let out. Chimney looked over at Hen and shook his head, just as confused as everyone else. Gerrard looked like he wanted to storm into the locker room, yet looked like he couldn't give less of a shit. Everyone watched Gerrard stand for another second before eventually retreating to his own office. "We'll ask question later," Chim nods to himself as he grabs Hen's shoulder and points to the loft.
Hen and Chinney scrambled to the upstairs and park themself just above the stairs so they can see into the locker room without being blatantly obvious. Ravi stands there, completely lost and confused, just as most of everyone else.
"What the hell was that? Do you know how reckless that was? You were a few feet from fucking death," Buck shouts angrily. Eddie cocks his head and laughs, "that's rich, coming from you, Buck." Eddie crosses his arms and stares Buck in the eyes daringly. "This," Buck whips his hand around in a circle, gesturing to the situation, "is not about me!" Eddie raises an eyebrow, "are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure it might be. I saved a life, and it was a little close to an accident, it fucking happens. But you can't handle it." Eddie speaks his lasts words with his teeth clenched for emphasis, annoyed Buck was being so hypocritical. "Ever since Chris left to Texas, you've been more and more careless. You don't think you're gonna see him again," Buck spits venomously. Eddie's body flinches as the mention of his son, "you do not get to say that! It's not like you've been so up and joyful!"
Buck grits his teeth, "you fucked up. It's not the first time! Chris just wants space. He's still your fucking kid, you're still his fucking father! He'll come around. I know him, you know him, for God's sake! If you get reckless now, Chris won't have a dad to come home to when he does eventually come around!" Buck presses a finger into Eddie's chest, still keeping his eyes on Eddie. Eddie knew it was true, he did, but it still hurt to hear. "I messed up, Buck. You don't know how long he could stay angry. I thought I knew him, and then he calls his grandparents and runs away with them! I'm alone! I can't walk past his room without crying! I failed him," Eddie presses back. "You didn't fail him, you made a mistake. We all make mistakes. All you have to do, is make it up to him! And you know how you can do that? Stay alive! I'm aware our jobs are life threatening, but you don't need to add to it!" Buck moves his hands to Eddie's shoulders and shakes him just a little bit.
"It's kind of hard to hear you out when you're the one talking," Eddie retorts in reply. Buck clenches his jaw, "I don't have a son I need to be there for, like you do." Eddie shakes his head as he looks down, "how do you think Christopher would feel if you died? That kid fuckin' loves you. You're important to him, to me, to the team, to your family. But just because that's not apparent to you, you get to run off and dance on the tightrope of life and death?" Eddie looks back up at Buck, looking back into the man's eyes, waiting for a cocky response. "How did this go from me telling you off to you telling me off," Buck laughs out. "Practice what you preach, Buckley," Eddie sighs.
"Don't 'Buckley' me, Diaz," Buck grins. Eddie sighs again, but tops it off with a weak grin, and takes Buck in for a hug. Buck obviously hugs back, and when he does, it's tight in grip. It was like Buck never wanted to let Eddie go. "You're scary when you're angry," Eddie chuckles. "Am I now?"
"Yeah, man. You kinda embarrassed me out there," Eddie laughs out even more. "Sorry," Buck snickers bashfully. The men pull away, out of the hug that they silently begged would last longer and longer each second that passed. "I'm sorry..., for uh, makin' you worry, and doing something stupid," Eddie sighs out. "I guess I can forgive you," Buck grins. The man puts his hands on his hips and smiles widely. "Oh, I'm so glad," Eddie teases. "Gerrard is totally gonna rip you a new one." Buck slaps Eddie's bicep teasingly. "Honestly, I'd much rather have him yell at me than you...," Eddie shudders. "Aw, how sweet!"
......Tommy? Tommy who?
This wasn't how I wanted this to go, but it's a short story that I finished in one sitting so I'm not mad.
I do not beta read/proofread these btw